
The god operator said that the scholar would die in five days, and the ghosts in the temple sent the soul to detain him, and Yan Jun said: You can't detain it

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk to you about a strange thing in the south today. said that there is such a small town in the south, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, don't look at the town is not big, but there is a dragon and a crouching tiger in it, and there is a god operator, surnamed Li Mingdaotong, which is the town's most influential person. He was easy to gossip that week, pinched his fingers, predicted the future, and nine times out of ten, he was nicknamed "Living Immortal".

On this day, a young scholar came to the town, named Chen Zixuan. This young man is wearing a green shirt, holding a folding fan in his hand, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, and his air is magnificent. Chen Zixuan is the son of a large family in the capital, and he feels that the prosperity of the capital is too disturbing, so he travels around with books, trying to find the true meaning of life. When he heard about Li Daotong's name, he came here and wanted to ask for advice.

Chen Zixuan arrived in front of Li Daotong's hexagram stall, bowed his hand and said: "Under Chen Zixuan, Mr. Jiuyang's name is here, and I have come to ask for advice." Li Daotong took a look, this Chen Zixuan looked full of heaven, and the earth pavilion was round, which was originally the appearance of happiness and longevity, but there was a black gas between his eyebrows. He was shocked in his heart and thought: This kid's fate is not a trivial matter.

The god operator said that the scholar would die in five days, and the ghosts in the temple sent the soul to detain him, and Yan Jun said: You can't detain it

Li Daotong smiled slightly and said, "Son, please sit down, if you have any questions, just ask." Chen Zixuan sat down and told him about his life experience and intentions. After hearing this, Li Daotong pondered for a moment and said, "Childe, you have a great catastrophe in your life, if you can't resolve it, there will be a bloody disaster within five days." When Chen Zixuan heard this, he was frightened, and hurriedly asked, "Sir, is there any way to resolve it?" Li Daotong shook his head and said, "This calamity is destined by God, not by man." However, I can show you the way, and maybe there will be a chance of life. ”

Chen Zixuan asked eagerly: "Please sir." Li Daotong said: "You have to go to the Qingyun Temple ten miles outside the town, and ask the Taoist chief in the temple to give you guidance." But remember, you must come back within five days, otherwise you ......" Chen Zixuan didn't dare to delay, hurriedly thanked Li Daotong, put his bags on his back, and went straight to Qingyunguan.

In the blink of an eye, five days were almost up. Chen Zixuan got the guidance of the Taoist chief in the Qingyun Temple, and although he was still a little up and down in his heart, he also had a little more confidence. He said goodbye to the Taoist chief and hurried back. But just as he was about to enter the town, a sudden gust of wind blew, Chen Zixuan felt his scalp tingle, and a sense of foreboding rose in his heart. He looked up and saw that not far ahead, in a ruined temple, there seemed to be a fire flashing. Chen Zixuan was curious, so he walked over and took a look. The door of the temple was wide open, and there was no one inside, only a dilapidated statue of a god and a few flickering oil lamps. He was about to leave, when he suddenly heard the sound of chains mopping the floor, and then two ghosts in black robes and high hats came out of the darkness, holding chains and locks in their hands, and came straight to Chen Zixuan. Chen Zixuan was so frightened that he couldn't possess his body, and hurriedly retreated, but the two ghosts approached at an extremely fast speed like ghosts. Ouch, that's a real nuisance. Chen Zixuan's kid was walking, when suddenly an iron chain "clanged" around his neck, and the ghost's voice was like the winter wind, cold: "Chen Zixuan, your days are over, hurry up and report to the underworld with me!" Chen Zixuan was panicked and hurried: "I... I still have five days left, why did you come to me so quickly? The ghost sneered, like a popsicle: "Destiny is hard to violate, you still want to bargain?" Come with me, or you'll be gone!" As soon as the words fell, the two ghosts escorted him to the temple.

The god operator said that the scholar would die in five days, and the ghosts in the temple sent the soul to detain him, and Yan Jun said: You can't detain it

Chen Zixuan was panicked in his heart, but now he is like a kite, and he can only be at the mercy of others. At this moment, a sudden explosion of thunder shouted outside the temple: "Wait a minute! Immediately after, a golden light fell from the sky and rushed straight into the temple. In that golden light, you can vaguely see a statue of a god, that is not the Taoist of Qingyun Temple. As soon as the Taoist chief appeared, his voice was like thunder: "Who are you?" Dare to catch souls here! As soon as the ghost saw the Taoist, he hurriedly bowed his head and bowed: "Report to the immortals, we are from the underworld, and Yan Jun called us here." The Taoist snorted, like the north wind in winter: "This kid Yangshou is not over yet, you dare to mess around?" The ghost said, "We dare not disobey Yan Jun's orders. The Taoist chief was angry: "Yan Jun also has a time when he looks away, this kid is destined by heaven, if you dare to touch him, don't blame me for being polite!" After speaking, the Taoist waved his hand, and the golden light forced the two ghosts to retreat several steps. The ghost took a look and knew that the Taoist chief was not easy to mess with, so he had to leave in disgrace.

When Chen Zixuan saw this situation, he hurriedly stepped forward and kowtowed: "Thank you Dao Elder for saving your life!" The Taoist chief helped him up and said, "Come back to Qingyunguan with me, I have something to tell you." However, you have to face the five-day catastrophe by yourself, and I can only give you one or two pointers. Chen Zixuan followed the Taoist back to Qingyun Temple, and the Taoist told him the ins and outs of the five-day tribulation. It turned out that Chen Zixuan owed a debt in his last life, and he had to pay it back in this life. These five days are the critical time to repay the debt. The Taoist chief told him that in order to resolve this catastrophe, he had to find the creditor, apologize sincerely, and do everything he could to make amends.

Chen Zixuan listened, and the five flavors in his heart were mixed. He knew that he couldn't find out what happened in his previous life, but since the Taoist chief gave him advice, he decided to let it go. He said goodbye to the Taoist chief, returned to the town, and began to inquire about the creditor. After a lot of effort, Chen Zixuan finally found the creditor - an old beggar named Wang Dazhu. This Wang Dazhu saved Chen Zixuan's ancestor when he was young, but the ancestor sold Wang Dazhu for his own interests, so that he ended up begging. After Chen Zixuan found Wang Dazhu, he didn't say a word and knelt down directly. He sincerely apologized to Wang Dazhu and promised to spend his life to make up for him. When Wang Dazhu saw Chen Zixuan's sincere attitude, he was deeply touched in his heart. He gently helped Chen Zixuan up and said gently: "Child, you don't have to kneel anymore, I have already let go of that matter." You came to me to show that you have good intentions in your heart, and that is enough. When Chen Zixuan heard these words, his heart surged with emotion and self-blame. He understood that he could not easily forgive himself, so he decided to stay with Wang Dazhu and take care of his daily life. He used the money he had saved to rent a comfortable cottage for Wang Dazhu and invited a doctor to treat his illness. Under Chen Zixuan's careful care, Wang Dazhu's physical condition gradually improved, and the long-lost smile bloomed on his face again.

The god operator said that the scholar would die in five days, and the ghosts in the temple sent the soul to detain him, and Yan Jun said: You can't detain it

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the five-day deadline has arrived. Chen Zixuan's heart was full of uneasiness, waiting for the verdict of fate. However, unexpectedly, when he woke up, he found himself safe and sound. He hurried to Qingyunguan and asked the Taoist chief about the reason for the miracle. The Taoist leader told Chen Zixuan with a smile on his face, "You have successfully defused the five-day tribulation. Your sincerity has touched heaven and earth, and it has also touched the creditors. Wang Dazhu has forgiven you, your debts have been removed, and your fate has been changed. Hearing this, Chen Zixuan burst into tears with excitement, and he deeply thanked Dao Chang and Wang Dazhu for their kindness. Bidding farewell to Daochang and Wang Dazhu, Chen Zixuan embarked on the journey of life again with a grateful heart.

Since then, Chen Zixuan has cherished life and fate even more. He uses his knowledge and talents to help those in need, and infects those around him with his kindness and sincerity. He became a role model in the hearts of the people, and his story became a good story in the town. And the temple that almost took his life has become even more mysterious and legendary because of his story. Some people say that there lived in the temple a Lord Yama, who was in charge of judging the fate of people; It is also said that the temple contains a book that can predict the future. In any case, that temple became a sacred place and a place of faith in the hearts of the people.

As for that god operator Li Daotong, he became famous for accurately predicting Chen Zixuan's fate. But he did not become complacent because of this, but more humbly delved into the art of Zhou Yi Bagua. He used his wisdom and talents to help those in need, and became a "living immortal" in people's hearts. The story of Chen Zixuan and Wang Dazhu has also become a topic of conversation and joke in people's leisure time. People use their stories to motivate themselves to cherish life, be grateful for fate, and be helpful. That story, full of fantasy and bizarre plots, has become an eternal memory and legend in people's hearts.

The god operator said that the scholar would die in five days, and the ghosts in the temple sent the soul to detain him, and Yan Jun said: You can't detain it

The story of Chen Zixuan and Wang Dazhu is widely spread in the town, like a north wind in winter, sweeping the entire street. People say that Chen Zixuan is really lucky, he met a magnanimous creditor like Wang Dazhu, and a noble person like Dao Chang to help him, it is really an endless road. Chen Zixuan's kid, as soon as the five-day catastrophe passed, his life was like stepping on dog shit luck, as if it was like something. He has a smart brain and a good heart, has helped many people, and has won the respect and gratitude of everyone. Wang Dazhu, this guy, has also been stained with Chen Zixuan's light, and has lived a stable life, and he no longer has to wander on the street and live by begging.

Once, Chen Zixuan was strolling around the town, and he heard someone talking: "Have you heard of it?" The Taoist of Qingyun Temple is going to go out to travel, saying that he is going to find some heavenly truth. As soon as Chen Zixuan heard this, his heart moved, and he decided to go to Qingyun to watch the Taoist chief, and thank him for his life-saving grace and guidance.

When I arrived at Qingyun Temple, I saw that the Taoist chief was busy packing his luggage and preparing to leave. Chen Zixuan stepped forward and asked politely, "Daoist, where are you going?" The Taoist nodded and said with a smile, "Well, I've been here long enough, it's time to go out and take a look." Chen Zixuan felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he understood that the Taoist was a person who pursued the truth and would not stay in one place for a long time. He said respectfully: "Dao Chief, I will remember your grace to me for saving my life and guiding me. I will continue to use my knowledge to help others, as you have taught. ”

The god operator said that the scholar would die in five days, and the ghosts in the temple sent the soul to detain him, and Yan Jun said: You can't detain it

When the Taoist chief heard this, he nodded and praised: "Zixuan, you have done a good job." Remember, Heaven is impartial and always favors those who have good intentions. As long as you keep a kind heart, you can find your own path. When Chen Zixuan heard this, his heart suddenly brightened. He thanked the Dao Chang again, and then watched as the Dao Chief's figure gradually disappeared into the distance on the mountain road.

Since then, Chen Zixuan has studied harder and been more enthusiastic about doing good. He not only uses his knowledge to help people solve problems, but also warms people's hearts with his good deeds. He set up a school to teach the children in the town to read and write for free; He also set up a charitable fund to help those who are in need. Chen Zixuan's good deeds spread throughout the south, and even to the capital. Those who once looked down on him and ridiculed him now look up to him and praise him as a talented and virtuous man. Those who have been helped by him are even more grateful and regard him as a lifesaver.

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye. Chen Zixuan is already a gray-haired old man, but his kind heart and pursuit of the way of heaven have not changed. He often recalled his experience when he was young, and remembered what the Taoist chief said: "Heaven has no relatives, and he is always with good people." This sentence is like a lamp that illuminates his life path.

The god operator said that the scholar would die in five days, and the ghosts in the temple sent the soul to detain him, and Yan Jun said: You can't detain it

One day, Chen Zixuan was teaching children in the school and suddenly felt dizzy. Knowing that his time was near, he asked his servants to help him back to his study. He sat down at his desk, picked up his pen, and prepared to write a letter. The letter reads: "Although our life is not long, we have lived a very fulfilling and enjoyable life. We have to thank those who have helped us, and we have to thank those who have helped us. We hope that our story will inspire more people to pursue goodness and truth. As soon as the letter was written, Chen Zixuan felt a lot more relaxed. He knew that he was about to say goodbye to the world, but he didn't panic at all, and he didn't feel any regrets. Because he understands that he has found his own way—that is, good and true. At this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew outside, blowing the pieces of paper in the study all over the sky. Chen Zixuan looked at the scraps of paper floating outside the window, and an indescribable emotion surged in his heart. He seemed to see himself again - the young scholar with a schoolbag on his back and full of dreams. He smiled and closed his eyes, as if he had seen the world of his own—a place full of good and truth.

After Chen Zixuan left, his story spread more widely in the town. Everyone said that he was a true hero, a role model - a person who used his own kindness and wisdom to change the world. And the letter he left behind has also been praised by the people - it has become an eternal legend, a revelation.