
Orban made a surprise visit to Kyiv and "forced" Zelensky in front of him, and immediately ceasefire to strive for peace

author:Look at current affairs
Orban made a surprise visit to Kyiv and "forced" Zelensky in front of him, and immediately ceasefire to strive for peace


Text/Zhan Hai

According to the latest report from the global network, on July 2, local time, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban suddenly visited Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and held talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Because he did not greet the outside world in advance, Orban's visit was somewhat unexpected, especially since Hungary had just taken over the EU presidency the day before, and Orban made a surprise visit to Ukraine the next day, and it is worth noting that this was his first visit to Kyiv since the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Orban made a surprise visit to Kyiv and "forced" Zelensky in front of him, and immediately ceasefire to strive for peace

(Orban asked Zelensky to cease fire first during his visit to Kyiv)

According to the report, when Orban met with Zelensky, he first "highly appreciated" Zelensky's "peace plan", and then pointed out that this plan was "too complicated", and then Orban suddenly turned to Zelensky, who was standing beside him, and asked the Ukrainian side to consider "another plan" in person, that is, a ceasefire first to accelerate the progress of peace negotiations. The outside world believes that Orban's move is tantamount to a sudden "attack" on Zelensky, which makes the Western media shout "unexpected".

Orban made a surprise visit to Kyiv and "forced" Zelensky in front of him, and immediately ceasefire to strive for peace

(Orban visiting Kyiv and meeting with Zelensky is still a little unhappy?) )

It is reported that Orban is a "minority" among EU leaders, and after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, he has repeatedly criticized the EU's economic and military support for Ukraine. The EU's 50 billion euro aid plan for Ukraine was almost impossible to implement due to Orban's blocking, and in the end, the European Commission managed to bypass Hungary to let the aid pass smoothly.

In addition, Orban is trying to prevent the EU from sanctioning Russia. Unlike the leaders of other EU countries who visited Ukraine to express their support after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Orban has never visited Ukraine since the outbreak of the war.

Orban made a surprise visit to Kyiv and "forced" Zelensky in front of him, and immediately ceasefire to strive for peace

(European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is very supportive of Ukraine)

However, even in Europe, where there are many small countries, Hungary is not a "big country", in the EU, Hungary's political status is not high, the proportion of the economy is low, and Hungary's GDP ranking has always been the bottom in the EU.

The reality is that Zelensky really has to listen to this, of course, this is not because Hungary is the "EU presidency", after all, the term of this presidency is only 6 months. The reason why Zelensky has to pay attention to Orban's speech is very simple, at present, Ukraine is eager to join the EU, and if it wants to join the EU, Ukraine needs to conduct one-on-one negotiations with all EU member states, and all EU member states must approve before it can officially join the EU. Hungary may be small, but it can influence Ukraine's ability to join the European Union.

Orban made a surprise visit to Kyiv and "forced" Zelensky in front of him, and immediately ceasefire to strive for peace

(EU countries have provided Ukraine with a lot of weapons and economic aid)

In fact, Orban's proposal to Zelensky has a bit of a "forced palace" meaning, but in essence, the starting point is still for the interests of the entire European Union. Judging from the current situation, Ukraine's chances of winning the war are slim, the previous investment of EU countries will be fruitless, and Ukraine is likely to be "dismembered".

In addition, Hungary and Ukraine themselves also have some "discord", after the start of the war, Ukraine was specially in Transcarpathia, "forced mobilization" of local Magyars to join the Ukrainian army, and then they were quickly sent to the front line to become cannon fodder for "filling in the line", and the Security Service of Ukraine also banned the relatives of these Transcarpathian conscripts from speaking out on the Internet. According to reports, the Magyars are the main ethnic group of Hungary, and a series of actions by the Ukrainian side have made Hungary very dissatisfied, believing that this is the Ukrainian government's "discrimination" against the Magyars, and the two countries have conducted several rounds of negotiations on this matter. Orban also decided to leave for Ukraine after the two countries reached a consensus on this incident.

Orban made a surprise visit to Kyiv and "forced" Zelensky in front of him, and immediately ceasefire to strive for peace

(Ukraine sent a large number of Magyars to the front, much to Hungary's dissatisfaction)

With these causes and consequences, Orban's move this time can also be understood. It's just that Hungary is "slight" in the EU after all, and it has failed to prevent the EU from aiding Ukraine with 50 billion euros. The current European Union, under the manipulation of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, has put the interests of the United States ahead of those of the European Union. Even so, von der Leyen won the support of the majority of EU leaders to keep her re-elected. In this context, even if Hungary has the intention to bring the Russian-Ukrainian war back to the track of negotiations, there is a high probability that it will end in failure.