
How Do I Implement Data Copy Prevention? What are the methods of data copy prevention?

author:Li Xiang, Enterprise Security Engineer

With the rapid development of information technology, data has become one of the most valuable assets of enterprises. However, the risk of data leakage and illegal copying also increases, posing a huge challenge to the information security of enterprises. In order to protect the security of enterprise data and prevent data from being illegally copied, a series of effective measures need to be taken.

How Do I Implement Data Copy Prevention? What are the methods of data copy prevention?

Methods of data copy prevention

1. Encryption

Encryption technology is one of the important means to prevent data copying. With symmetric and asymmetric encryption, data can be encrypted so that it cannot be read or exploited without authorization. Transparent encryption technology can encrypt data without the user's knowledge, without affecting daily normal use, but it cannot be used normally after unauthorized outgoing. This technology can effectively prevent unauthorized copying of data during transmission and storage.

2. Digital Rights Management

Digital rights management (DRM) protects digital content through technical means and restricts users' copying, printing, editing, and other operations, thereby preventing files from being illegally copied. The DRM system can be applied to all kinds of digital content, such as e-books, music, videos, etc., to ensure that the interests of copyright owners are not infringed.

3. File permission settings

The operating system provides the file permission setting function, and users can set file permissions, such as read-only, write-only, and execute permissions, as needed. By setting file permissions, you can restrict the operation of files and prevent data from being illegally copied. For example, if a sensitive file is set to read-only, users can only view the contents of the file and cannot copy or modify it.

4. Offline Authorization

Offline authorization is a method of restricting user access to and replication of files without an internet connection. This is usually achieved through a license, which the user needs to obtain online and then use it offline. This method can effectively prevent illegal copying of data in an offline environment.

5. Digital watermarking

Digital watermarking embeds specific information into a file and is used to identify the owner and source of the file. Once a file has been illegally copied, the source of the file can be traced back by detecting the digital watermark, thus preventing the data from being illegally copied and disseminated.

6. Physics

Use a physical lock, such as a USB lock or dongle, that can be plugged into your computer to access files. This approach increases the security of data by physically restricting access to files.

Insight into the application of the Eye MIT system and the Hole Eye Examination software

Insight into the Eye MIT System

How Do I Implement Data Copy Prevention? What are the methods of data copy prevention?
How Do I Implement Data Copy Prevention? What are the methods of data copy prevention?
How Do I Implement Data Copy Prevention? What are the methods of data copy prevention?

Insight Eye MIT system is a powerful data security monitoring software, which integrates instant messaging control, email control, document security control, screen security, printing security, mobile storage control and other functions. It uses transparent encryption, permission control, sensitive content identification and other technologies to achieve all-round protection of data.

  • Instant messaging control: Completely record the conversation content of mainstream instant messaging software, support sensitive word alarms, and prevent sensitive information leakage.
  • Email control: Record the content of emails sent and received by standard protocol mailboxes and HTTPS/SSL encryption protocol mailboxes, control the sending and receiving of emails, and prevent important information from being leaked through emails.
  • Document security control: Based on transparent encryption and permission control, documents are prevented from being illegally copied, printed, and transmitted. At the same time, it provides document outgoing approval and leakage tracking functions to ensure the security of documents.

Hole check software

How Do I Implement Data Copy Prevention? What are the methods of data copy prevention?

Insight is an intelligent data leakage prevention solution that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to automatically identify and analyze potential security risks.

  • Intelligent content recognition: It can identify, classify, and protect sensitive data in the enterprise, such as customer information and financial statements.
  • Flexible policy development: Administrators can customize security policies based on the needs of the enterprise, such as restricting file outgoing and prohibiting access to specific websites.
  • Cross-platform support: It can run on Windows, Mac, Linux, and other operating systems, which is convenient for file sharing and encryption between different platforms.

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1. Compression encryption

Compression encryption is a common means of data copy prevention. By compressing and encrypting data, the security and confidentiality of data can be greatly improved. Compression encryption compresses the original data to reduce the storage space it occupies, and then uses an encryption algorithm to encrypt the data. In this way, even if the data is illegally obtained, it cannot be read or exploited directly, because the correct key and algorithm are required for decryption.

2. Group Policy

Group Policy can also be used to prevent copies of computer files. Group Policy is a feature provided by the Windows operating system to centrally manage and configure operating system, application, and network settings. Through Group Policy, you can prohibit the copying of computer files, but the operation is more complicated and there may be a risk of cracking, so you may need a professional computer to prevent copying files.

3. Registry Adjustments

A certain degree of data copy prevention can also be achieved by modifying certain entries in the registry. The registry is the core database of the Windows operating system, which stores configuration information about the system and applications. By modifying the registry, users can restrict access to certain files, thus achieving the purpose of copy prevention. However, it should be noted that modifying the registry carries certain risks, and if it is not done properly, it may cause the system to be unstable or fail to boot.


Data copy prevention is an important part of ensuring enterprise information security. Through encryption technology, digital rights management, file permission setting, offline authorization, digital watermarking, physical lock and other methods, it can effectively prevent data from being illegal

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