
When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

author:Thunder Wars

#为什么诸葛亮要用马谡守街亭?##马谡如果不把兵马放在山上, can you hold the street pavilion#

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

Today's topic:

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source?

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

01 Zhang Jaw broke Ma Tan, and saw Wang Ping's more than 1,000 people lined up in the middle of the road, and they didn't dare to fight for fear of ambushes. He also rested and waited for the follow-up troops. Only then did Wang Ping have time to gather the remnants of the army and retreat.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

02 However, as a person who has followed Zhuge Liang for many years, you can't just rely on your own experience to fight. Before sending troops, isn't it a basic operation to understand the topography, weather, and humanities of the destination.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

03 The premise of Xiang Yu's smashing of the pot is that after crossing the river, every battle will be won, and it can't be delayed, as long as it is delayed for a long time, it will collapse without a fight. But he has the strength to win every battle, and he must be elite from top to bottom.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

04 It is simply unreasonable to simply go up the mountain, and it is impossible for Ma Tan not to understand the most basic military common sense that this veteran understands. It is more inclined that the undercurrent in the mountain was cut off after being discovered by Zhang He, or that Ma Tan originally planned to fetch water and then go up the mountain, but Zhang He came too quickly and did not have enough time.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

05 Theory can't be combined with practice, Ma Tan thought that he could be condescending and powerful, but in fact, the Shu soldiers saw that the Wei army was surrounded by the mountain, and the army was neat, and they were frightened and frightened, and none of them dared to move, and they were completely unable to break through the Wei army's military formation, and finally suffered a big defeat. Wang Ping is aware of the actual situation, but has no right to decide.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

06 First of all, Jieting is not a fertile place, just a valley, there will not be a large population, and naturally there will be no strong city. Secondly, the street pavilion is in the Wei occupation area, that is, there is really a strong city, and Ma Tan can't take it down.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

07 Zhuge Liang sent him a Wang Ping, and the two worked together to ensure that there were no mistakes in the details, but as a result, the two argued and only scored troops to defend, which shattered the good situation.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

08 The purpose of the street pavilion is to defend, not to counterattack, just stick to it and wait for help, Wang Ping is completely competent for this task; In addition, Wei Yan is also competent, but he has to stay in the Chinese army to assist Zhuge Liang.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

09 There are mountains on both sides, and there is a big road in the middle, when the road is set up, you can't use it even if you have 100,000 soldiers and horses, and as long as you drag it to Zhuge Liang's support, you don't want to defeat all the Wei soldiers, as long as you hold the key points to complete the strategic goal, but Ma Tan talks about the troops on paper, leading to failure.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

10 Zhuge Liang himself could not charge into battle, but he could mobilize his generals in battle. Ma Tan's own inability to master his generals is the key to defeat.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

11 When Liu Bei conquered Hanzhong, he bypassed Yangping Pass, occupied Dingjun Mountain, and condescendingly threatened Hanzhong. Xiahou Yuan was forced to abandon Yangping Pass and besiege Junshan, and finally died in defeat, but Ma Tan was far worse than Liu Bei.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

12 To the surprise of the Shu army, Zhang He's rapid passage through the Longgu Pass must have been an important factor, but on the whole, Ma Tan arrived at Jieting first, and the strategic goal was clear: to drag Zhuge to help. In such a situation where the strategic objectives are clear and the enemy's actions are unplanned, it is necessary to achieve the objectives at all costs. Ma Jian did not fulfill the duties of a leading general in this regard, and this cannot be argued.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer

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I'm @ThunderBattle, taking everyone to feel life.

When the street pavilion was in the street, how could Ma Tan make such a simple mistake as the water source? Netizen God comments reveal the answer