
I may not be able to reconcile with you for the rest of my life

author:Clover Liu

In this relationship, I poured everything into it, tried my best to love you, and you made me feel cheap, like I was sticking backwards. I've lowered my bottom line for you countless times, trying my best to fit in with your world, trying to find our common balance. However, all this effort only made me feel more humble.

I may not be able to reconcile with you for the rest of my life

When I think back to those days, when I think of those real love and unreserved giving, how can I let go? The youth that has passed, the hard work that has been paid, seems to have been ruthlessly abandoned. In the dead of night, the pain and loss in my heart are irrepressible, and they come like a tidal wave, and I can't help myself.

I may not be able to reconcile with you for the rest of my life

How easy is it to let go? It's not just a nostalgia for you, it's a nostalgia for that good time. I naively thought that love could overcome all difficulties and allow us to overcome all obstacles. But the reality is cruel, and instead of bringing us closer, it pushes us further and further apart.

I may not be able to reconcile with you for the rest of my life

Perhaps, true relief takes time to settle down, and I need to re-examine myself and learn to grow from this experience. I must admit that not all love is reciprocated, and not all giving is rewarded. This experience was painful, but it taught me how to be stronger and how to find new hope in disappointment.

I may not be able to reconcile with you for the rest of my life

Where do I start? Maybe it's from realizing that not everyone is worth the effort I do. I need to learn to protect myself and not allow myself to be caught up in unnecessary sacrifices. The process of letting go is also a process of self-reconstruction, and it is the process of rediscovering the independent, self-respecting, and self-loving me.

I may not be able to reconcile with you for the rest of my life

I was sad at night because I still cared and had a glimmer of hope. But I also knew very well that only by letting go completely could my heart be free. Love should not make people feel cheap and upside down, true love should be mutual respect and cherish each other.

I may not be able to reconcile with you for the rest of my life

So, no matter how painful the process is, I have to face it bravely. I want to make myself understand that the efforts I have made in the past are not wasted, but the only way to make me more mature and strong. The most valuable lesson I have learned from this irreconcilable love is that loving yourself is the most important beginning.

I may not be able to reconcile with you for the rest of my life

In the days to come, I will slowly allow myself to let go and slowly accept the pain that was given to me. Because I believe that every end is a prelude to a new beginning. I'm going to give myself time, give myself space, and allow myself to find a new direction in my loss.

Unreconciled love may be an indispensable part of life. It taught me more and made me see how strong and vulnerable I am. In this complex world, I have to learn to let go and learn to be calm. Because I know that only in this way can I meet a better version of myself and embrace a wider sky.