
Corolla is less than 80,000 yuan? What should I do if the joint venture A-class car drops to the price of cabbage?

author:Jiang Han

Over the years, the once popular joint venture cars can be said to have been quite depressed, the previous boom is gone, in this case the price reduction has become an unavoidable topic, just recently Corolla less than 80,000 yuan of news came out, people can't help but want to ask the joint venture A-class car to the cabbage price should be seen?

Corolla is less than 80,000 yuan? What should I do if the joint venture A-class car drops to the price of cabbage?

1. Corolla is less than 80,000 yuan?

According to a report by the National Business Daily, competition in the A-class sedan market has heated up during the June impulse season.

"The Sylphy classic model now starts at 69,800 yuan after the cash discount." A sales staff of a Dongfeng Nissan 4S store in Beijing told the "Daily Economic News" reporter that this model was launched at the beginning of this year for the 2024 model, and the starting price at that time was 108,600 yuan, and now the price has dropped by 38,800 yuan. In addition to the Sylphy Classic, the price of the new Sylphy has also dropped significantly, and the starting price has been lowered to 89,800 yuan.

In the SAIC Volkswagen 4S store not far from the Dongfeng Nissan 4S store, a promotional board marked with "Lavida Xinrui Outstanding Edition starts at 79,900 yuan" was displayed in a conspicuous position in the exhibition hall. According to the sales staff of the SAIC Volkswagen 4S store, "In addition to cash discounts, Lavida Xinrui can also enjoy sales policies such as full exemption of purchase tax for all time-limited periods, 20% discount for 3 years, and renewal of value." ”

In addition, FAW Toyota's official Weibo said that it will provide a limited-time comprehensive discount of 43,000 yuan for Corolla models, with prices starting at 79,800 yuan. In the course of the on-site visit, the reporter found that the terminal sales prices of many joint venture A-class cars such as Bora, Suteng, and Leiling have dropped significantly. "With the strong rise of domestic brands in the A-segment sedan market, joint venture models have felt unprecedented pressure. In order to stabilize its market position, it has had to reduce the price significantly. A joint venture brand salesperson thinks.

According to public data, in May this year, independent brands made concerted efforts in the A-class sedan market, accounting for six of the top 10 in the sales list, of which BYD Qin PLUS topped the sales championship of the A-class car market with 48,600 units.

Corolla is less than 80,000 yuan? What should I do if the joint venture A-class car drops to the price of cabbage?

Second, what should I do if the price of the joint venture A-class car drops to the cabbage?

In recent years, with the vigorous development of China's new energy vehicle industry, the price of new energy vehicles has gradually become more accessible to the people, which has had a profound impact on the traditional fuel vehicle market, especially the joint venture A-class car market. As a classic joint venture A-class model, the price of the Corolla has dropped to less than 80,000 yuan, what should we think about it?

First of all, the rapid development of domestic new energy vehicles is not only reflected in sales, but more importantly, the double breakthrough of technology iteration and cost control. BYD's concept of "electricity is lower than oil" directly hits consumers' sensitivity to the cost of use, which means that in some use scenarios, the operating cost of electric vehicles is much lower than that of fuel vehicles. The concept has quickly gained popularity, making consumers more inclined to consider new energy options when buying a car, especially in the context of frequent oil price fluctuations. The launch of models such as BYD Qin is not only very competitive in price, but also shows strong product strength in terms of battery life and intelligent configuration, which poses a direct threat to the joint venture brand.

Corolla is less than 80,000 yuan? What should I do if the joint venture A-class car drops to the price of cabbage?

Second, the transformation of joint venture brands in the new energy vehicle market is relatively slow, on the one hand, limited by the complexity of the global supply chain, and on the other hand, because the existing advantages accumulated in the era of fuel vehicles make them hesitate to face change. The trend of intelligence and electrification requires enterprises to respond quickly to market changes, but in the transformation of R&D, production and sales systems, joint venture brands are generally not as flexible as domestic emerging forces. In addition, the pace of development of joint venture brands in intelligence is also relatively slow, especially in the progress of human-computer interaction, automatic driving assistance systems, etc., which is difficult to meet the growing consumer demand, resulting in the gradual aging of the brand image.

Third, in the face of the loss of market share, joint venture car companies have adopted the strategy of price reduction promotion, that is, "price for volume". By lowering prices, joint ventures are trying to attract price-sensitive consumers in order to stabilize sales and market share. In the short term, this strategy may provide some room for sales growth, especially in the A-segment market, where price competition is fierce. However, in the long run, relying solely on price wars will not fundamentally improve the competitiveness of products, but may damage brand image and profitability.

Corolla is less than 80,000 yuan? What should I do if the joint venture A-class car drops to the price of cabbage?

Fourth, in the face of market challenges and changes in consumer demand, joint ventures must achieve real innovation if they want to recover from the market decline. On the one hand, joint ventures need to accelerate the pace of transformation in the new energy vehicle market and launch more new energy vehicle products that meet market demand. At the same time, joint ventures also need to strengthen the R&D and application of new technologies such as intelligence and networking, and improve the intelligence level and user experience of products. On the other hand, joint ventures need to adjust their market strategies and focus on brand building and quality improvement. By improving the brand image and quality level of the product, it enhances the trust and loyalty of consumers to the product.

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