
Health Tips for July: Take Care to Prevent These Diseases!

author:Stone Forest Fusion Media
Health Tips for July: Take Care to Prevent These Diseases!
Health Tips for July: Take Care to Prevent These Diseases!

public health

A platform for the promotion of basic public health service projects

Disease risk warning in July

In the middle of summer in July, it is a hot and scorching season. Dr. Zhu, the propagandist of the basic public health service project, reminded the general public that while doing a good job in the prevention of intestinal infectious diseases, we should pay attention to the prevention of mosquito-borne diseases such as Japanese encephalitis and dengue fever, and infectious diseases such as whooping cough; In addition, July also ushered in the summer vacation, and the children's summer safety also needs to be paid more attention.

Health Tips for July: Take Care to Prevent These Diseases!


Infectious diarrhea

High temperature and humidity are conducive to the reproduction and spread of germs, and the incidence of bacterial intestinal infectious diseases usually begins to rise, such as cholera, bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever and various enteritis. Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, or fever may or may not be present.

Health Tips

(1) Develop good hygiene habits. Wash your hands before eating, pay attention to kitchen and food hygiene, and disinfect utensils regularly.

(2) Pay attention to the hygiene and method of cooking environment. Canteens and households should strictly control the quality of food purchased, and do not buy spoiled poultry, eggs, meat, aquatic products and other raw materials. When processing food, separate raw and cooked food, and separate raw and cooked kitchen utensils and containers. Food should be cooked thoroughly, leftovers and overnight food should not be consumed, and if eaten again, it should be heated thoroughly.

(3) Pay more attention when eating out. Be sure to choose a restaurant with regular, hygienic conditions, do not eat food that is not thoroughly cooked, do not drink unclean water, and do not eat rotten vegetables and fruits. Do not eat food from unknown sources, and do not collect or eat unknown wild mushrooms and wild plants. Promote the use of chopsticks and spoons to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

(4) Timely medical treatment and disinfection. When gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting occur, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the condition. When you have diarrhea patients or family members with diarrhea, you should pay attention to dietary isolation and disinfect tableware.


Hand, foot and mouth disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common infectious disease in children caused by enterovirus infection, which is mainly transmitted through close contact, mostly in children under 5 years old, and has now entered the high incidence period of hand, foot and mouth disease in our province (April to July).

Health Tips

(1) EV71 vaccination can effectively prevent hand, foot and mouth disease and other related diseases caused by EV-71 infection, and will also significantly reduce the occurrence of severe disease and death of hand, foot and mouth disease, so it is recommended to vaccinate children aged 6 months ~ 5 years old as soon as possible.

(2) Pay attention to hand hygiene, children should wash their hands properly with water and hand sanitizer or soap for at least 20 seconds after touching public objects, after touching saliva and respiratory secretions, after going to the toilet, before eating, and before parents and caregivers process food, change diapers or dispose of fecal-contaminated items.

(3) Frequent ventilation, open the window for ventilation 2-3 times a day, not less than 30 minutes each time. During the epidemic period of HFMD, it is not advisable to take children to public places where people gather and air circulation is poor.

(4) Do a good job of cleaning and disinfection, feeding bottles, pacifiers, diapers, toys, etc. should be cleaned, exposed or disinfected in time. Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (countertops, doorknobs).

(5) Pay attention to the health status of children, and go to a medical institution in time for medical treatment once fever, rash (especially perianal rash) or mouth ulcers appear.


whooping cough

Pertussis is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by Bordetella pertussis infection, the typical clinical manifestation is paroxysmal spasmodic cough, mainly transmitted by droplets, in recent years, there has been a resurgence of pertussis epidemic in many countries around the world, and the epidemic of whooping cough in mainland China has also shown an upward trend in recent years.

Health Tips

(1) Vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis and pertussis can reduce the risk of severe pertussis and death in infants and young children. According to the requirements of the national immunization program vaccine for children, school-age children should be vaccinated with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine as soon as possible, and school-age children who are not fully vaccinated should be vaccinated as soon as possible.

(2) Maintain good hygiene habits, wash hands frequently, ventilate frequently, cover your mouth and nose with elbows or tissues when coughing or sneezing, and pay attention to reasonable work and rest and appropriate physical exercise.

(3) Do a good job of personal protection. Parents with respiratory tract infection symptoms such as cough should wear masks when taking care of infants and young children in close contact to reduce the risk of infection of infants and young children.

(4) Adults, children, adolescents and infants should seek medical attention in time after having suspected symptoms such as persistent cough. The room where the patient is living should be ventilated and disinfected in a timely manner. Items that are touched by patients should be cleaned and disinfected. Susceptible people should wear masks when they come into contact with sick people and strictly practice hand hygiene.



Japanese encephalitis (JE) is an acute infectious disease caused by mosquitoes biting animals, especially pigs, and then passing the virus to humans through bites, and is more common in summer and autumn (July to September).

Health Tips

(1) JE vaccination is the most cost-effective measure to prevent JE, and all healthy children of appropriate age should be fully vaccinated in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the national immunization program. In view of the current high incidence of JE in adults, it is recommended that people aged 40-74 in rural areas of Baoji, Xianyang and Yan'an in the province should undergo 1 dose of live attenuated JE vaccine or 2 doses of JE inactivated vaccine under the principle of "informed, self-funded and voluntary" before the JE epidemic season (before July).

(2) Mosquito prevention and mosquito control should be done. In the home environment, screen doors, window screens, and mosquito nets can be used to prevent mosquitoes, and mosquito coils, aerosols and other household hygiene insecticides can be used indoors to repel mosquitoes and kill mosquitoes.

(3) Do a good job in the environmental sanitation of families and livestock (poultry) houses, drain the stagnant water that may breed mosquitoes, and pay attention to the regular "turning over the pot and pouring the can" to clear the stagnant water in the rainy flood season.

(4) Do a good job of personal protection, such as avoiding the dark and hidden environment preferred by mosquitoes when going out, wear light-colored long-sleeved clothes and pants, and apply mosquito repellent on exposed areas to prevent mosquito bites.

(5) Once there are suspicious JE symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting, convulsions, and drowsiness, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible to avoid delaying the condition.



Summer is the high incidence period of dog injuries, hot and humid weather, animals, especially dogs, are easily irritable, people have thin clothing, and the number of scratches and bites by cats and dogs increases.

Health Tips

(1) Scientific management of pets, pet families should apply for dog registration certificates, take the initiative to vaccinate pets in a timely manner, and keep their pets in captivity.

(2) When going out to walk the dog, the dog chain, muzzle, dog cage, etc., should be used in order to control the range of activities and behaviors of the dog and avoid the occurrence of dog injuries.

(3) Avoid contact with wild animals and stray animals, do not tease or play with cats, dogs and other animals, do not disturb dogs that are eating, sleeping or caring for their cubs, and do not let animals lick skin wounds.

(4) Children are short in stature, have poor ability to avoid danger, and are very easy to injure the head, face, neck and other parts.

(5) After being bitten by dogs, cats and other animals, you should go to the nearby standard dog injury treatment clinic as soon as possible.


Foodborne illness

In summer, the temperature is high and the humidity is high, and food and raw materials are easily contaminated by microorganisms, which can easily cause bacterial foodborne diseases. In addition, with the increase of rain, various poisonous mushrooms and poisonous plants grow luxuriantly, which is easy to cause foodborne diseases by mistake. At the same time, with the end of the high school/high school entrance examination and the advent of summer vacation, it is necessary to pay attention to the risk of foodborne illness that may result from the increase in eating out and playing.

Health Tips

(1) Develop good hygiene and eating habits, do not eat wild meat, do not eat wild mushrooms, do not eat poisonous plants, do not eat food with abnormal senses, and wash hands before eating, after using the toilet, before processing food, etc.

(2) Canteens and family procurement of food should strictly control the quality to ensure that the ingredients are fresh, clean, safe and harmless; Dining out choose a restaurant with complete licenses and a clean environment; Do not buy unqualified food.

(3) After the food is fully cooked and cooked before eating, pay attention to the separation of raw and cooked food in the process of food processing and storage, and avoid mixing raw and cooked food with cutting board kitchen knives to prevent cross-contamination of raw and cooked food. Prepare each meal as needed, try not to have leftovers, pay attention to cover and store leftovers when storing them in the refrigerator, and fully heat them before eating.

(4) If you have symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain and blood in the stool, you should go to the hospital in time.

Health Tips for July: Take Care to Prevent These Diseases!
Health Tips for July: Take Care to Prevent These Diseases!
Health Tips for July: Take Care to Prevent These Diseases!
Health Tips for July: Take Care to Prevent These Diseases!

Source: Stone Forest Health

Editor-in-charge: Long Yuan

Review: Daniel Zhang

Executive Producer: Daniel Zhang

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