
Celebrate July 1st and deepen the integration of urban and rural sanitation

author:Linyi Yihe New District
Celebrate July 1st and deepen the integration of urban and rural sanitation
Celebrate July 1st and deepen the integration of urban and rural sanitation
Celebrate July 1st and deepen the integration of urban and rural sanitation
Celebrate July 1st and deepen the integration of urban and rural sanitation

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Shandong Bopu Photoelectric Lighting Technology Co., Ltd., a caring enterprise in Fenghuangling Street, donated heatstroke prevention materials to the sanitation workers of Linyi Jingkai Sanitation Co., Ltd., bringing a touch of coolness to the sanitation workers, and calling on all sectors of society to pay more attention to and care for the sanitation workers. (Cao Junshuai)


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