
Why is your relationship with your child so bad?

author:Tianjin Bao Ma Parenting

In recent years, with the acceleration of urbanization and changes in family structures, more and more parents have found that their relationship with their children has become increasingly strained, estranged or even broken. So, why is your relationship with your child so bad?

Why is your relationship with your child so bad?

First, the concept of education is different

In traditional Chinese culture, "respecting teachers" and "family affection first" are very important values. However, in contemporary society, with the pluralism and openness of people's ideas, there have been great changes in the way of education. Parents may pay more attention to academic performance or career choices, while children are more focused on self-realization and exploration. If there is a big difference in the educational concept between the two sides, it is easy to cause poor communication, misunderstanding and even conflict.

Second, there is a lack of communication

In modern society, the time spent interacting between parents and children is reduced due to high work pressure and rush of time. Over-reliance on electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets, etc., may be able to stay connected, but it does not really facilitate emotional communication. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the way and content of the conversation is appropriate, and it is necessary to understand and tolerate it.

Why is your relationship with your child so bad?

3. Expectations are too high

Parents often have a "perfect" image in mind: excellent grades, good conduct, and a bright future...... However, in real life, everyone has their own way and speed of pursuing happiness and success, and it does not fully meet the standards. "High expectations" put both parties in a state of unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Fourth, lack of common interest

Although there is a large age difference, it is difficult to establish deep communication without common interests. In this case, parents can try to understand and participate in what the child is interested in or is doing. Or by sharing their own experiences and discussing issues, they can strengthen mutual trust.

Fifth, there is a lack of care and understanding

In daily life, especially during difficult times, children may feel abandoned or disappointed if parents do not take the initiative to provide support and encouragement. For example, when a child has mental depression or other psychological problems, parents should give help and comfort as soon as possible.

Why is your relationship with your child so bad?

In short, children naturally like to be noticed and encouraged. They need a stable safe haven to deal with challenges and complex issues. Therefore, parents should stand from the perspective of "guidance" and "support"; Build good communication bridges and listen to their needs with patience; And always be tolerant and encourage them to be positive. Only in this way can we effectively promote the deep emotional connection between each other.