
Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger

author:Only with the breeze

"You're actually murdering me!" The arrogant female driver actually scolded the air, and the injured husband's husband was speechless and choked!

Recently, a shocking traffic accident occurred on the streets of Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, after a woman drove into a pedestrian and injured a pedestrian, not only did she feel no guilt, but she was angry at the husband of the injured person, and even showed extreme arrogance and unreasonableness to the onlookers.

Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger

The accident occurred on July 2, when a woman driving a car accidentally knocked a pedestrian to the ground, and the husband of the injured person saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to accuse the woman, but the woman not only did not show due guilt and apology, but instead responded arrogantly with a posture of "I hit someone, I am justified", and even spoke wildly.

Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger

It can be seen from the video that the woman is thirty or forty years old, with a fat head and big ears, wearing a hat, short-tempered, impatient, the female injured woman is lying next to the car, she can't get up, it seems that the injury is not light, the injured husband saw that his wife was hit and injured, and he had an argument with the woman.

The woman said, "If you press me again, won't you get it?" ”

The husband of the injured person said, "Why am I pressing you, I am full of food." ”

The woman said, "I'm full, I'm pressuring your wife!" ”

The husband of the injured person said: "I am full and I can support you, this station, can't you see the car?" ”

The woman said, "I want to press her!" ”

The husband of the injured person said, "You are not happy to say two words to you. ”

The woman said, "Why do you say me, my husband doesn't dare to say anything about me." ”

At this time, the woman's child stuck her head out of the car and said, "Don't make any noise," but the woman didn't listen at all and still didn't admit her mistake.

The onlookers also accused the woman and said, "If you don't save people like this, what are you shouting?" ”

The woman said: "I hit 120, the accident was reported, what should I do?" ”

The onlookers said, "What's the matter, what do you say, you are pressing people." ”

The woman said, "She was standing in the middle of the road, and I pressed her, is she still reasonable?" ”

The onlookers said: "You have pressed people, don't force words, you know." ”

Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger
Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger

After the traffic accident, not only did she not actively take measures to rescue the injured, but instead argued with the injured husband with a mentality of "I hit someone, I am justified", and even did not care about the accusations of the onlookers, this attitude is not only disrespectful to the injured, but also a challenge to public morality.

In addition, the woman's behavior also reflects a "giant baby mentality", the so-called "giant baby" refers to those who have reached adulthood, but are still psychologically stuck in the early childhood stage. They tend to be self-centered, lack a sense of responsibility and empathy, and only shirk responsibility, lose their temper, and escape from reality when they encounter problems.

In this accident, the woman not only did not reflect on her own mistakes in the face of accusations, but protected her interests by replying and justifying, which is a typical manifestation of the "giant baby mentality".

Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger
Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger

Netizen's perspective

@酸死那些吃不到的人: Indeed, everyone is annoyed enough when something happens, if the owner calls the police to call 120, don't be too harsh and blindly blame.

Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger

@師傅大仁: Revoke your driver's license first and then talk slowly, so as not to harm others again.

Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger

@云禅之边: The little fairies have this characteristic, one has nothing to do, three is nothing, and the fourth is to run away.

Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger

@鬼蛊残狼: It's so reasonable to hit someone.

Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger

@小仙女魅力合集: What's wrong with her? In her life, apart from marrying the wrong person, what else is wrong?

Sun! The giant baby hit people and was angry: I was full of food and pressed your wife, causing public anger

However, from a legal point of view, the woman's behavior was clearly unacceptable. According to the provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law, drivers should maintain a safe speed during driving, pay attention to avoid pedestrians, and ensure the safety of pedestrians. If a pedestrian is injured due to the driver's negligence, the driver shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility, including compensation for the injured person's medical expenses and lost work expenses.

In this accident, the woman not only did not obey the traffic rules to ensure the safety of pedestrians, but chose to respond arrogantly and shirk responsibility after hitting people, which not only exacerbated the contradictions and conflicts between the two sides, but also violated social morality and moral bottom line.


Here, we would like to remind the majority of drivers to be cautious and abide by traffic rules when driving on the road. If a traffic accident unfortunately occurs, you must deal with it calmly, call the police in time and call 120 for help. At the same time, we also call on the society to strengthen the education and supervision of such "giant baby" drivers, so that she understands that her behavior not only endangers herself, but also brings irreparable harm to others.

Finally, I hope that this giant baby female driver can recognize her mistakes and learn to respect others and take responsibility, after all, in this society, no one can be used to forever!