
This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

author:July to talk about it

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! The numbering of Chinese lunar soil research is in pinyin, not English [treacherous] [adulterous] [adulterous] [adulterous]


Laughing to death and successfully remembering a word, great, it won't be long before a foreigner will be pinyin from elementary school [tears]

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

Awesome! A good intelligence officer deciphers the code in a second

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

You taught me an English word, you're awesome

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

我支持拼音统治世界,写教务管理系统别人写school student的时候我就写xuexiao xuesheng[奸笑][奸笑][奸笑]

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

Tell them not to break the rules!

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

I don't know why I brought Sha Yi's face [tears] [tears]

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!


This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

Foreign: Change 6, what does it mean? Is it because of Mach 31 that you want to change the international situation?

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

Like-minded confidant

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

They should rejoice that we Chinese love peace [flash of inspiration] [flash of inspiration]

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

It's other countries that don't dare to go beyond the rules we set [covering face]

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

It is said that this man had been proposing to publish a complete history a few years ago, but had never been agreed, and only now did he agree to it

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!
This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

You have to know that our mother's order is to announce the generation, the hidden generation, the research and development generation, and I now suspect that this speed may be 40

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

Sometimes I can't react [covering my face] 2×5 can be counted as 7 during the exam

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

Discover the artifacts gogogo!

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

Missiles need regular maintenance there, and some parts need to be tested and installed before use, which is collectively referred to as missile maintenance

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

Sun Wukong fights 108,000 miles with him, and he has to take a shot if he is slow for a second

This is the lunar soil that belongs to China! When studying lunar soil in China, the numbering was in pinyin, not English!

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