
The rich man expelled the righteous son from the house, and after more than a year, a bowl of medicine returned the righteous son's innocence

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

In our place, there is a small place called Yunxi in the south, and the scenery is as beautiful as a painting, and the people are sincere. There is a big family surnamed Chen in the town, with a big family and a big business, and he is one of the richest families in the town. But this Chen Dahu has a little secret in his heart, that is, he has no biological baby, and only one righteous son named Chen Ping. Chen Ping, this kid, is clever when he is a child, and he has a good heart, Chen Dahu is rare to him, he is raised as his own son, teaches him to read and write, and teaches him how to do business. Chen Ping, a kid, is also competitive, highly educated, and has a good heart, and often helps the poor people in the town.

But the good times don't last long, and there are unforeseen circumstances. One day, Chen's house suddenly caught fire, and the family property almost burned down. To make matters worse, Chen Dahu was seriously injured in the fire and fell unconscious. At this moment, the Chen family was in a mess, and all the servants and maids in the family ran out, leaving Chen Ping alone to guard the unconscious Chen Dahu. Chen Ping, the child, is filial, stays in front of the bed day and night, and takes care of it carefully. But Chen Dahu was too seriously injured, and he was about to die. Before dying, Chen Dahu called Chen Ping to him, took his hand and said, "Ping'er, if I leave, the Chen family will rely on you." But I still have a wish, you have to find my own baby and pass on the Chen family's family business to him. When Chen Ping heard this, he felt so difficult in his heart. He knew that he was a righteous son, but Chen Dahu's biological son, he hadn't even seen it, where could he find it? But looking at Chen Dahu's expectant eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he nodded and agreed.

As soon as Chen Dahu left, Chen Ping provoked the pillar of the Chen family. While he was busy with Chen Dahu's funeral, he was looking for his own son. But this thing is difficult, like looking for a needle in a haystack, how can it be so easy to find? Chen Ping has been looking for more than a year, but he hasn't even found a shadow. For more than a year, Chen Ping has been subjected to white eyes and cynicism. Those who used to befriend Chen's big family now look down on him, saying that he is an orphan without a father and a mother, and he is not worthy of inheriting the Chen family's family business. Some people framed him, saying that he was greedy and deliberately did not look for Chen Dahu's biological son. When Chen Ping heard these words, he felt aggrieved in his heart! But he knew that he couldn't be in a hurry at this time, he had to calm down and find Chen Dahu's biological son in order to clear himself.

In this way, Chen Ping searched for more than half a year, but still did not find it. Just when he was discouraged, one day, he met an old fortune teller on the street. This old gentleman has a childish face and an extraordinary bearing, and he is not an ordinary person at first glance. Chen Ping, a young man, stepped forward with a smoke, gave the old gentleman a salute, and poured his worries to him. The old gentleman listened to Chen Ping's bitter stomach, the corners of his mouth raised, and he said happily: "Young man, you are good-hearted and filial to your father, you are really a rare good boy." Don't worry, I'll give you a hexagram and see what kind of pimple is hidden by Rich Chen's own son. As soon as the words fell, the old gentleman closed his eyes, pinched his fingers, and counted the hexagrams. After a while, he opened his eyes and said to Chen Ping: "Young man, you go to the northwest end, there is a place called Qingyun Village, where the rich man's own son is." When Chen Ping heard this, he was so happy that he almost jumped up. He quickly thanked the old gentleman and went straight to the northwest.

When he arrived at Qingyun Village, Chen Ping inquired, and there was really a man named Chen Ming, who was carved out of the same mold as the rich man Chen. Chen Ping found Chen Ming and told him what he meant, and Chen Ming immediately recognized this brother. It turned out that Chen Ming was a baby born to a woman when Chen Caizhu was young. Later, the woman was gone, and Chen Ming was sent to Qingyun Village and raised by the villagers. As soon as Chen Ming heard that he was the young master of the Chen family, he followed Chen Ping back to Yunxi Town. Chen Ping took Chen Ming home and handed over all the Chen family's family business to him. Those who didn't look down on Chen Ping before, now that Chen Ming is back, they all shut up one by one.

But who would have thought that a few days after Chen Ming went home, he suddenly got a strange illness, and he lay in bed all day long, not wanting to eat anything. Chen Ping found the best doctor in town, but the doctor couldn't see the reason after looking at it for a long time. This made Chen Ping anxious, watching Chen Ming lose weight day by day, the discomfort in his heart was like a knife cut. He remembered the old fortune teller and decided to ask him again.

The rich man expelled the righteous son from the house, and after more than a year, a bowl of medicine returned the righteous son's innocence

Chen Ping found the old gentleman and told him about Chen Ming's condition. The old gentleman listened, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Don't worry, young man, I have a way." You go up the mountain to pick a medicinal herb called 'Bailing Cao', use this herb to make a decoction, and give it to your brother to drink, and his illness will be cured. As soon as Chen Ping heard this, his heart immediately became steady. He thanked the old gentleman, turned around and ran up the hill.

This lark grass is not easy to find in the mountains in our northeast, it grows between the high mountains and cliffs, and you have to have courage and hard work to pick it. But in order to save his younger brother, Chen Ping didn't care about anything and plunged into the deep mountains and old forests. He climbed several hills, crossed several streams, and finally found the legendary lark grass on a steep cliff. The grass grew verdant and green, and the leaves shimmered with a sparkling light, and it was not ordinary at first glance. Chen Ping carefully picked the grass, put it in his arms, and hurried down the mountain.

Back home, Chen Ping handed over the lark grass to the doctor in the town and asked him to help boil the medicine. The doctor is also a good person, he saw that Chen Ping did not hesitate to risk his life in order to save his younger brother, and he was also very moved. He himself waited by the fireside, patiently boiling the bowl of medicinal soup. After a whole night of careful boiling, the medicinal soup was finally boiled. Chen Ping carefully picked up the medicine bowl and walked straight to Chen Ming's room. He sat on the edge of the bed, called out to Chen Ming softly, and slowly poured the medicinal soup into his mouth. What is amazing is that as soon as the medicinal soup entered his stomach, Chen Ming opened his eyes, and his face slowly returned to ruddy. He first looked at Chen Ping, and then at the bowl of medicinal soup, his eyes full of gratitude and surprise. He clasped Chen Ping's hand and said gratefully, "Brother, you saved me." I had a dream in which a white-haired old man gave me an elixir, and my illness was cured. After hearing this, Chen Ping knew in his heart that the white-haired old man must be the old gentleman who divined. He smiled and said to Chen Ming: "Brother, you just need to concentrate on recuperation, and I will take care of family affairs." Chen Ming's heart swelled after hearing this, he knew that although this brother was not his own, he was closer than his own.

The rich man expelled the righteous son from the house, and after more than a year, a bowl of medicine returned the righteous son's innocence

Chen Ming clasped Chen Ping's hand again and said emotionally: "Brother, from now on, we will be real brothers." I Chen Ming can have a brother like you, it is really a blessing in my life. Chen Ping was also very happy in his heart after hearing this. He knew that his hard work and silent endurance for more than a year had finally been duly rewarded. He patted Chen Ming on the shoulder and encouraged: "Brother, take good care of your illness, and when you recover, we will work together to make the Chen family's career more prosperous." Under Chen Ping's careful care, Chen Ming's body gradually recovered. The two brothers worked together to manage the Chen family's family business in an orderly manner. Those who once underestimated Chen Ping now look down on him and praise him as a competent good brother and son. And the old gentleman who divined also left a good name in Yunxi Town. People say that he is a living immortal who can not only predict the future, but also heal and save people. He often drank tea and chatted with everyone in the town's teahouse, telling strange stories, which drew laughter from everyone.

The two brothers, Chen Ping and Chen Ming, are well-known good people in our Yunxi Town. When it comes to them, everyone is full of praise. There is also the mysterious old gentleman, everyone calls him "living fairy", and his story is spread in the teahouse more than the fairy. As the days passed, the Chen family's family business became more and more prosperous with the joint efforts of the two brothers. Not only did they restore their past glory, but they also opened up a lot of new businesses, which made the Chen family's reputation spread even further.

But the good times didn't last long, and as the Chen family became more and more prosperous, those red-eyed people began to secretly do evil. They spread rumors everywhere that Chen Ming was not born to the rich man Chen, but that Chen Ping had found an impostor in order to monopolize the family property. This rumor spread in the town like a plague, making Chen Ming feel aggrieved and Chen Ping worried.

The rich man expelled the righteous son from the house, and after more than a year, a bowl of medicine returned the righteous son's innocence

In the face of these groundless accusations and slanders, Chen Ping did not choose to swallow his anger. He knew that if these rumors were allowed to continue to spread, not only would the Chen family's reputation be damaged, but Chen Ming's heart would also be damaged. So, he decided to stand up and speak with facts to prove Chen Ming's innocence.

Chen Ping found the people who spread rumors and asked them one by one why they did this. As soon as those people saw Chen Ping's menacing momentum, they immediately panicked, and said that they had heard from others, and they didn't know whether it was true or not. As soon as Chen Ping saw this situation, the determination in his heart to find out more was even stronger.

After some investigation, Chen Ping finally found the source of the rumor - a wealthy businessman who was disgruntled because he was jealous of the Chen family. In order to suppress the Chen family, this wealthy businessman deliberately fabricated rumors about Chen Ming's identity. Chen Ping found him, confronted him face-to-face, and exposed his conspiracy. Under Chen Ping's questioning, the rich businessman finally showed his fox tail and admitted the fact that he had spread rumors. He also said that he did this because he was jealous of the prosperity of the Chen family and Chen Ming's talent.

The rich man expelled the righteous son from the house, and after more than a year, a bowl of medicine returned the righteous son's innocence

The guy slapped his head and realized that he was wrong, so he immediately compensated Chen Ping and Chen Ming. Not only did he say it, but he also took out real money to compensate the Chen family for its losses, and he had to clarify those rumors in front of everyone. As soon as the rich businessman apologized and clarified, the rumor was like smoke blown away by the wind, and it disappeared all of a sudden. Chen Ming's identity as a buddy has also been recognized and supported by everyone.

Chen Ping, this kid, used his wisdom and courage to not only prove his brother's innocence, but also maintain the reputation of the Chen family. As soon as this matter passes, the relationship between Chen Ping and Chen Ming's brothers is called an iron, which is more iron than iron. They not only take care of the Chen family's business together, but also help those in need. Their good deeds have touched the residents of Yunxi Town, and everyone regards them as an example to learn.

The rich man expelled the righteous son from the house, and after more than a year, a bowl of medicine returned the righteous son's innocence

The old fortune teller also heard about this, and he said to Chen Ping: "Young man, you have done a good job! You have proved your innocence with your actions and upheld your brother's dignity. Remember, you have to be upright, kind, affectionate and righteous, so that you can leave a good name in this world. Chen Ping listened to the old man's words, and he felt a recognition in his heart. He understood that the reason why he was able to overcome difficulties and prove his innocence was because of the integrity and kindness that he had always adhered to.

He was determined to keep working hard to make himself and his brother better people. After a long time, the two brothers Chen Ping and Chen Ming left a string of touching stories in Yunxi Town. They not only help those in need, but also interpret what true brotherhood is with their actions. Their story, sung from generation to generation, has become an unfading legend in Yunxi Town.

The old fortune teller is still telling everyone all kinds of strange things in the teahouse. He often said, "People, you have to have good thoughts in your heart and accumulate virtue by doing good deeds, so that you can have good rewards." His words influenced everyone who listened to the story, making them cherish their lives more and strive to pursue truth, goodness and beauty.

This is the story of the two brothers, Chen Ping and Chen Ming, a story about family, friendship and justice. It tells us that no matter how big the obstacles are, as long as we adhere to the qualities of integrity and kindness, we will definitely be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve the final victory.