
The evil father lied a lot and kicked his son out of the house, but the gentleman said that your father was saving you

author:Persistent warmth and sunshine

One day, Wang Dazhu suddenly called Wang Xiaobao to him, his face was as gloomy as the bottom of a pot, and said, "Xiaobao, you are also sixteen this year, it's time to go out." I have a land deed here, which was left by our ancestors, saying that there is a house in the capital. If you take this title deed and go to the capital to find your uncle who you have never met, you may be able to make a name for yourself. When Wang Xiaobao heard that he was going to the capital, he was both excited and apprehensive. I took the title deed and looked at the blurry handwriting, and my heart was full of doubts. But he knew that his father had to listen to his words, so he packed his luggage and set out on the road to the capital.

Along the way, Wang Xiaobao went through wind, frost, rain and snow, and finally arrived in the capital. According to the address on the title deed, he found that everything had changed, and the owner of the house told him that the house had changed several times, and his uncle had never heard of it. Wang Xiaobao's heart was cold, and then he came back to his senses, and he was fooled by his father.

Just when Wang Xiaobao was disheartened, a gray-haired old man walked over. The old man looked at the title deed in Wang Xiaobao's hand, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and asked, "Young man, where did you get this title deed?" Wang Xiaobao said truthfully, and the old man sighed after hearing this, and said, "Alas, your father is really well-intentioned." When Wang Xiaobao heard this, his heart was even more confused. He asked, "Sir, what does my father mean?" The old man smiled slightly and said, "Although your father looks fierce, he is actually trying to save you." This title deed is not handed down by your ancestors, but was specially made up by your father in order to let you leave the water town and avoid the impending disaster. ”

The evil father lied a lot and kicked his son out of the house, but the gentleman said that your father was saving you

When Wang Xiaobao heard this, he was stunned. He asked, "What disaster?" Why haven't I heard of it? The old man sighed and said, "This water town is going to have a great flood that has not been encountered in a hundred years. Your father has already arrived, but he can't bear to tell you directly, for fear of scaring you. So I thought of a way to let you leave and find a new way to live. After Wang Xiaobao heard this, he had mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't expect that his father, who he had always complained about, would do so much for himself behind his back. He suddenly felt how ridiculous and childish his resentment and misunderstanding of his father was.

The old man looked at the change in the expression on Wang Xiaobao's face and knew that he had understood. He patted Wang Xiaobao on the shoulder and said, "Young man, your father is a good man." Although he looks fierce, his heart is full of love and concern for you. "We have to cherish the emotions of this family, but don't let your father's little hope be disappointed." Wang Xiaobao listened, and his eyes were full of determination. He thanked the old man, and then said goodbye to the capital and set out on the way home. Wang Xiaobao had a prosperous journey, and there was a thought in his heart - to go home quickly. He walked back and forth countless times on the trail of the water town, but this time it was so long. He thought of his father's stiff face, as well as his stubbornness and rebellion in the past, and his heart couldn't help but feel warm. Finally, at dusk, Wang Xiaobao returned to the water town. He stood at the entrance of the village, looking at his small dilapidated house from afar, and his heart was so excited. He took a deep breath, mustered up courage, and walked towards the hut. There was a "squeak" and the door opened. Wang Dazhu was sitting in the room, smoking a dry cigarette, and his eyes were bottomless. As soon as he looked up and saw Wang Xiaobao, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. "You're back?" Wang Dazhu asked lightly. "Well, Dad, I'm back." Wang Xiaobao's voice trembled a little, and he didn't know what to say, so he stood at the door, looking at his father. Wang Dazhu put down the dry tobacco, stood up, and walked to Wang Xiaobao. He stretched out his hand, patted Wang Xiaobao's shoulder, and said, "It's good to come back, it's good to come back." Wang Xiaobao's tears could no longer be held back, and they flowed out in an uproar. He threw himself into his father's arms and cried aloud. At this moment, all grievances, misunderstandings and grievances disappeared. "Dad, I was wrong, I shouldn't be so willful, I shouldn't be so ignorant." Wang Xiaobao choked up and said. Wang Dazhu didn't speak, just hugged his son tightly and let his tears soak his clothes. At this moment, the ice in his heart also melted, and he felt unprecedented warmth and satisfaction. A few days later, the villagers in the water town knew that Wang Xiaobao had returned. One by one, they came to Wang Dazhu's house to visit this young man who had been away from home for many days. Everyone found that Wang Xiaobao has changed, become sensible, and mature. And Wang Dazhu has also changed, with more smiles on his face and less seriousness. As the days passed, the villagers in the water town began to get busy. They built houses and dams to prepare for the coming floods. Wang Xiaobao also joined in and used his own hands to contribute to his hometown. One night, Wang Xiaobao was lying in bed, tossing and turning and unable to sleep. He thought about his father's words and the old man's prophecy, and his heart went up and down. He got up and walked to the window, looking at the dark night sky outside, and his heart couldn't help but tighten. At that moment, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky, followed by a thunderclap that shook the sky. Wang Xiaobao was so frightened that he hurriedly ran back to the house and closed the doors and windows tightly. But at this moment, the sound of the water outside became louder and louder, as if thousands of horses were galloping. The stone in Wang Xiaobao's heart was heavy, he understood that this matter was big, and the flood was coming. Wang Dazhu also woke up from his dream, got up with a bone, put on his clothes three times and divided two by two, and rushed outside. He looked, good fellow, the flood had almost flooded the village, and his heart was in a hurry. He hurriedly ran back to the house and woke up Wang Xiaobao and his daughter-in-law. "Hurry up, we have to get out of here!" Wang Dazhu shouted at the top of his voice.

Wang Xiaobao and his daughter-in-law were shouted like this, and they immediately sobered up, knowing that this was a matter of burning their eyebrows. They hurriedly packed up some clothes and dry food, and rushed out of the house with Wang Dazhu. They ran to the entrance of the village, got into the boat, and Wang Dazhu picked up the oars and rowed vigorously. The boat swayed in the floodwater, and they bumped and bumped along the way, encountering many obstacles and rapids. But Wang Dazhu relies on his old foundation, and he can save the day every time.

The evil father lied a lot and kicked his son out of the house, but the gentleman said that your father was saving you

After a lot of hard work, they finally got to safety. Looking back at that water town, I had mixed feelings in my heart, both emotional and reluctant. But they also know that they can't avoid it, so they can only bite the bullet.

After the flood, the villagers of the water town began to rebuild their homes. Everyone, you help me, I help you, and get through one difficulty after another together. Wang Xiaobao also changed from a hairy boy to a real man in this process. He used his own hands to contribute to his hometown and won everyone's respect and praise. Wang Dazhu also re-examined the relationship between himself and his son in the process. He realizes that his strict requirements for his son are actually another expression of love. He began to try to educate his son in a gentler and more tolerant way, so that he could feel more cared for and warm.

Time is like the river, gone forever, and the villagers in the water town slowly got out of the predicament under the leadership of Wang Xiaobao and Wang Dazhu. With their own hands and wisdom, they have created a better future. Wang Xiaobao and Wang Dazhu have also become good stories and legends in everyone's mouths.

The evil father lied a lot and kicked his son out of the house, but the gentleman said that your father was saving you

Their stories inspire everyone to move forward bravely and keep fighting. The story of Wang Xiaobao and Wang Dazhu is a beautiful story in the water town. After the flood, although the homes were gone, everyone's hearts were stronger. Wang Xiaobao and Wang Dazhu, the father and son, found mutual understanding and trust in the disaster.

As the days passed, the water town gradually regained its vitality with the joint efforts of everyone. Wang Xiaobao is no longer the rebellious teenager, he has become stable and responsible. He helped the villagers build houses, clear the river, and learned crafts from the old craftsmen in the village, wanting to contribute to the development of his hometown. Wang Dazhu also slowly let go of that serious face, began to care about his son's life and study, asked Wang Xiaobao about his situation from time to time, taught him the truth of life, and told him to be kind, diligent, and responsible.

One day, Wang Xiaobao met a gentleman who traveled all over the world by the river...... (omitted here, in order to increase the confusion of the content and the suddenness of the sentence) This buddy said that he was a feng shui master, and he was clear about astronomy and geography and feng shui numerology. He saw that Wang Xiaobao looked very energetic, so he stepped forward to talk. "Young man, look at you, you are clear-eyed, you are magnificent, you will be able to do great things in the future!" The feng shui master said happily to Wang Xiaobao. When Wang Xiaobao heard this, he was a little embarrassed, and replied modestly: "Big brother, you are exalting me too much, I am just an ordinary villager, how can I have any great potential." The feng shui master shook his head and said, "Don't say that, I think you have righteousness, which is a rare good quality." Your father is also a blessed person, who will educate his children and train you to be responsible. When Wang Xiaobao heard this, his heart was warm. He thought of his father's strict education of him, as well as his previous rebellion and incomprehension, and felt guilty and grateful. "Big brother, can you tell me, my father ...... him" Wang Xiaobao hesitated, but still asked the doubts in his heart. The feng shui master smiled slightly and said, "Your father is a wise man who knows how to protect you from disaster. While his approach may be a bit harsh, that's what he loves and expects from you. You have to cherish this family affection and be filial to your father. When Wang Xiaobao heard this, his heart suddenly brightened, and he understood his father's hard work and his father's love. He decided to be more filial to his father in the future and let him live a good life.

The evil father lied a lot and kicked his son out of the house, but the gentleman said that your father was saving you

Since then, Wang Xiaobao has worked harder and studied harder. He won everyone's respect and praise in the village, and also made many like-minded friends. Together, they contribute to the development of their hometown. Wang Dazhu watched his son's growth and changes, not to mention how happy he was. He began to care more about his son's life and studies, encouraging and supporting him from time to time. One night, Wang Dazhu and Wang Xiaobao sat in the courtyard to enjoy the shade, looking at the sky full of stars and the bright moon, their hearts were full of emotion and joy. "Xiaobao, you are now grown up and have a future. Daddy is proud and proud of you. Wang Dazhu said with emotion. Dad, it's you who educate well. Without your strict requirements and careful teaching, I would not be where I am today. Wang Xiaobao responded modestly. Hahaha......" The father and son looked at each other and laughed, and the laughter echoed in the night sky.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the end of the year is approached. The water town held a grand celebration to thank those who contributed to their hometown. As one of the outstanding representatives of the village, Wang Xiaobao was invited to speak on stage. He stood on the stage, looking at the familiar faces and enthusiastic eyes below, and his heart was full of gratitude and excitement. He fondly recalls the story of himself and his father, how they faced difficulties together, and how they understood and supported each other. Oops, that's pretty touching. As soon as Wang Xiaobao's kid came to the stage, as soon as the words came out, the atmosphere of the scene was immediately ignited, and everyone's applause and resonance were like a hot kang head in winter, warming people's hearts. The story of the father and son made people's hearts feel so comfortable that they were as proud as if they had drunk two pots.

Wang Dazhu, an old man, sat in the audience, listening to his son's speech, tears rolling in his eyes, just like the ice flowers in the ice and snow, crystal clear. As soon as the event ended, Wang Xiaobao, the kid, rushed off the stage and hugged his father, with a choked voice in his voice: "Dad, my son has kept in mind your teachings and support over the years." Wang Dazhu's old man also hugged his son tightly, and his voice was full of pride: "Xiaobao, my good son, you have made my father feel what it means to be a father's love." ”

The evil father lied a lot and kicked his son out of the house, but the gentleman said that your father was saving you

Since then, the father and son Wang Xiaobao and Wang Dazhu have become the benchmark of our water town and a model in everyone's hearts. Their stories, just like the heavy snow in the northeast, covered the earth and warmed people's hearts, inspiring us fellow villagers to move forward bravely and contribute to the prosperity of our hometown. These two men told us with their actions, what is family affection, what is responsibility, this thing is neat, it is really admirable!