
After people reach middle age, don't do these 4 things easily, otherwise you will regret it when you are old

author:Higher Education Digest
After people reach middle age, don't do these 4 things easily, otherwise you will regret it when you are old

In the long river of life, middle age seems to be a watershed, the former is the enthusiasm and uninhibited youth, and the latter is the silence and retrospection of the old age. At this stage, we carry the burden of family on our shoulders, and we hide unfinished dreams in our hearts, and every step is solid and cautious.

Middle age is a period of accumulation of wisdom and experience, as well as a critical time for self-reflection and adjustment. At this juncture, there are four things, if you get involved easily, when you have gray hair, it may become a regret that is difficult to let go of in your heart. This article will take readers through an in-depth look at these "midlife pitfalls" that should be avoided.

1. Don't forget your original intention and don't lose yourself

Steve Jobs, a tech legend, once said in a commencement speech at Stanford University, "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish." This sentence is not only a message to young people, but also a warning to middle-aged people.

In middle age, we may have achieved something in the workplace and played an important role in the family, but it is often easy to forget our original dreams and passions in such stability. Jobs's life has gone through ups and downs, but he has always maintained a desire for innovation and curiosity about the unknown, which is the secret of his ability to constantly break through himself and lead the trend of science and technology.

The ultimate destination of life's journey is actually not to forget our original intention and find our true self, so that we can find a true pure land in this society full of materialism.

In Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish", the fisherman's wife is at first content with a simple life, but as the goldfish fulfills her wishes again and again, her desires gradually swell and eventually loses everything. The parable tells us that greed and dissatisfaction can erode inner peace and self-knowledge. When you are middle-aged, you should cherish what you have in front of you, and never forget your original intention.

"The road is long, I will go up and down and seek." - Qu Yuan, "Lisao"

This poem is not only an insistence on the pursuit of truth, but also an encouragement for middle-aged people to stay true to their original aspirations and continue to explore. In the journey of life, keep a heart of exploration in order not to let life fall into melocrity.

After people reach middle age, don't do these 4 things easily, otherwise you will regret it when you are old

2. Cherish your health and don't regret your illness

Kai-Fu Lee, the former president of Google Greater China, once neglected his health due to his busy work, until he was diagnosed with cancer, he deeply realized the truth that "health is 1, everything else is 0".

He has overcome the disease through active treatment and lifestyle changes, and is committed to promoting the concept of healthy living. Kai-Fu Lee's story is a wake-up call for all middle-aged people: while pursuing career and family, don't neglect the care of your body.

In the story of "Bian Que Meets Cai Huangong" recorded in "Han Feizi", Bian Que reminded Cai Huangong of his illness many times, but was ignored, and finally Cai Huangong was terminally ill and could not be cured. This story reminds us that when it comes to health problems, we should not leave anything to chance, but should prevent them early and treat them in time.

"Stay in the green mountains, don't worry about no firewood." - Folk proverb

Health is our "green mountain", only with a healthy body, can we enjoy the beauty of life and realize more possibilities.

After people reach middle age, don't do these 4 things easily, otherwise you will regret it when you are old

3. Invest cautiously and don't let wealth become a burden

Warren Buffett, known as the "God of Stocks", one of his investment philosophies is "value investing", emphasizing holding high-quality assets for a long time and avoiding blindly following the trend. For middle-aged people, after accumulating a certain amount of wealth, how to invest reasonably has become a big test. The blind pursuit of high returns is often accompanied by high risks, and once the investment fails, it may ruin years of accumulation. Warren Buffett's story teaches us that a sound investment strategy is the long-term solution.

In Grimm's fairy tale The Farmer and the Golden Goose, the farmer accidentally gets a goose that lays golden eggs, but he is so greedy that he eventually kills the goose and loses his steady source of wealth. This story reminds us that in wealth management, we should cherish the resources we have and increase their value in a reasonable way, rather than blindly asking for more and eventually losing more.

"Mountains of soil are accumulated, and wind and rain are prosperous; The water becomes an abyss, and the dragon is born. - "Xunzi Persuasion"

The accumulation of wealth is like a mountain of dirt and a pile of water, which requires time and patience. In middle age, you should learn to invest steadily, so that wealth can become a help rather than a burden in life.

After people reach middle age, don't do these 4 things easily, otherwise you will regret it when you are old

Fourth, keep learning, don't let your soul be dusted

Mr. Qian Zhongshu's wife, Mr. Yang Jiang, after her husband and daughter passed away one after another, in the face of great changes in her life, she did not choose to sink, but more determined to study. She once said: "We were so eager for the waves of fate, only to find out in the end that the most beautiful scenery in life is actually the calmness and calmness of the heart." ”

In his later years, Mr. Yang Jiang not only continued to study literature and translate classic works, but also wrote touching works such as "We Three" and "Walking to the Edge of Life", recording his deep understanding of life and deep nostalgia for his family. Her spirit of learning, like a beacon, illuminates the spiritual path of countless people, and also shows us that no matter how old you are, learning should be the eternal theme of life.

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was famous for "knowing his ignorance". True wisdom, he believes, consists in recognizing one's own ignorance and thus maintaining one's thirst and pursuit of knowledge. The story of Socrates tells us that learning is not an end, but a state, a never-ending exploration and pursuit of the unknown.

After middle age, we may have accumulated a wealth of life experience and knowledge, but we should be more aware that this is just a drop of water in the vast ocean of knowledge. Only by maintaining a humble and studious attitude can our hearts be forever young and full of vitality.

After people reach middle age, don't do these 4 things easily, otherwise you will regret it when you are old

"Learning is like sailing against the current, and if you don't advance, you will retreat." This sentence vividly depicts the hardships and necessity of learning. After middle age, we may encounter more challenges and difficulties, but just like sailing against the current, only by continuous efforts can we maintain the momentum of progress and not be eliminated by the times.

At the same time, the Song Dynasty poet Lu You wrote in "Reading on a Winter Night": "The ancients spared no effort in learning, and the young and strong worked hard to become old. On paper, I finally feel shallow, and I never know that I have to do it. He admonished us that learning should not only be diligent and hardworking, but also pay attention to practice and application, only in this way can we truly transform knowledge into our own wisdom and strength.

After reaching middle age, in the face of various challenges and temptations in life, people should keep a clear mind and firm beliefs. Don't forget your original intention, stay healthy, invest prudently, and continue to learn, these four points are not only the crystallization of wisdom in middle-aged life, but also an important path to happiness and success. Let us continue to cultivate ourselves and improve ourselves in the journey of middle age, and finally harvest a life without regrets.