
Learn to love yourself before you can find love

author:Clover Liu

Each of us has experienced that deep loneliness and longing to be loved. Sometimes, what we are looking for in relationships may not be true love, but the feeling of being valued and needed. What we care about may not be the other person, but our own position in the other person's heart. This desire for spiritual sustenance often stems from the emptiness and insecurity deep within us.

How can a soul without love be home?

Learn to love yourself before you can find love

Many of us, like a perpetually hungry soul, try to draw nourishment from every human interaction to fill the void in our hearts. We are like hungry people who crave any form of emotional giving. But the truth is that true love doesn't come when we're at our worst. It will only appear in the moment when we begin to learn self-love, to bring our own light.

Learn to love yourself before you can find love

To get out of this situation, we need to return the energy to ourselves. Everyone has their own unique value and brilliance, and there is no need to rely on the approval of others to prove their worth. We don't come into this world to become someone else's attachment or to heal anyone, but to live our true selves and experience all the richness of what it is like to be human.

Learn to love yourself before you can find love

When we begin to truly love ourselves, we attract into our lives those who can truly appreciate us. This kind of love, based on mutual respect and sincerity, is what we truly desire.

Let's return the energy to ourselves, live a complete self, shoulder life, and fulfill ourselves. After all, self-love is the cornerstone of all good relationships. In this journey, may you and I find our own light and become the source of our own life.