
"The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng's mother left the man, and she couldn't live

author:Tang Xiaotian's leisure time
"The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng's mother left the man, and she couldn't live


When Susu told her beloved mother about being violated by her stepfather at the age of 16, what did her mother do?

Su's mother complained that Su Su was so cool and dangled in front of her stepfather, and said that thanks to her stepfather's fancy for Su Su, if she was fascinated by the fox outside, their mothers would be hungry.

After hearing those words, Su Su ran outside and vomited, when people were extremely sad, scolding and slapping could not express their anger, and the stomach was the first to react.

Su Su's mother is always thinking about herself, what will she do if she has no support? But she never thought about the injuries her child had suffered!

Su Suma's thought is that women leave men, the sky is falling, and they can't live anymore!

In order to keep a man, she sacrificed her own daughter.

Sacrifice children to keep her financial resources and marriage and family, she doesn't love her children, she just loves herself!

"The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng's mother left the man, and she couldn't live


According to the thinking of normal women, even if they sweep the street, they have a mouthful of food, even if they pick up rags, they have a mouthful of food, and they are cowardly and incompetent, and they have to find excuses to excuse themselves, cleaning, dishwashers, serving dishes, can't they all feed their children?

Su Su's mother has her own hands and feet, and she still treats the man who violated her daughter as a benefactor, which is really disgusting.

The key is that Su Su's stepfather Du Bo is not making money, Su Su worked so hard, and finally got married well, and Su Su's mother still came to suck Su Su's blood.

My friend's mother-in-law is also a woman who can't live without a man, and she can ignore her own children for her husband, so my friend's husband hasn't felt maternal love since he was a child. The old couple was in the countryside, and once the man broke her mother-in-law's hands when he drank alcohol, and kicked her out.

My friend sent her mother-in-law to the hospital, and when her mother-in-law recovered, she asked her mother-in-law to live with them in the city and not go back to her hometown in the countryside!

Her mother-in-law had to go back, fearing that her man would have no one to take care of, and my friend was afraid that her mother-in-law would encounter domestic violence again, so she persuaded her several times. Her mother-in-law actually said that she sowed discord, and her man didn't beat her often, but only when she was drunk, the key was that her man drank every day, but not every time!

I also heard about Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan was abused every day, and she earned money to support men all day long, and men even beat their children, Xiaoyan didn't help the children, but pretended not to see herself hiding.

The next day, I went to her man, washed his clothes, and stuttered men all day long!

"The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng's mother left the man, and she couldn't live


I have to admit that some people are not worthy of being mothers, they don't have bones, they don't love children, and they can't do without men.

If you accidentally have such parents, you should cut off the relationship.

Remember to enrich your wings and escape from your family of origin.

Su Su in "The Story of Rose" suffered a devastating blow, but still retained the tenderness in her bones, in that environment, with such a mother and such a stepfather, she has been saving herself to become excellent, Jiang Zong and Rose, who are not related by blood, can treat her well, but her dearest mother hurts her so deeply......

"The Story of Rose": Su Gengsheng's mother left the man, and she couldn't live