
He can be transferred to the post of military political commissar, but it seems that he is "helpless" to be reappointed as the deputy political commissar of the military region, and he has been the political commissar of the military region for a long time


In 1954, Guo Linxiang, who was the deputy political commissar of the public security forces of the Southwest Military Region, received a job transfer and asked him to choose between the military political commissar and the deputy political commissar of the Sichuan Military Region. As for the choice of position, he prefers to serve as a political commissar in a combat unit and go to the front line.

He can be transferred to the post of military political commissar, but it seems that he is "helpless" to be reappointed as the deputy political commissar of the military region, and he has been the political commissar of the military region for a long time

In terms of position, he was promoted from a deputy military post to a regular military post, which can be regarded as a promotion. If serving as the deputy political commissar of the Sichuan Military Region is regarded as a transfer at the same level, or is it a promotion?

Many people may think that the Sichuan Military Region is a provincial-level military region, that is, a military-level unit. But before 1955, it was not a regular army-level unit, but a corps-level unit.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, many corps concurrently served as provincial military regions, such as the 7th Corps concurrently serving as the Zhejiang Military Region, the 10th Corps concurrently serving as the Fujian Military Region, the 5th Corps concurrently serving as the Guizhou Military Region, and the 3rd Corps concurrently serving as the Yunnan Military Region. Before 1952, Sichuan was divided into eastern Sichuan, southern Sichuan, northern Sichuan, and western Sichuan, and the four districts were equivalent to the administrative units of the four provinces. After that, it was merged into Sichuan and the Sichuan Military Region was established, with He Bingyan as the commander.

He can be transferred to the post of military political commissar, but it seems that he is "helpless" to be reappointed as the deputy political commissar of the military region, and he has been the political commissar of the military region for a long time

Just when Guo Linxiang chose to go to the 16th Army as a political commissar, He Bingyan found him and hoped that he would stay in Sichuan to assist him in his work.

Guo Linxiang appeared to be "unknown" during the war years, but he could work in the Great Southwest Military Region after liberation and became an indispensable cadre. Originally, he was only the deputy political commissar of the North Sichuan Military Region, but the overwhelming work of suppressing bandits in the Southwest Military Region gave him the opportunity to show his ability; everyone else was a military cadre and gave priority to military affairs; as a political work cadre, he adopted politics as the main thing and put the heart first, not only reducing casualties, but also achieving good results, and was praised and commended by the head of the military region.

He can be transferred to the post of military political commissar, but it seems that he is "helpless" to be reappointed as the deputy political commissar of the military region, and he has been the political commissar of the military region for a long time

After that, Mr. He named him to go to Montenegro to suppress bandits, which is a gathering place for ethnic minorities, and relying solely on military means will affect national unity. Therefore, the higher authorities hoped to use politics as the mainstay, supplemented by the military, and considering that he had experience in this area, they asked him to be the commander-in-chief of the suppression of bandits, giving whatever he wanted, and dispatching everything. In the end, the task was successfully completed, and the central leaders also praised them when they learned about it.

This is also the reason why He Bingyan has kept him many times, He Bingyan is from a military background, and he has no problem in military command, and Sichuan needs a capable cadre to help him. Political Commissar Li Jingquan had no time to take care of the military region because he was working in the local area. His repeated invitations made Guo Linxiang embarrassed to mention going to work in the 16th Army again, and Mr. He also gave Guo Linxiang a job after learning about it: He Bingyan doesn't want to die in the war, and you can take care of things at work.

Because at that time, there was still a bandit problem in the Liangshan area of Sichuan that had not been solved, and this was a gathering place for ethnic minorities, so it was necessary to strike militarily, fight politically, and mobilize the masses to gather. One of them can fight, and the other can do political work, which can be said to complement each other. After 13 large and small battles, more than 1,000 bandits were annihilated, and by May 1955, the task of multi-military occupation of the Liangshan area was completed in one fell swoop.

He can be transferred to the post of military political commissar, but it seems that he is "helpless" to be reappointed as the deputy political commissar of the military region, and he has been the political commissar of the military region for a long time

In April 1955, the six major military regions were abolished by the propaganda of the higher authorities, and the Sichuan Military Region was changed to the Chengdu Military Region (concurrently serving as the Sichuan Provincial Military Region), with He Bingyan as the commander, Li Jingquan as the political commissar, Li Wenqing and He Zhengwen as the deputy commanders, and Yan Hongyan and Guo Linxiang as deputy political commissars.

Guo Linxiang became the first major general at the deputy military level to be called the deputy general of the large military region. Because Li Jingquan is in charge of local work, Guo Linxiang is still in charge of the political work of the military region.

In 1959, Guo Linxiang was promoted to the third political commissar of the Chengdu Military Region, becoming the second major general to serve as the main post of the military region.