
"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

author:Duhan Literature Theory

A film called "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" made its mark in the film market with a fresh and unique style. This movie with the theme of youth campus love made the role of Shen Jiayi played by Chen Yanxi instantly become the goddess in the hearts of countless audiences.

Her pure and lovely image seems to be the girl next door in everyone's heart, which reminds people of her youth, and this movie not only made Chen Yanxi an instant hit, but also made her a leader among the new generation of actresses.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

However, it is not easy to succeed. In 2014, Chen Yanxi took over the role of Xiaolongnu in the TV series "The Condor Heroes", which not only brought more attention to her, but also caused her to fall into the whirlpool of huge controversy.

The span of this role is so large that even many viewers and film critics are skeptical, from the girl next door to the fairy little dragon girl, Chen Yanxi needs to cross not only the space, but also people's concepts.

In response to the audience's doubts, Chen Yanxi chose to respond with practical actions, she worked hard to figure out the role, trying to integrate the coldness of the little dragon girl with her own sweet qualities. However, the audience's response was not ideal, with many believing that her acting skills needed to be improved, and some people even directly criticized her as a "plastic surgery-style" little dragon girl.

This experience was a major blow to Chen Yanxi, making her realize her shortcomings in acting. Since then, she has begun to study performance more diligently, hoping to break through herself and get rid of the label of "vase".

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

In the "Life" program, Chen Yanxi said frankly: "These words seem a little ridiculous, but I deeply believe that I should make myself better." She knows that in the entertainment industry, only by continuously improving herself can she be invincible.

Despite this, Chen Yanxi's image is still loved by the public. Her sweet smile and fresh and refined temperament have made her the darling of many brands. However, labels such as "vase" and "plastic face" also followed, which became a challenge that she had to deal with.

From "Those Years" to "The Condor Heroes", Chen Yanxi's acting career has not been smooth, but through these ups and downs, she has gradually grown into a more mature actor. Her experience also represents the stories of many new generation actors, showing the hardships and challenges of the road to fame.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

In Chen Yanxi's acting career, her love story is like a drama with ups and downs, which is eye-catching. In 2013, her relationship with actor Ke Zhendong was exposed, and the combination of the golden boy and girl became the focus of the entertainment industry for a while.

The two are young and beautiful, and they are full of matching, which makes people envious However, the good times did not last long, and this seemingly sweet relationship finally broke up.

There are different reasons for the breakup, but Chen Yanxi chose to remain silent. In a show, the host asked about her love life, and Chen Yanxi was slightly embarrassed about it, but responded lightly: "Let's keep this secret first."

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

Her low-key way of dealing with emotional problems may stem from her inner peace and rationality.

However, fate is always full of drama. Just when people thought that Chen Yanxi would focus on her career, she met in 2014 when she collaborated with Chen Xiao in "The Condor Heroes", and quickly sparked a spark of love.

From the play to the outside of the play, the "Condor Heroes" quickly established a relationship.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

The relationship progressed rapidly, and only two years later, in July 2016, Chen Yanxi and Chen Xiao held a wedding and had their children soon after. Speculation about this flash marriage has endured for years, with some expressing blessings and others questioning.

However, reality is always cruel, and fairy tales are often better than reality. Life after marriage is not as good as expected, they often separate due to work, and the pressure of parenting also makes their relationship gradually strained.

Chen Yanxi revealed in an interview: "We are very busy, sometimes we can only see each other once a month, but we try to find time to spend with each other and children."

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

Despite this, Chen Yanxi still works hard to maintain this marriage, looking forward to giving her children a complete home. She said on the program "Life": "Don't be separated because of a moment of unhappiness, because marriage needs to be managed."

This sentence also seems to reflect her attitude and determination towards marriage.

However, since 2017, rumors about Chen Yanxi and Chen Xiao's divorce have continued. Every year, a so-called "insider" breaks the news, saying that the relationship between the two is in trouble and has even begun to separate.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

These rumors are like a lingering haze, shrouded in the marriage of the "Condor Heroes".

In the face of these rumors, Chen Yanxi chose to remain silent many times, only occasionally posting some brief responses on her social media. "Over the years, I've learned not to care about the rumors, I know what I'm doing, I know what I want, and that's enough," she said.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

Chen Yanxi's love road is full of drama, from young romance to flash marriage and childbirth, to frequent marriage rumors. This experience not only allowed her to grow, but also taught her how to protect her private life in the spotlight.

Whatever the future holds, we hope she can find her own happiness.

Since 2017, Chen Yanxi's married life has been shrouded like a haze, and divorce rumors are like lingering ghosts, entangled with the former "Condor Heroes" year after year.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

Every time, some "insiders" expose that Chen Yanxi and Chen Xiao have problems in their relationship, and even say that they have begun to separate, and these rumors are so frequent that people can't help but wonder if there is some truth in them.

In the face of a series of divorce rumors, Chen Yanxi initially chose to remain silent. She probably thinks that time will tell, and there is no need to respond to every rumor.

However, as time went on, the rumors did not subside, but intensified.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

On June 19, 2024, divorce rumors swept in again. According to the media, Chen Yanxi and Chen Xiao have negotiated a divorce, but it has not been made public, mainly for the sake of their children. This time, the details of the rumors were more specific than ever, and even the way in which the property was divided was exposed by "people in the know".

Allegedly, the two have moved out of their homes and are going through divorce procedures.

The rumors this time have made many people believe that the marriage change is real. Someone said, "How can there be waves without wind?" There are rumors of divorce every year, are these really just things made out of nothing? Others think: "Marriage in the entertainment industry is already fragile, and it is not easy to hold on for eight years."

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

In the face of such a violent storm of public opinion, Chen Yanxi could no longer ignore it, and finally stood up in person. She expressed on social media: "My relationship with Brother Xiao has always been very good, and I hope everyone will stop guessing."

We will continue to run our family as always" However, such a response did not completely quell the doubts.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

In any case, these constant rumors have undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on Chen Yanxi and her family. To a certain extent, this kind of rumors of marriage change and divorce every year has become a professional "side effect" that she has to face.

How to maintain a marriage and ensure family harmony in such an environment is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Chen Yanxi.

Chen Yanxi's acting career is like a rugged mountain road, full of ups and downs. Since her debut, she has faced doubts about her acting skills. Many people believe that her success is more due to her pure and lovely appearance than her excellent acting skills.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

This kind of skepticism reached its peak after she played the role of Xiaolongnu in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Some netizens called Chen Yanxi's "acting skills blunt" and "expression management is not in place", and some even said that she is a "plastic surgery" little dragon girl, thinking that her performance lacks soul. In the face of these sharp criticisms, Chen Yanxi did not choose to back down, but rose to the occasion.

She admitted in an interview: "I know that I still have a lot of shortcomings, but I will continue to work hard and hope to make breakthroughs in every role."

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

In addition to the issue of acting skills, Chen Yanxi's image change has also caused some controversy. In the early days, she was an innocent girl next door, but later she was labeled as a "plastic face" because of the change in appearance, which made many fans confused and uncomfortable.

Some people think that she made the change to meet the needs of the market, but others feel that it is just a process of personal growth.

Regarding this question, Chen Yanxi responded on the show: "Everyone has the right to pursue the beauty in their hearts, and I changed my image just because I want to make myself more confident, not to please others."

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

However, this change in image has affected her career development to a certain extent.

Faced with the bottleneck in her career, Chen Yanxi did not give up easily. She began to try to diversify, in addition to film and television works, she also tried in the fields of music and variety shows. In "Nine Knives Movie", she tried different types of roles, hoping to break through the bottleneck of her acting skills.

"I don't want to be stereotyped, I want to be able to try out all kinds of different roles and let the audience see a different me," she said.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

However, this quest to break through the self is obviously not an easy road. Every attempt will face new doubts and challenges, some accuse her of "not doing her job properly", and others think that she is "distracted".

In the face of all kinds of doubts, Chen Yanxi can only stick to her own path, she expressed her firm belief in the "Life" program: "Although these words are absurd, I also know that I have the responsibility to make myself better."

From "Those Years" to "The Condor Heroes", and then to later diversification attempts, Chen Yanxi's acting career is not smooth. However, it was these challenges and controversies that allowed her to mature from a young newcomer to a more experienced actress.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

Although the controversy is still there, she is trying to prove that she is not just a "vase", but an actor with potential and pursuit.

After marriage, Chen Yanxi needs to bear the double pressure of career and family. In her career, she needs to give it her all; In the family, she is to play the role of a good wife and mother. This frequent shifting and balancing of roles can be a huge challenge for anyone.

Due to their work, Chen Yanxi and Chen Xiao often get together less and leave more. Long-term separations inevitably have an impact on the marital relationship. Chen Yanxi revealed in an interview: "We are all very busy, sometimes we can only see each other once a month.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

However, we try to spend time with each other and the children."

This state of gathering less and leaving more has created a lot of room for speculation from the outside world, some people think that their relationship has faded, and some people speculate that the two may have separated. In the face of these speculations, Chen Yanxi chose to remain silent most of the time, but this silence does not mean that the problem does not exist.

In addition to family problems, Chen Yanxi is also plagued by the pressure of public opinion. Every divorce rumor, as well as negative news related to her, will cause an uproar on the Internet. Sometimes, a simple gesture or expression can be misunderstood, which can lead to public opinion attacks.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

In the face of these pressures, Chen Yanxi posted an article on social media, in which she wrote: "Over the years, I have learned not to care about those false rumors, I know what I am doing, I know what I want, and that is enough.

Behind this sentence is her long-standing backlog of grievances and helplessness.

However, the entertainment industry is a cruel place, it can make people famous overnight, but it can also make people fall to the bottom in an instant. For Chen Yanxi, how to maintain her original intention in this environment and find a balance between family and career is undoubtedly a major challenge.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

In the program "Life", Chen Yanxi shared: "Don't give up easily because of a moment of unhappiness, because marriage needs to be managed with heart." This is not only her view of marriage, but also the attitude she adheres to when facing the pressures and challenges of life.

Although Chen Yanxi is facing internal and external troubles, she is still working hard. She is looking for a balance between her career and family, and she is also trying to cope with the doubts and pressures of the outside world in her own way.

Regardless of the outcome, this effort deserves respect.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

Despite the many challenges and doubts she faces, she remains hopeful for the future, knowing that only by working hard can she gain a firm foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

In terms of career, Chen Yanxi began to try more types of roles, hoping to break through the bottleneck of her acting skills. From the girl next door in the previous "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", to the little dragon girl in "The Condor Heroes" later, and then to the diversification attempt, she has been looking for a development path that suits her.

As she said on the show, "I don't want to be stereotyped, I want to be able to try a variety of different roles so that the audience can see a different me."

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

In terms of family, despite the constant rumors of divorce, Chen Yanxi is still committed to maintaining this marriage. She made it clear on social media: "My relationship with Brother Xiao is stable, please stop guessing."

We will continue to run our family" This is not only a response to public opinion, but also her commitment to the family.

In the face of the pressure of public opinion, Chen Yanxi learned to deal with it more calmly. In an interview with Life, she said: "It's ridiculous to say, but I also think I should make myself better.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

This attitude shows her growth and maturity.

Although the road ahead may still be full of challenges, Chen Yanxi chooses to stick to her original intention and face it with a positive attitude. She is convinced that as long as she persists, she will eventually find her own rainbow.

As Chen Yanxi said: "Don't want to separate because of a moment of unhappiness, because marriage needs to be managed carefully." This may be her attitude towards love, and her determination to face the future.

"Marriage changes every year, divorce every year", scandals are full of revelations, who did Chen Yanxi offend

Whether in her career or marriage, she is trying to find her own balance.

We look forward to Chen Yanxi continuing to grow in the near future, and she will have new breakthroughs in her acting career, while also finding true happiness in family life.

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