
The style of painting has changed! What exactly is Zelensky worried about? Out of the blue! Orban visits Kyiv

author:Dynasty Fengyun 1
The style of painting has changed! What exactly is Zelensky worried about? Out of the blue! Orban visits Kyiv

The style of painting has changed! What exactly is Zelensky worried about? Out of the blue! Orban visits Kyiv.

Recently, a series of events have occurred around the world, which has shocked the international community!

For example, there was a one-sided debate in the US presidential campaign, with Trump winning by a wide margin and Biden losing by a resounding victory. Whether it is the comments of the media or the voices of voters, almost all believe that Biden is "gone".

Another is that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky suddenly expressed his willingness to negotiate with Russia! This was almost unthinkable before. Because Zelensky never considered negotiations to be a key step in resolving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, for which he also signed a decree prohibiting negotiations.

However, times have changed. The general environment has changed, and Zelensky has to plan for the future.

The style of painting has changed! What exactly is Zelensky worried about? Out of the blue! Orban visits Kyiv

What's going on? So that the "stubborn" Zelensky quickly changed his mind? What is he worried about?

First, there has been a noticeable shift in the US presidential election, with the balance of victory tilting in Trump's favor. This is what Zelensky does not want to see, and he knows in his heart that once Trump is elected president of the United States, then Zelensky has no other way to go except for peace talks.

Prior to this, Trump had repeatedly claimed that if elected, the war in Ukraine could be resolved within 24 hours, although it may sound unlikely. Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov also believes that it is impossible to resolve the issue of the conflict in such a short period of time. However, as long as Trump is in the White House, a timely resolution of the Russia-Ukraine conflict will not be a big problem.

Second, the external environment is not optimistic. The support of the United States and the West is not as strong as it is year by year, and day by day. Washington wants to take care of Israel on the one hand, and support Kyiv on the other, and it is difficult to do everything with a weak body. Many European countries are facing difficulties due to their own problems, and most of them are thunderous and rainy. For example, in the current France, President Macron is unable to protect himself, how can he think about Ukraine?

The F16 fighter jets that Zelensky has been waiting for have not been in place for a long time, and the delivery of weapons and ammunition promised by the West has been delayed, and there is even a shortage of catties.

Just yesterday, the Ukrainian army lost a number of more fighters.

The style of painting has changed! What exactly is Zelensky worried about? Out of the blue! Orban visits Kyiv

On July 2, Reuters reported that the Russian army used Iskander M missiles to carry out intensive strikes on the airport in Mirgorod, Ukraine, and five Su-27 fighters were destroyed and two were damaged.

Russia's goal is to completely destroy the Ukrainian military airport, and even if the F16 fighter arrives in Ukraine, it may be difficult to play its role. Because this is the target of the Russian army.

Moreover, Ukraine's domestic resources, both human and military, have been depleted. The war continues, and the casualties are also very heavy. The Russian side reported that the Ukrainian army lost 2,025 people in one day on July 1 alone. If it goes on like this, I wonder how long Kyiv will be able to hold out?

At this critical moment, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban made a surprise visit to Kyiv! The news came as a surprise. At this moment, what are Orban's plans for a surprise visit to Ukraine?

On July 2, Agence France-Presse reported that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrived in Kyiv. It is reported that this is Orban's first visit to Ukraine since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The day before, on July 1, Hungary had just taken over the EU presidency.

Although Hungary is a member of NATO and the European Union, Prime Minister Orban has always maintained a neutral position on the Ukraine issue, and Hungary will not provide Ukraine with a single shot.

The style of painting has changed! What exactly is Zelensky worried about? Out of the blue! Orban visits Kyiv

Orban is one of the few wise prime ministers in Europe, a maverick who is dedicated to the country and the people and refuses to participate in the disputes of the outside world. Trump also praised him as a "great leader of Europe"!

Obviously, Orban is here for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. However, it is still unknown how much Zelensky will be able to listen.
