
Wuzhi-21, China Coast Guard Guardian Outlook

author:Jin Ji

Foreign media reported that an AH-26Z Viper helicopter of the 31st Marine Corps Expeditionary Force of the 262nd Enhanced Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM262) of the U.S. Marine Corps launched a live-fire AGM-179 Joint Air-to-Surface Missile (JAGM) in the Philippine Sea, hitting a towed mobile training ship during a maritime training mission;

Wuzhi-21, China Coast Guard Guardian Outlook

This is a move by the U.S. military to intimidate China: China has deployed a large number of small and medium-sized coast guard ships in the South China Sea, and many patriotic fishermen have self-driving boats to help our military defend the U.S. military – the U.S. military looks so ugly enough to prove the urgency of its attempt to create disputes in the South China Sea;

Wuzhi-21, China Coast Guard Guardian Outlook

As the guardians of China's islands in the South China Sea, the Chinese Coast Guard has played an important role: they have reached the stage of hand-to-hand combat with foreign enemies at the risk of defending the sovereignty of the motherland and the tranquility of the maritime areas. Therefore, Philippine and American planes and Wuzhi will target them at the first time - China's coast guard ships lack anti-aircraft close defense guns, ship-borne Wuzhi and drone escorts;

The Philippines ordered the T-129 Wuzhi from Turkey: the model that Pakistan could not ask for - for the Philippine order, the United States did not refuse to supply the T800-4A turboshaft engine...... It can carry guided rockets and guided munitions to strike surface targets;

Wuzhi-21, China Coast Guard Guardian Outlook
Wuzhi-21, China Coast Guard Guardian Outlook

At present, China has absolute superiority over the Philippines and the US forces stationed in the Philippines, but if it starts a war, then it will be playing into the tricks of the United States, so China can only seek peace in the struggle and gradually regain the lost territory in Nansha through the power of the coast guard and fishermen - this requires the Chinese coast guard to have a certain air strike capability: Flying Leopard A to coast guard patrol aircraft? It's clear that you want to level Manila, no! The same type of heavy military straight? This long-range strike is very limited, the medium/short-range firepower is moderate, and it can also play electromagnetic suppression and anti-radiation operations, this can be had;

Wuzhi-21, China Coast Guard Guardian Outlook

The Wuzhi-21 weighs 10 tons and needs to be carried by coast guard ships of more than 6,000 tons: it just so happens that the Chinese coast guard is in dire need of it! Therefore, in addition to the 054A coast guard ship, it is also imperative for China to carry out the construction of the 052D coast guard ship on a large scale: at least to build a firepower wall in front of the Philippine armed fully enclosed ships, after all, to deal with the aggressor, the "Yide axeman" is not as clear as the "Wude axe";

Wuzhi-21, China Coast Guard Guardian Outlook

The Wuzhi-21 can suppress the AH-1Z and T-129B in terms of avionics, ammunition, and networking: the late-mover advantage is good. According to the habits of the rabbit family, the Wuzhi-21 cannot be used in air combat, cannot command / control UAVs, and cannot meet electromagnetic suppression, which is an unimaginable unfinished project.

Wuzhi-21, China Coast Guard Guardian Outlook

In order to quickly deploy the Wuzhi-21, the island bases close to the Philippines must be equipped with sufficient logistics support centers and personnel, and drones/cruise missile groups must be deployed, so that they can effectively reason with the United States and the Philippines.

Wuzhi-21, China Coast Guard Guardian Outlook

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