
Gentian (heat-clearing and dampness-clearing medicine)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Gentian (heat-clearing and dampness-clearing medicine)

Gentian has a long history of medicinal use, and its origin is contained in the "Shennong Materia Medica", which describes its function as: "cold and heat between the main bones, epilepsy and evil qi, continuous injury, fixed five organs, killing Gu poison". "Famous Doctors" supplemented its function, saying that it can "remove the heat in the stomach, the temperature is hot, the heat is discharged, the intestinal worms are removed, the liver and gallbladder are good, and the shock is stopped", especially the function of "stopping the shock" is added, which further clarifies the application scope of gentian.

Gentian (heat-clearing and dampness-clearing medicine)
Regarding the origin of the name of gentian, doctors of all dynasties have their own explanations, such as Tao Hongjing said: "It looks like ox knee, and the taste is very bitter, so it is named after gall"; Li Shizhen explained: "The leaves are like nightshades, and the taste is bitter like gall, because they are famous." It is not difficult to see that the ancient doctors' explanations of the name of gentian medicine focused on its characteristic of "bitter taste like bile". Aliases include Lingyou "Shennong's Materia Medica", Grass Gentian "Materia Medica", Gentian Grass "Crawling Rock Materia Medica", Bitter Gentian Grass, Ground Guiliary Grass "Puji Fang", Gall Grass "Medicine Righteousness" and so on.
Gentian (heat-clearing and dampness-clearing medicine)

Gentian porridge: 10g of gentian grass, 20g of bamboo leaves, 100g of white rice. First, add water to decoction gentian grass and bamboo leaves, take the juice instead of water and add white rice to cook into porridge, instead of breakfast. Clear away heat and detoxification, clear the heart and remove troubles. It is used for insomnia and irritability, red eyes and bitter mouth, yellow urine, constipation, and is taken by people who are depressed and discouraged.

Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine gentian is the dried roots and rhizomes of gentianaceae plants of the gentian family, such as gentian, gentian, three-flowered gentian or Yunnan gentian. The first three are called "gentian", and the latter is called "strong gentian". Gentian is mainly produced in Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia, and is known as "Guan Gentian" because of the largest output in Northeast China. Gentian is mainly produced in Yunnan. Harvesting, washing, drying, and cutting in spring and autumn. This product has a slight gas and a very bitter taste. Yellow or yellowish brown is preferred. Raw.

Gentian (heat-clearing and dampness-clearing medicine)

This product has a bitter taste and is cold. Return to the liver and gallbladder meridians. It has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness, and purging the liver and gallbladder fire.

Note: Those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should not use it, and those with yin deficiency and injury should use with caution.

"Materia Medica"

Cold and heat between the main bones, epilepsy and evil qi, continue to be injured, set the five treasures, and kill Gu poison.

[Nuclear said] everywhere, Wu Xing wins. The roots are yellow and white, and the roots are drawn straight down one or twenty, similar to oxknee and short. Straight up seedlings, more than a foot high, like tender garlic and fine. It blooms in July, resembles a petunia and is bell-shaped. Stems like bamboo branches, after winter, the stems are scorched. A kind of taste is extremely bitter and astringent, does not wither in winter, and is called stone gentian, similar and different. Treatment: Take the shade dry, cut off the head of the beard with a copper knife, chop it finely, soak it in licorice soup for one night, and expose it to dry.

[Reference] detailed name, combined with the body of the nail gallbladder, should enter the house of the liver, the pivotal medicine of Shaoyang. Its qi is cold, the reverse treatment of heat is the foundation, the yang is the standard, and the phase fire is also the transformer. Its taste is bitter, bitter is said to be inflammatory, bitterness goes down, bitterness can enter the bones, so the cold and heat between the main bones, and the shock is up, epilepsy is down, and those who do not follow the pivotal image are also. If you continue to be injured, you will have the courage to dismantle the armor. Those who determine the five Tibets, the five Tibets depend on the courage, and then they can be determined. The genus of the Gu who dies yin, the genus of the gallant who gives birth to yang, and the side of the yang, how can it be allowed to die for a long time?

The gentian is generated, which is the medicine of Shaoyang, which is the treatment of Shaoyang. Shaoyang gas is phase fire, and the gentian smell is bitter and cold.

Dragons, phallic things also. It can turn into water and fire. "Pi Ya" cloud: If the dragon fire is wet, it will be burned, and if it gets water, it will burn. If you chase away the fire of people, you will rest, so people are like fire. This is the name of the dragon, and take the taste of gall, the flame of the dragon fire, such as the ruler of the wood of the armor, can rise to the sky, not the lord descends, and can heal the fire of the eyes.

Gentian (heat-clearing and dampness-clearing medicine)

"The Original"

Grass gentian. Bitter and cold, small poison. Go to the reed or stir-fry in wine or soak in licorice soup for an overnight stay. Do not take it on an empty stomach, it makes people pee.

The cold and heat between the main bones of the "Benjing", the epilepsy and evil spirit, the continuation of the absolute injury, the determination of the five organs, and the killing of Gu poison.

The invention of grass gentian bitter cold precipitation, the main liver meridian evil heat, lower scorching damp heat, wine swelling and yellow swelling, eye disease red swelling, bruising, children's liver qi, and intestinal worms. Cover the liver and gallbladder damp heat, take the bitter cold to relieve it. Shi Zhen said: The fire is in the liver and gallbladder, and there is no help. Therefore, the heat of the liver and gallbladder is beneficial to the liver and gallbladder qi. However, the bitterness and cold, too much hurt the qi in the stomach, and it is also like serving Coptis chinensis for a long time. The cold and heat between the main bones of the "Benjing" refers to the heat injury to the kidney water, the heat is extremely windy, and the convulsions are caused by the heat, and the severe becomes epilepsy, and the damp heat and evil qi are in the middle and lower two cokes. The evil of the liver and gallbladder is gone, and the five organs are peaceful, and the absolute damage of the meridians continues. Kill Gu poisoners, and get rid of dampness and heat. Those who take it with stomach qi deficiency will vomit, and those with spleen deficiency will vomit if they take it. Although there is humidity and heat, be careful not to use lightly.

Gentian (heat-clearing and dampness-clearing medicine)

"Debei Materia Medica"

Gentian. Guanzhong, red adzuki beans for it. Rehmannia and sunflower.

Great bitterness, great cold. Entering the foot less yang, syncope yin meridian qi. The evil heat of the two meridians is diarrhoeal, and the dampness and swelling of the scorching are cured. Kill roundworms, treat yellow bile, clear drenching secrets, heal convulsions, stop diarrhea, eliminate sores and carbuncles, remove sore throat, and remove eye redness. Get the ears and cure the ear disease. (Damp heat is also removed.) Get Bupleurum to cure eye diseases. With windproof, treat children's night sweats. Served with barley malt, cure grain dice. and chicken clearing, cure typhoid fever madness. Mix pig bile, night sweats after treatment.

Soak the licorice in water overnight and expose to dryness. Raw, downward. Wine stir-fry, up. Honey fried, BOC. Stir-fry the pig bile, and reduce the heat faster.

Hollow forbidden. (It's indulging, and if it's too bitter, it's going to be discharged.) )

It is forbidden to damage the stomach and have no real fire.

Gentian (heat-clearing and dampness-clearing medicine)

The concoction of gentian

Most of the gentian is used raw, and according to the 2010 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the processing method of gentian is "washing, moistening, cutting and drying". In addition, there are also "liquor-made" processing methods, and studies on the relationship between liquor preparation methods and gentianpicrin content are not uncommon. A study has used water and methanol extraction method to extract gentian raw products and wine products, and analyzed the extract by high performance liquid chromatography, and found that the components in wine gentian have changed greatly, the dissolution has increased, and the components have undergone quantitative and qualitative changes [Journal of Shaanxi University of Education, 2010, 20(1): 107]. There are also studies on the liquor making process using gentiopicrin as an index. The orthogonal design method was used to investigate the length of gentian sections, the selection of wine, the amount of wine added and the simmering time, and the results showed that the contents of water extract and gentianpicrin were the highest in the concocted products with a length of 5~10mm, 1/5 of the quality of medicinal materials, and 2 hours of simmering. Compared with the raw products, the water extract content and gentiopicrin content of the wine products were higher than those of the raw products, which may have changed the physical properties of the drugs and improved the dissolution rate of the active ingredients during the wine making process [Chinese Journal of Traditional Chinese Materia Medica, 2008, 33(20): 2336]. Although the research on the above processing methods provides a basis for the processing process, the ultimate purpose of processing is to improve the clinical efficacy.

Gentian (heat-clearing and dampness-clearing medicine)

Modern pharmacology

Traditional Chinese medicine gentian mainly contains iridoid ether terpene glycosides such as gentiopicrin, dangyao glycoside, trifolin, bitter dragon glycoside, and analofin, as well as gentian flavine, gentioline, and alkaloids such as qinjiangxin, ethyl, and propion. In addition, it also contains gentian triose, B-sitosterol, etc.

Gentian water infusion has different effects on skin fungi such as Trichophyton gypsum and Nocardia astrostella, and also has inhibitory effects on leptospira, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and typhoid bacillus; Gentianpicrin has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it also has the effects of sedation, gastric juice and gastric acid secretion, liver protection, heart inhibition, heart rate reduction, blood pressure reduction and antimalarial parasite.

Time: 2024
Gentian (heat-clearing and dampness-clearing medicine)