
The Jiang'an County People's Procuratorate carried out activities to express condolences to the old party members in the villages

author:Yibin Politics and Law

Recently, Deng Xiaoling, Secretary of the Party Committee of the People's Procuratorate of Jiang'an County, on behalf of the Party Group of the Procuratorate, went deep into Daqiao Village, Liugeng Town, and visited the old party members and party members in difficulty with the deputy secretary of the village party branch, and sent them the care and warmth of the party organization.

The Jiang'an County People's Procuratorate carried out activities to express condolences to the old party members in the villages

Everywhere Deng Xiaoling and his entourage went, they had heart-to-heart talks with the old party members, asked them about their health and living conditions, and wished them a happy life! Live a long and healthy life! While taking care of your health, we should continue to keep our original intention, set an example, and contribute more ideas and suggestions for rural revitalization.

The Jiang'an County People's Procuratorate carried out activities to express condolences to the old party members in the villages
The Jiang'an County People's Procuratorate carried out activities to express condolences to the old party members in the villages

The old party members opened their hearts, told their original intentions of joining the party and the story of struggle when they were young, and expressed their deep gratitude to the procuratorate for their care!

The Jiang'an County People's Procuratorate carried out activities to express condolences to the old party members in the villages
The Jiang'an County People's Procuratorate carried out activities to express condolences to the old party members in the villages

The "July 1st" condolences were carried out, showing the responsibility of the procuratorate and further promoting the improvement of the quality and efficiency of rural revitalization assistance. At the same time, we will tell the old party members that the organization will always remember them, so that they can truly feel the care and warmth of the party organization, and further enhance the sense of honor of the old party members and the cohesion of the grassroots party organization.

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