
"Trade in the old"! Xiqing District continues to promote .....

author:The official account of Xiqing Rong Media

Since the beginning of this year, Xiqing District has thoroughly implemented the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, conscientiously implemented the requirements of the State Council's "Action Plan for Promoting the Trade-in of Consumer Goods" and the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade-in in Tianjin", continuously optimized the policy of promoting consumption, innovated the trade-in scenario, improved the shopping experience of consumers, and strived to expand and strengthen the market at both ends of supply and demand, so as to better create a social atmosphere of "it is easier to replace the old and more willing to replace the new".

Fully tap the enthusiasm for renewal

Based on the functions of the department, the Xiqing District Bureau of Commerce adheres to the principle of "government support, enterprise profits, financial assistance, and residents benefit", and organizes leading enterprises in various industries to deeply participate in the three actions of changing "energy" for cars, "intelligence" for home appliances, and "new" for home decoration, kitchen and bathroom. Cooperate with Tianjin Rural Commercial Bank, IKEA, Suning Tesco, Jietongda Automobile, Wanlvda Wuhui and other leading enterprises in the industry to launch a series of activities of "Juhui Xiqing Rejuvenate Life" consumer goods trade-in, support Jingdong Home Appliances to carry out the special activity of "Home Renovation to Xiqing, Trade-in into Ten Thousand Homes", organize commercial carriers such as Dayuehui, Wanda Plaza, Shanshan Outlet, etc., aiming at home appliances, mobile phone digital, gold jewelry and other subdivided scenarios, and carry out trade-in to promote consumption activities.

"Trade in the old"! Xiqing District continues to promote .....
"Trade in the old"! Xiqing District continues to promote .....
"Trade in the old"! Xiqing District continues to promote .....

Optimize policies to promote consumption

In the first half of this year, the Xiqing District Bureau of Commerce invested 10 million yuan to hold two phases of automobile consumption promotion activities based on promoting bulk consumption and consumer goods trade-in, selling a total of 4,352 vehicles, achieving an investment-pull ratio of 1:96. At the same time, we will continue to optimize policies and measures, increase the maximum subsidy amount for new cars to 5,000 yuan per vehicle, and superimpose the national trade-in subsidy and car company replacement subsidy, further reducing the cost of car purchase for consumers; Implement the relevant requirements of the trade-in action of consumer goods to increase the circulation of second-hand cars, and take the lead in the city to launch a subsidy policy for the purchase of second-hand cars of up to 2,000 yuan, while increasing the space for consumer choice, promote the second-hand car industry to realize the transformation of the "brokerage to distribution" model as soon as possible, and cultivate new economic growth momentum.

"Trade in the old"! Xiqing District continues to promote .....
"Trade in the old"! Xiqing District continues to promote .....

Build a trade-in scene

The Xiqing District Bureau of Commerce set up the "Xiqing Trade-in Automobile Consumption Promotion Booth" at the main venue of the "Tianjin May Day Automobile Carnival", released the "Xiqing Automobile Consumption Map" and the "Xiqing Car Enterprise Trade-in Policy List", and continued to release the old-for-new policy and consumption promotion activities through the "Tianjin Xiqing" WeChat public account, and the number of customers in each 4S store increased by nearly 3%; The "6.18 Trade-in Product Exhibition" was held at IKEA, IKEA and Suning Tesco displayed new products for home furnishings and home appliances on the spot, and the Rural Commercial Bank promoted the exclusive financial support policy for trade-in, and well-known models such as Wenjie, BYD, Volvo, Volkswagen, Xiaopeng, Smart, and Deep Blue carried out open-air displays and car trade-in policy presentations, and Dayuehui, Aeon and other supermarkets continued to promote the theme of the event on their large screens, and constantly stimulated consumers' enthusiasm for renewing.

"Trade in the old"! Xiqing District continues to promote .....
"Trade in the old"! Xiqing District continues to promote .....
"Trade in the old"! Xiqing District continues to promote .....