
Yongzheng Dynasty: Gao Fu didn't know until he died, why did Cui'er choose Li Wei instead of him?

author:Uncle 80's snack shop
Yongzheng Dynasty: Gao Fu didn't know until he died, why did Cui'er choose Li Wei instead of him?

Hello everyone, I'm Yanque-kun. In this issue, let's talk about Gao Fu, Li Wei, and Cui'er.

Friends who have watched the drama know that Gao Fu is also called Kan'er, and Li Wei and Cui'er belong to the tribulation and hardship, which was encountered by the fourth and thirteenth masters when they went to Jiangnan for disaster relief. At that time, the fourth master felt that the three of them were not easy, and they were clever, and if they were cultivated, they might be useful in the future, so at the suggestion of the old thirteen, they brought the three of them back to the palace. The three of them also got a chance to change their lives against the sky.

It's just that what the three of them didn't expect was that this was a great opportunity for them to change their lives, and it also meant that one of their feet had stepped into the ghost gate, and their fate would not be in their hands from then on.

The rules of the fourth master's mansion are big, but if the subordinates make mistakes, they will be severely punished, which can be seen from the fact that Nian Qianyao was punished for entering Beijing to meet the eighth master without permission and kneeling in public. In addition, they are all chess pieces in the hands of the fourth master, and when they are needed, they can only sacrifice themselves to fulfill the overall situation of the fourth master.

Just as Gao Fu just pretended to dedicate the letter to the eighth master on the front foot, he was fed poisoned wine by Gao Beyong, a confidant of the fourth master, on the back foot, and people like Gao Beyong who did things for the fourth master in private were also dealt with overnight after the fourth master succeeded to the throne.

Throughout the whole play, among the subordinates, only Li Wei and Cui'er had the last laugh and successfully went ashore, becoming the indispensable cronies of the fourth master Yongzheng.

However, to be honest, with the ruthless character of the fourth master, Li Wei and Cui'er actually can't survive, especially Li Wei.

At that time, first Nian Qianyao slaughtered Jiangxia Town, and then the fourth master burned the "Hundred Officials' Statement" in public, and the prince was deposed for the second time, and the thirteenth was imprisoned in the Zongren Mansion, so many major events happened one after another, with the ruthlessness and caution of the fourth master, he would definitely deal with all the people involved, and Li Wei was one of them.

If it weren't for the fact that the fourth master needed someone to keep an eye on Nian Qianyao, if it weren't for the private meeting between Li Wei and Cui'er, he could let the fourth master take advantage of the topic and quietly arrange him by Nian Qianyao's side, how could Li Wei still have a chance to live?

The reason why Li Wei was able to survive the incident was due to the relationship between him and Cui'er. In other words, if anyone was with Cui'er at that time, he would be able to live, and he would be the future feudal official and Yongzheng's henchman.

So the question is, Li Wei and Gao Fu obviously have the same background and status, and they have both shared weal and death with Cui'er, childhood sweethearts, if you talk about appearance, Gao Fu seems to be slightly better than Li Wei, why did Cui'er choose Li Wei instead of him in the end?

Xiaobian believes that there are three reasons, the last of which is the most critical.

1. Lack of tenacity

Yongzheng Dynasty: Gao Fu didn't know until he died, why did Cui'er choose Li Wei instead of him?

To understand this problem, we must first understand the person Cui'er.

Cui'er is just a girl from an ordinary family, her hometown suffered a flood, she left her hometown, in order to bury her mother, she did not hesitate to sell herself, and later Gao Fu, Li Wei and the fourth master and others came to the rescue, so she was not bought, and she also got the opportunity to enter the palace.

To be honest, this is definitely a step to the sky for an ordinary girl. Cui'er waited in the palace on the one hand, and received guidance from Fujin on the other, which not only opened her eyes, but also gained knowledge.

This can be seen from Cui'er's later behavior and conversation, many times if Li Wei can't pick it up, she can easily pick it up, and it can not only make the fourth master feel happy, but also make him more and more interested in Li Wei. The reason why Li Wei's official is getting bigger and bigger, in addition to his own efforts, is also indispensable to Cui'er, a virtuous helper.

It is precisely because Cui'er has a different insight from the past that she gradually has her own set of methods in terms of selecting people, so as to make the right choice between Li Wei and Gao Fu.

In Cui'er's opinion, although Gao Fu and Li Wei are both very good to themselves, Gao Fu is less tenacious than Li Wei.

For example, at the beginning of the play, Gao Fu pretended to be a "corpse", and Li Wei knelt down to ask for a reward. Under Li Wei's hard shouting, many people had already gathered around and gave them some money. However, at this moment, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, someone sprinkled cigarette ash on Gao Fu's feet, and Gao Fu immediately exploded, scolding all kinds of bitterly, so that the play they performed together was completely smashed.

Although it is not right to deceive people, but after all, you Gaofu have your own mission, since you want to pretend to the end, how can you be provoked by others and reveal your true form? From this little thing, it can also be seen that Gao Fu lacks tenacity, does not know how to endure, and is not a person who has achieved great things at all.

If it were Li Wei, it would definitely not be like this, even if he was wronged, he would try to sing this play to the end.

Cui'er gets along with the two of them day and night, and naturally can see Gao Fu's shortcomings, so this is one of the reasons why she didn't choose Gao Fu.

2. Loose mouth

Yongzheng Dynasty: Gao Fu didn't know until he died, why did Cui'er choose Li Wei instead of him?

In addition to his lack of tenacity, Gao Fu also has two major shortcomings, one of which is that he has a weak mouth.

Everyone who is on an errand in the Fourth Master's Mansion knows that the Fourth Master is different from the Thirteenth Master, the Thirteenth Master treats people kindly, as long as you are loyal to him, he will think about you everywhere, and will often reward him. But the fourth master is different, he is very strict with the discipline of his subordinates, although it is not to the point of beating and scolding at every turn, but as long as he makes a mistake, he will inevitably be severely punished, and he will be subject to family law at the least, and he will lose his life at the worst. The reason why this is the case, on the one hand, is because of the fourth master's arrogant and ruthless character, and on the other hand, because he has no backers in the court, and he has to compete with the crown prince, the eighth master and others for the throne, so he must be careful in everything.

Because of this, the subordinates must be careful in everything when they are on an errand in the Fourth Master's Mansion, and it is not an exaggeration to say "walking on thin ice". In addition, more importantly, it is a strict mouth.

The so-called "strict mouth", one is not to inquire and discuss the affairs of the fourth master in private, and the second is not to tell outsiders what the fourth master has explained or entrusted, let alone a person outside the house, even if it is a person from the same house, you can't say it, because you don't know if the people around you are sent by other people.

For a long time, the subordinates of the Fourth Master's Mansion have taken the matter of "strict mouthing" as their own purpose and basic criterion.

However, Gao Fu is far from doing as well as Li Wei in this regard.

For example, when there was a scandal in the Criminal Department about the exchange of death row prisoners, the fourth master wanted to take the opportunity to investigate the Criminal Department, but was dissuaded by Wu Sidao and reminded him not to touch the Criminal Department, because it involved the prince. The fourth master thought so deeply after hearing this, but he did not directly ask Kangxi for his resignation, but first agreed, and then took the opportunity to make himself sick, and avoided this errand by asking for sick leave.

In order to be realistic, the fourth master first made charcoal fire, and then made cold water, alternating between hot and cold, to make himself a typhoid fever.

At that time, it was Gao Fu and Li Wei who made fire and water for him. When Gao Fu was doing it, he couldn't help but ask curiously, why did the fourth master get these, Li Wei said directly, let's not inquire about the fourth master's affairs, just run an errand with peace of mind.

It can be seen that Gao Fu is far worse than Li Wei in this regard.

Coincidentally. Li Wei and Cui'er were discovered because of their private meeting, and they were forced to leave the palace with Nian Qianyao. Seeing this, Gao Fu was extremely disappointed, so he went to the restaurant to get drunk, and happened to meet the housekeeper of the Eighth Master's Mansion.

The housekeeper saw through his identity at a glance, first talked to him, and then used a beauty trick, the purpose was to get the news about the "Hundred Officials' Description" from him. Although Gao Fu was drunk at that time and his mind was not clear, he had to at least know what to say and what not to say, he could pour it well, and with the strength of the wine, he almost got rid of it, and later he couldn't withstand the corrosion of the eighth master, and unknowingly became the eyeliner of the eighth master's mansion.

Although he also regretted it and tried his best to make up for it, he still became a pawn for the fourth master and Wu Sidao to lure the eighth master to make a move, and in the end he could not escape the fate of being crushed.

3. Lack of alertness

Yongzheng Dynasty: Gao Fu didn't know until he died, why did Cui'er choose Li Wei instead of him?

As I said just now, the above two points are important, but they are not the most important, and the reason why Cui'er finally chose Li Wei is because Li Wei is more clever than Gao Fu.

You must know that in the Fourth Master's Mansion, in addition to loyalty, cleverness is also extremely important.

Throughout the play, whether the fourth master is a prince or an emperor, he is an extremely pragmatic person, and it is precisely because he is pragmatic that he can reduce talents without sticking to one pattern.

For example, Wu Sidao is talented but lame, Nian Qianyao is capable but greedy, Tian Wenjing is aggressive although he is dedicated to the people, and Liu Molin is quick but ignorant of etiquette.

To sum up, these people used by the fourth master are as prominent as their weaknesses.

However, the fourth master didn't care about these shortcomings, he only looked at whether they could help him get things done and whether he could achieve what he wanted.

Li Wei is particularly prominent in this regard.

For example, after Nian Qianyao slaughtered Jiangxia Town, he got a pawn ticket for "Hundred Officials' Deeds" and successfully handed it over to the fourth master.

The fourth master first gave the pawn ticket to Gao Fu and asked Gao Fu to pick up something, but was rejected by the pawnshop owner, saying that the patron had to explain that he had to see him to redeem the pawn, so in the end he returned in vain.

The fourth master sent Li Wei instead, this time Li Wei did not directly take the "Hundred Officials' Description", but pretended to be the second generation of down-and-out officials to be a thing, and the pawnshop owner finally accepted his thing and paid for it. The rest of the matter, everyone should know, the fourth master first lied that the palace was stolen, and then asked the old thirteen in charge of the criminal department to investigate the case, and the old thirteen took advantage of the reason to investigate the case, sealed the pawnshop, and took out the "Hundred Officials' Statement" that they were thinking about.

In the whole link, Li Wei's link is crucial, although this is Wu Sidao's strategy, but there are too many places that need to be played on the spot. The owner of this pawnshop is a human spirit, and I don't know how many people he has seen from south to north, but if Li Wei doesn't act like the second generation of officials, or shows timidity, this thing can't be done, and the rest of the things can't be done.

It can be seen that Li Wei is clever, much more powerful than Gao Fu, otherwise there are so many people in the palace, why would the fourth master find him alone to complete such an important thing?

In addition, many things about Li Wei also reveal his cleverness. For example, Siye Yongzheng asked him to implement the New Deal, and he used the name Huazi to compile the content of the New Deal into a number of treasures and spread it to the streets and alleys, so that everyone could understand the benefits of the New Deal, which reduced a lot of resistance. Compared with Tian Wenjing's implementation of the new policy, I don't know how many times easier.

For another example, he knew that Yongzheng was suspicious by nature, and he not only had to do errands with his heart, but also let Yongzheng hold some of his "handles". So, he teamed up with Cui'er and deliberately staged a drama in front of Yongzheng, in which his wife fought because of her husband's new love, the purpose was to use this "self-defilement" method to make Yongzheng completely at ease with himself.

All of these are too many to name a few, but they all show that Li Wei is much higher than Gao Fu in terms of cleverness, and Cui'er finally chose Li Wei and gave up Gao Fu for the happiness of the rest of her life.

Write at the end

Yongzheng Dynasty: Gao Fu didn't know until he died, why did Cui'er choose Li Wei instead of him?

From ancient times to the present, it has been very important for both a woman to choose a husband and a man to choose a wife. As the saying goes, if a woman marries a good husband, she will be happy for a lifetime, and if a man marries a good wife, he will have a prosperous career.

Just like Li Wei and Cui'er in the play, Cui'er chose Li Wei and became the wife of the feudal officials from the palace, and Li Wei got Cui'er's help, not only the official road was prosperous, but also always won the trust of Yongzheng, and he could even settle the matter of "killing Hongshi" in the end.

Therefore, Li Wei and Cui'er are a match made in heaven.

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