
"Don't wear three shoes, peace and harmony": don't wear these three kinds of shoes, throw them away as soon as possible, remember!

author:Curtain light and read
"Don't wear three shoes, peace and harmony": don't wear these three kinds of shoes, throw them away as soon as possible, remember!

As the saying goes, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

A pair of suitable shoes can not only take us to a distant place, but also make our lives smooth, peaceful and harmonious.

And some shoes, over time, no longer fit our feet, nor do they fit our lives, and may even become obstacles in our path.

They may have been with you through thick and thin, but now, it's time for them to retire.

Remember, these three types of shoes must be let go when it is time to let go, and never wear them.

"Don't wear three shoes, peace and harmony": don't wear these three kinds of shoes, throw them away as soon as possible, remember!

Ill-fitting shoes

I have heard such a saying: Wear shoes as if you treat others, the fittest are the best, and the unfit are abandoned.

In this age of looking at faces, we often ignore the comfort of our feet.

Shoes are not only a tool for walking, but also a carrier of health and happiness. Choosing the right pair of shoes is like choosing a comfortable journey through life.

Those shoes that seem glamorous but don't fit, they are like some choices in life, gorgeous on the outside but hidden inside.

Once, there was a showman, full of ambition, who embarked on the journey to Beijing to participate in the imperial examination.

Beneath his feet were a brand new pair of shoes, which, though recognizable, did not fit his feet.

At first, Xiucai was proud of the new shoes, but soon his feet began to feel uncomfortable.

As the distance increased, the shoes became tighter and tighter, and blisters appeared, and the pain was unbearable.

In the end, Xiucai couldn't move forward because of foot pain and had to give up the exam because he really couldn't walk to the exam room.

Ask yourself, will you also choose ill-fitting shoes like Xiucai at some point for various reasons?

Shoes that don't fit, no matter how gorgeous they look, can't help us succeed. They can only be an obstacle to our dreams.

In modern society, each of us is a talent in our own life, and the shoes under our feet are the foundation for us to move towards the future.

Shoes that don't fit well, like life choices that don't fit you, can make us miserable and even throw us in the right direction.

"Don't wear three shoes, peace and harmony": don't wear these three kinds of shoes, throw them away as soon as possible, remember!

Shoes that don't fit are like reluctance and compromise in life. They make us suffer unknown pain behind the ephemeral brilliance.

Sober people know how to find a balance between beauty and comfort, and choose shoes that are both beautiful and suitable for themselves. Such a choice not only reflects the responsibility for one's own health, but also demonstrates the wisdom and calmness of life.

Choose a pair of shoes that fit well, and make every step a pleasure rather than an endurance.

A pair of well-fitting shoes is a comfortable guarantee for you to go to a distant place, and it is also the starting point of your happy life.

"Don't wear three shoes, peace and harmony": don't wear these three kinds of shoes, throw them away as soon as possible, remember!

Outdated shoes

"The pace is non-stop, the fashion is endless, and the way of shoes is also being renewed."

In this era of constant change, the way we dress, especially the shoes under our feet, is undoubtedly a direct reflection of following trends.

It reminds me of the story of an ancient courtier I once saw, who was famous for his wisdom and cultural accomplishments.

During an important court meeting, his eyes inadvertently fell on his own shoes—a pair of shoes that were once delicate but now slightly old.

These shoes have witnessed his many years of political career and carry the memories of countless court meetings and decisions.

However, he also noticed that the shoes of the young officials of the DPRK and China were new, fashionable and closely related to the trends of the times.

This discovery made him realize that his shoes were no longer in line with current fashion.

He realized that as an important minister of the imperial court, his clothes not only represented his personal image, but also influenced people's perception and trust in him.

In this age of image and communication, every detail counts.

Therefore, he decided to change to new shoes to match the trend of the times and the solemn atmosphere of the court.

"Don't wear three shoes, peace and harmony": don't wear these three kinds of shoes, throw them away as soon as possible, remember!

His move soon became a good story in the court, and people praised him not only for his keen insight in the court, but also for his personal image.

His choice is not only an investment in his personal image, but also an echo of the spirit of the times.

Shoes that are not worn are not only the embodiment of fashion trends, but also an adaptation and respect for the changes of the times.

Outdated shoes, like the remnants of the old era, are gradually fading under the impact of the new trend. The new shoes we choose not only carry personal aesthetics and taste, but also reflect the progress of society and the tolerance of culture.

In this era of diversity, let us take bold steps, not afraid of change, not stuck in the past, and welcome the arrival of every new trend with an open mind.

Shoes that don't wear are not only a choice of shoes, but also a philosophy of life.

It reminds us to dare to abandon outdated ideas, to embrace new things, and to keep up with the times.

"Don't wear three shoes, peace and harmony": don't wear these three kinds of shoes, throw them away as soon as possible, remember!

Shoes that are out of place

In traditional Chinese culture, shoes not only carry the mission of walking, but also an important part of etiquette and image.

There is a cloud in the "Book of Rites": "A gentleman does not decorate with cyanosis, and red and purple do not think it is profane." It means that a gentleman should follow etiquette in the choice of clothing, and should not be arbitrary. The same applies to the choice of footwear.

During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the literati gathering was an important occasion for cultural exchanges, among which Wang Xizhi was highly respected for his calligraphy attainments and noble character.

At a gathering of literati, Wang Xizhi noticed that a guest was wearing a pair of cloth shoes that were too casual to attend. Although these cloth shoes are comfortable, they are incompatible with the solemn atmosphere of the banquet.

Wang Xizhi found the guest privately and reminded Wen Yan:

"The friendship of gentlemen is as light as water, but the etiquette cannot be wasted. Today's meeting, at an unusual time, a pair of inappropriate shoes may damage the solemnity of the banquet and show disrespect to others. ”

Deeply ashamed, the guests immediately changed their clothes and shoes, and reappeared in front of everyone in appropriate attire.

"Don't wear three shoes, peace and harmony": don't wear these three kinds of shoes, throw them away as soon as possible, remember!

The choice of footwear is not just a matter of personal preference, but also a respect for the occasion and respect for others.

Wearing inappropriate shoes on formal or important occasions may not only make us appear disrespectful to the occasion and other guests, but may even affect our social effectiveness.

Inappropriate shoes, like inappropriate words and actions, can inadvertently expose our inadequacies.

Therefore, we should pay more attention to the matching of shoes and occasions to avoid small losses that affect our own image and the perception of others.

Shoes that are out of place are not only a constraint under your feet, but also a barrier between yourself and the times.

They remind us that on every stage of life, we need to find shoes that match our roles. This is not only a kind of respect for the occasion, but also an affirmation of self.

Don't wear shoes that don't fit in place, because every step is self-expression, and every shoe is a sign of the times.

Our shoes carry our past, record our present, and lead our future.

A pair of suitable shoes can accompany us through the wind and rain, witness our growth, and allow us to move forward bravely and gracefully in the journey of life, no matter what kind of ups and downs we encounter.

In this era of paying equal attention to external image and inner cultivation, let's start by choosing a suitable pair of shoes, showing our personality and taste, respecting others and the environment, and pursuing harmony and beauty.

Don't wear shoes that don't fit, don't wear shoes that don't fit well, and don't wear shoes that don't fit in place, because they are not only related to our appearance, but also affect the quality of our social interactions.

"Don't wear three shoes" is a choice, but also an attitude.

It represents our love for life, our expectation for the future, and our pursuit of beauty.

Let's start from our feet and walk out of a wonderful life path of our own.

Author | Curtain Light Vance

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