
The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

author:Fishing alone in the cold river and snow
The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

Text: Fishing alone in the cold river and snow

Edit: Fishing alone in the cold river snow

Foreword: Since June this year, there has been high temperature and little rain in the north, and drought has occurred in many places. In the south, when it is rainy, the major reservoirs have also released water at full capacity many times to free up storage capacity, so as to prevent heavy rainfall from increasing the pressure on the reservoir and ensure that the reservoir can operate normally after heavy rain. It's really a drought, a drought, a flood, a flood.

After the wheat harvest in the Central Plains, most of the farmland is planted with corn, but the rain is sparse and sparse, and many hard-to-irrigate lands can no longer get water, and I am afraid that it will die in the ground.

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

As a result, many reservoirs began to increase their drainage capacity to ensure that crops could be irrigated, and at the same time, a lot of interesting things happened.

The pump was blocked by the old turtle, and he didn't dare to catch it at first, but he sold it when he caught it later

In the past, in the countryside, pumping water to water the land was a common thing, but when the land was first divided, the land distribution was very reasonable, and you would not be given good land because of your special status, nor would you be given a share of the land because you did not have the ability. Every family has good land and dependent land, and the folk customs are very simple. If you pump water, many mounds can't be watered, so they use the sea of oil to fill water, and push it up with a rack cart to water, and there are two older children, and the daughter of the family is married, and there is no son under the knee, so their land will not be watered?

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

The young men in the village will help with this by the way, and the old couple will use the teapot to bring boiling water all the way to quench their thirst and relieve the heat.

Now, who cares whom? In our countryside, only when we do white things, everyone will rush back from Tiannan and Haibei, which is already a village with very good cohesion; In many villages, the family members in the village are not able to do white things, and this sense of ritual belonging to the tradition is gradually dying out with the tide of the economy.

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

At that time, when we were watering the land, each village built a pit pond, which was used for irrigation during drought, and there were many small rivers in those days, and the pump was usually loaded in a wattle basket (a basket made of wattles) and then put it into the water, first, to prevent the aquatic weeds from clogging the pump, and second, to prevent big fish or turtles from getting stuck on the pump.

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

Although there is a thorn basket body, but still do not dare to guarantee that it will be stuck by the old turtle, although the old rural people have broken the four old, but everyone still does not dare to touch the old turtle, because the popular science is not perfect, people also generally believe that the thousand-year-old king 80,000 years of turtle is real, when it encounters the old turtle, it is usually released, and feel bad luck.

Therefore, the number of races in the absence of natural enemies is still relatively large, sometimes in a pit, you can find seven or eight old turtles lying on the shore to dry their backs, they are still very vigilant about people, they have not approached, they swished, and ran into the water collectively, the speed is really fast.

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

Later, when I returned to the countryside, the pattern of watering the land remained unchanged, but the small river was gone, and the water in the pit pond was completely pumped by the well, but everyone's pump no longer used jinglan, but changed to the black plastic basket used by fruit vendors to transport fruits.

People no longer have any reverence for nature, and if there are old turtles, they will be sold or eaten.

Now, the pit pond has long disappeared without a trace, and I can't remember the location of the pit pond for a while, because of the drought, the dry old river channel ushered in the "nectar" of the upstream reservoir.

This water is the hope of farmers and the lifeblood of their crops. As in the usual droughts, the pumps were once again thrown into the rivers on which their ancestors had depended, like swaddling babies, greedily sucking their mother's milk.

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

The peasant households can no longer return to the simple life of helping each other back then, and those who responded to the call early enclosed land and set up factories to become well-off, turned into squires, and became peasant entrepreneurs who no longer return to the countryside. Pity those hard-working farmers, they want to gallop as soon as they get old, and their days will come out, but they are just tiled houses into bungalows, foreign cars into motorcycles, and proud honesty has become a derogatory term.

As a result, the peasants who remained in the land also changed. When water was released from the river, irrigation of crops became a secondary matter, some people welded forks to tie fish, some people took nets to fish, and the village suddenly recovered from the quiet of those years to the bustle of those years. In the water put down from the reservoir, there are countless big fish, and every household is full of pots and harvests.

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

There are many big fish in the reservoir, all of which are due to the ban on fishing?

This time, the reservoir in Henan Province released water, and the density of fish flowing down was particularly high, and two fishing friends and I specially looked at the old sand pits of several rivers. Because of the drought for many years, this release will fill the bunker, and then when the water stops, you can fish in the bunker for those fish trapped in the bunker.

As a result, everywhere he went, there were armies of fishing, some with nets, some with forks, and at this glance, the fish that were laid down seemed to have violated the rules of heaven and suffered such crimes.

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

From a macro point of view, the reservoir released water to flow down so many fish, indicating that the reservoir in recent years has achieved a very significant effect on the fishing ban, although there are still many fishing friends who have been fishing during the fishing ban, what is game fishing?

It is to use the guerrillas to fight to fish, and when the fishery administration comes, I will retire, and when the fishery administration is gone, I will fish again. This special way of fishing is very unfriendly to Taiwan fishing, so the fishing friends of sport fishing have grain and wheat teasing fishing, slippery drifting, Luoyang balls, lures, and sea rods to fish for silver carp. (This is not right, and fishing in a drinking water resource protection area is harming public resources.) )

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

They can't fit the trunk of their bighead carp at one fishing, or they can also explode at a time of secret wild fishing, and the number of fish is desirable. It is said that they use the stuffy rod fishing method to steal fish at night, and they must ensure that there is no light, because if they emit a little light, it is easy to attract night patrols, and it may be dangerous to smoke a cigarette, and there is no smoke in night fishing, and I will not go to whale fishing, and I will not fish with a dull rod in still water.

The number of people who poach fishing is still relatively large, and the damage to the fishery caused by the reservoir is very small. Many years ago, the surrounding people rowed boats to fish, pulled 100-meter nets, and made a living from fishing. At that time, fishing was allowed in the reservoir, and we went fishing, and we could catch a day for 5 yuan, but we couldn't take the silver carp with us. Catch a few pitiful, at the end of the day, not as much as the wild river fishing, lucky, seven or eight catties of carp to touch one, or a dozen catties of grass carp can also catch a few, but in most cases, at the end of the day, more than a dozen crucian carp are finished, some fishing friends, but also the Air Force.

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

That is to say, the recovery of these fish resources is closely related to the fishermen who net fish, in the past, it can be said that there was no supervision, they can net fish today, the net is not good, it will find another way, the net is less, I go to the electricity, no one cares anyway, I can't get the electricity, I will be drugged.

After the ban on fishing, it is not only the anglers who are restricted, but also the fishermen who find another way to make a living, and the entire reservoir is surrounded by surveillance, so that illegal fishing has nowhere to hide.

If it's so strict, why can't it stop the fishermen?

Because when you meet electric fish net fish, it is not as simple as confiscating tools, and when you meet fishing, you have to catch the current, and you can only temporarily detain the equipment, so everyone is vigilant and let go, sometimes the fishery administration is not so mean, the boat just used the horn to expel it after docking, and when you see the rod retracted, you leave.

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing


Through this reservoir release, it can be seen that the harm of fishing to fish resources is very small, and the biggest stumbling block to restore the ecological balance of water resources is the salvage of aquatic weeds when cleaning up the river during the fishing ban period, as well as the illegal fishing behavior of net fish and electric fish.

It is suggested that the relevant departments can look at this problem objectively, correct mistakes from their own teams, prohibit the salvage of aquatic weeds for various factors or reasons in spring and summer, increase the scope of inspections, rotate supervision day and night, and completely snipe illegal personnel who have dropped net fish and electric fish.

and revoke all bans on fishing, as long as it is reasonable and compliant fishing. Fishing is a very beneficial outdoor sport and cannot be used as a scapegoat for illegal fishing such as net fish, electric fish, etc.

The reservoir opens the gate to release water to water the ground, too many big fish is also troublesome, fishing friends: are all caused by the ban on fishing

Enjoy the joy of the moment, because this moment is your life. I am a solo fisherman who is obsessed with rivers and lakes.

Remember to like and collect, after all, the sea of people is vast, and seeing each other is fate.