
Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

author:Writers' Sharing Session
Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company
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Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

In September 1995, the sky in Paris was overcast, as if to herald an impending tragedy. In a quiet apartment, Feng Xiqiao, a 35-year-old physicist of Chinese descent, stood in front of the window, his eyes glazed over.

His heart was going through a fierce struggle, and his thoughts drifted into the distance. Suddenly, he made a shocking decision.

Feng Xiqiao jumped and ended his young and brilliant life.

Feng Xiqiao's death caused a huge shock among the academic community and relatives and friends, leaving endless regrets and questions. His story becomes a thought-provoking puzzle that challenges preconceived notions of genius, success and happiness.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

In 1960, Feng Xiqiao was born into a family of intellectuals, as if fate had already paved an extraordinary path for him. His father, Feng Zhoupeng, is the chief engineer of the National Economic Commission, and his mother, Shen Wenyun, is the director of the thoracic surgery department of the 304 Hospital of the People's Liberation Army.

In such a family atmosphere full of wisdom and achievement, Feng Xiqiao's talent was soon revealed.

During his childhood, Feng Xiqiao showed a strong interest in art. At the age of three, he began to learn traditional Chinese watercolor painting from his grandfather, and he was able to play freely at a young age.

At the age of seven, under the guidance of his grandfather, he began to learn the violin again. Although the conditions were limited and no formal art lessons were available, his mother and grandfather worked tirelessly to copy violin scores by hand to create the conditions for him to practice.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

This kind of artistic edification not only cultivated Feng Xiqiao's aesthetic ability, but also exercised his concentration and perseverance.

In school, Feng Xiqiao's learning ability is amazing. He was always quick to understand and grasp the knowledge imparted by his teachers, and he had an almost obsessive love for reading.

He can often be seen immersed in a sea of books and absorbing all kinds of knowledge. This thirst for knowledge and enthusiasm for learning laid a solid foundation for his later academic achievements.

In 1977, China reinstated the college entrance examination system, which was undoubtedly a great opportunity for Feng Xiqiao, who was in his second year of high school. He threw himself into revision and worked tirelessly.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

Eventually, he was admitted to Peking University with honors and began his college career.

During his studies at Peking University, Feng Xiqiao showed amazing learning ability and hard work. Not only did he excel in his professional courses, but he also put a lot of effort into learning English.

Every morning, he would get up and memorize the words, even on the way home, and he would not forget to stick the words on the handlebars and memorize them as he rode. This tireless learning attitude is admirable, and it also lays the language foundation for his future international development.

In 1980, an opportunity to change Feng Xiqiao's fate came. The first Sino-US Joint Physics Graduate Examination, chaired by Chinese scientist Tsung-Dao Lee, was held in China.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

Feng Xiqiao seized this rare opportunity and was successfully admitted to Harvard University with his outstanding performance, becoming one of the first batch of public students in Chinese history.

This exam was not only a test of Feng Xiqiao's academic ability, but also marked an important turning point in his academic career. From Peking University to Harvard University, from the domestic to the international stage, Feng Xiqiao's life trajectory has begun a new chapter.

He is about to use his talents in a wider world and contribute to the field of physics.

Feng Xiqiao's youth was a process of a genius growing up. The artistic talent he showed from an early age, to his later excellence in the academic field, to his successful admission to Harvard University, showed his extraordinary potential at every step.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

This rising academic star is preparing to shine on the international stage.

The moment he stepped into the Harvard campus, Feng Xiqiao seemed to have found his spiritual home. The academic atmosphere and state-of-the-art equipment made him feel at home and he quickly adapted to his new learning environment.

His talent and diligence quickly caught the attention of his professors, and his performance in class was even more impressive.

Feng Xiqiao has shown amazing learning efficiency. Not only can he easily grasp the knowledge imparted by the teacher, but the learning time required after class is only half that of his classmates. This gives him ample time to participate in various academic activities and expand his horizons.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

His efforts soon paid off, and he was awarded the 1984-1985 Harvard University Outstanding Graduate Student Award. This honor is not only an affirmation of Feng Xiqiao's academic ability, but also a recognition of his potential.

At the age of 23, Feng Xiqiao published a groundbreaking paper in the field of condensed matter physics. The impact of this paper far exceeded expectations and is still widely cited today, driving the further development of the discipline.

The young Feng Xiqiao is like a rising star who has begun to make a name for himself in the international physics community.

At the age of 26, Feng received his Ph.D. from Harvard University, with honors. His talent was quickly recognized, and the University of California, Los Angeles immediately threw an olive branch to him and hired him as an assistant professor.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

This is undoubtedly a great affirmation and opportunity for doctoral students who have just graduated.

While teaching at the University of California, Feng's academic career entered the fast lane. He publishes more than a dozen high-quality academic articles each year, often outperforming other physicists of his time.

His name began to appear frequently in major international academic conferences and seminars, and he became a hot rookie in the academic world.

Feng Xiqiao has traveled all over the world, teaching in the United States this month, giving academic presentations in Europe the next, and then moving to China to participate in various networking activities.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

His academic influence has grown day by day, and he has become an important bridge between the East and the West in physics.

At the age of 35, Feng Xiqiao ushered in another peak in his career. On July 1, 1995, he was promoted to full professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, becoming one of the youngest full professors in the university's history.

This achievement is not only an affirmation of Feng Xiqiao's personal ability, but also a proof of the influence of Chinese scholars on the international academic stage.

Feng Xiqiao's academic path is like a bright light, illuminating the sky of physics. From being an outstanding graduate student at Harvard University, to becoming an assistant professor at the age of 26, to being promoted to full professor at the age of 35, every step is a testament to his extraordinary talent and hard work.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

His research achievements have advanced the development of condensed matter physics, and his academic achievements have won the respect of the Chinese community in the international scientific community.

However, just when Feng Xiqiao's career was at its peak, fate played a cruel joke on him. No one thought that this young and promising physicist would choose to end his life at the most brilliant moment of his career.

This brilliant life, which came to an abrupt end, left the world with endless regrets and thoughts.

Feng Xiqiao's life is not limited to laboratories and lecture halls. During his studies and work in the United States, he showed a wide range of interests and talents, as if he wanted to use his life to explain what it means to be a model of well-rounded development.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

Political activism has become an integral part of Feng Xiqiao's life. He has a strong interest and sense of responsibility for social issues and often spends a lot of time listening to debates and important hearings in both houses of Congress.

Feng Xiqiao is not satisfied with being a bystander, he has the courage to express his views and actively participates in various social movements. In 1987, he went to a nuclear test site in the United States to protest and call for the ban and destruction of nuclear weapons.

In 1991, he threw himself into mass demonstrations against the Gulf War. These experiences have shaped Feng Xiqiao's unique worldview and values, and also made his life more colorful.

Art and sports are also an important part of Feng's life. He has not forgotten the violin he learned as a child, and often participates in the orchestra to express his emotions through music.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

He is also passionate about sports such as swimming and ballroom dancing to keep his body and mind healthy. He can often be seen in concerts and art exhibitions, showing his love for culture and art.

These diverse interests not only enrich Feng's life, but also provide him with different perspectives and inspirations for his academic thinking.

In terms of feelings, Feng Xiqiao also has a wealth of experience. He is rumored to have had more than a dozen girlfriends in the United States for more than a decade. For feelings, Feng Xiqiao seems to have been pursuing a certain ideal state, he is eager to find the other half who can communicate with his heart, and pursue a true soul mate.

This persistent pursuit of perfect feelings may be the foreshadowing of his later emotional difficulties.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

Feng Xiqiao's lifestyle shows his all-round development. He was not only a brilliant physicist, but also a man with a passion for society, the arts, and sports.

This diversified life experience has enriched Feng Xiqiao's life and provided him with a broader perspective for his academic research.

In 1995, 35-year-old Feng Xiqiao was at the peak of his career, but his love life fell into an unprecedented trough. The promising young physicist fell in love with a French woman who was more than 10 years older than him.

Love seems to have given the genius scientist a whole new world, but this relationship has not gone as smoothly as Feng Xiqiao had hoped.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

Differences in cultural backgrounds, age gaps, and lifestyles have all become insurmountable obstacles in this relationship. Eventually, the French girlfriend made the decision to break up.

She believes that the gap between the social and cultural backgrounds between the two is too large to get along for a long time. This decision is undoubtedly a huge blow to Feng Xiqiao, who has always been smooth.

Feng Xiqiao couldn't accept this result. In his opinion, this is not just the end of a relationship, but more like a major setback in his life that has always been striving for perfection.

In September 1995, with the hope of recovering his feelings, Feng Xiqiao came to Paris again. However, his efforts were not reciprocated, but instead plunged him deeper into painful emotions.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

On September 16, in an apartment in Paris, Feng Xiqiao was alone facing the scenery outside the window. Perhaps it was emotional frustration, perhaps long-term academic pressure, or confusion about the meaning of life, all these factors intertwined and finally led him to make a shocking decision.

At that fateful moment, Feng Xiqiao chose to end his life.

This decision came so suddenly, not long ago, he left a message to his classmates saying that he would return to the United States on the 22nd. No one can really understand Feng Xiqiao's mental journey at the last moment, and the departure of this genius has left endless regrets and questions for everyone who knows him.

Feng Xiqiao's story makes us think: even the most dazzling genius can lose himself in the whirlpool of emotions. This tragic ending cast a shadow on his brilliant life, and also left the world with deep thoughts.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

Feng Xiqiao's death caused a huge shock in the academic world. The University of California, Los Angeles lowered the flag at half-mast to express mourning, a rare honor that highlights Feng's status in academia.

The American Physical Union even broke the convention by publishing Feng Xiqiao's obituary and publishing a portrait in Physics Today, which was extremely rare at the time and reflected the high recognition of Feng Xiqiao's contribution by the academic community.

In 1996, in memory of this outstanding physicist, Feng Xiqiao's classmates and friends co-founded the Feng Xiqiao Memorial Foundation. Peking University has also established a scholarship named after him, which is awarded annually to outstanding students in the School of Physics, continuing his love for science.

At the same time, Feng Xiqiao's younger brother Feng Yiyi continued to work hard in the business world and eventually became the president of a listed company. However, no matter how successful his career was, Feng Yiyi always had regrets in his heart that he could not share the joy and achievements of life with his brother.

Feng Xiqiao: He became a professor at the age of 26 and fell from a building at the age of 35, and his younger brother is now the president of a listed company

Feng Xiqiao's story provokes people to think deeply about the life of a genius. How can you maintain mental health and emotional balance while pursuing academic success? How to stay strong in the face of setbacks? These are questions that everyone should ponder.

Feng Xiqiao's life is not only a gorgeous movement of genius, but also a warning about the fragility of life. His story reminds us that even the brightest of geniuses need love and understanding.

While pursuing excellence, we should cherish life, maintain mental health, and find a balance in life.

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