
Gorky's First Experience of Childhood: The Pondering Behind the Plain Beginning and the Power of Persistent Reading

author:Oreo tells the story

Yesterday, I began to flip through Gorky's novel "Childhood". The book is not too long, with a total of 242 pages divided into thirteen chapters. When I first came across this novel, I immediately felt some unique feelings and thoughts.

Gorky's First Experience of Childhood: The Pondering Behind the Plain Beginning and the Power of Persistent Reading

I gradually delved into the world of Childhood. I read one chapter on the first day and another one today, for a total of about 30 pages. However, these 30 pages didn't appeal much to me. The story is a bit bland, the relationships between the characters are complicated, and most of the names are hard for me to remember.

Gorky's First Experience of Childhood: The Pondering Behind the Plain Beginning and the Power of Persistent Reading

Recalling that in high school, our Chinese teacher introduced Gorky's literary trilogy: "Childhood", "In the World" and "My University". In recent years, Gorky has added a new work, "Mother", to enrich his literary panorama. However, at present, I don't feel comfortable understanding his "Childhood", and I haven't found the feeling that can stir up waves in my heart.

Gorky's First Experience of Childhood: The Pondering Behind the Plain Beginning and the Power of Persistent Reading

In contrast, "How Steel is Made" is quite different. I have read this Soviet novel three times, and the characters and plot are deeply imprinted in my mind. Both are the works of Soviet writers, but the narrative of "How Steel is Made" is clearly more powerful and moving.

There always seems to be a common problem in foreign novels: the names of characters and places are always difficult to remember. Some of the foreign classics I read in high school, and even the foreign fragments that appear in Chinese textbooks, often make people feel vague about the names, which may be due to linguistic and cultural differences.

Even so, I decided to stick with the book. Great literature often takes a lot of effort to really appreciate its substance. If a book is easy for everyone to read, its depth and value will be diminished. Therefore, I firmly believe that through repeated reading and thinking, I will eventually appreciate the real and profound picture of life in Gorky's pen.

Running a small shop in the countryside, sitting in the store and reading books every day, I always feel a little strange, as if I am a little out of place with the surrounding environment. I was a little embarrassed that customers might look at me in a strange light. However, I always believe that the book has its own Golden House, Yan Ruyu and Qian Zhongsu. Reading more books can always add color to life and make people different.

At the moment, I have read two chapters of Childhood, a total of 30 pages. Despite the slow progress, each step is a challenge to the ego. I have always believed that Gorky's works: In the World, My University, and Mother, all have their own unique features that deserve to be savored.

Although the business is busy, it gives me more time to read quietly. When the words in the silence slowly flow into the bottom of the heart, the satisfaction surpasses all the hustle and bustle of the outside world. In the world depicted by Gorky, I gradually found that those seemingly ordinary plots will give birth to more unexpected gains and inspirations over time.

Gorky's "Childhood" consists of thirteen chapters, each of which is the author's retrospective and contemplation of his childhood life. These 242 pages are not only a story of growth, but also the relentless pursuit of life, hardship and hope for generations. Therefore, I look forward to continuing to delve into this work and feeling the childhood years that have been separated for a long time but are still alive with Gorky's little protagonist.

When holding your breath and crawling between the lines, those indescribable characters gradually appear and are no longer blurred. I understand that persistence is victory. Finding resonance in continuous reading will surely break the blandness of that surface and sublimate the soul. In this way, we can not only experience the beauty of a literary classic, but also draw infinite wisdom and strength from it.