
Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

author:North Guyang

In 1985, Hao Zipeng, who used to be the old Eighth Road, went to attend a dinner party for his comrades-in-arms, and after coming to the dinner place, Hao Zipeng met a peasant woman, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he became, but he just couldn't remember who it was. Just as he remembered where he had seen the peasant woman, a figure suddenly flashed through his mind. Hao Zipeng was shocked: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years? In order to confirm this idea in his heart, Hao Zipeng blurted out: "Wang Ziqing!" The peasant woman who was sitting also subconsciously stood up and replied, "Here!" After the two recognized each other, they shook hands excitedly, it turned out that the two were already old comrades-in-arms who fought side by side forty years ago! But looking at Wang Ziqing's current appearance, Hao Zipeng's heart is full of confusion: Why did the comrades-in-arms who fought side by side in the past now become daughters? What did she go through to make such an amazing metamorphosis?

1. The fate of displacement

Wang Ziqing's original name was Wang Jiuhuan, and he was born in 1925 in an extremely poor peasant family in Shanxi. The family was crammed into a small cave, and Wang Jiuhuan and his sister slept on the windowsill, and there was no hope for life. Unfortunately, Wang Jiuhuan's father died when he was very young, leaving his mother alone in the family. In order to provide food and clothing, her mother had to sell Wang Jiuhuan, who was only 12 years old, to a 34-year-old fool as a child daughter-in-law.

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

After entering her mother-in-law's house, Wang Jiuhuan became the labor force of the whole family, busy from morning to night until her hands and feet were rough, and the leftovers became delicious. What's even more terrifying is that she has to endure the beatings of her in-laws every day, and life is worse than death. One winter day in 1938, Wang Jiuhuan was beaten by his father-in-law again and was knocked unconscious in the snow.

After waking up, Wang Jiuhuan was full of desolation, and asked Li Xianghao that this world is more bitter than Coptis chinensis, where is the way out? Li Xiangzi was heartbroken and told her: "Child, go find the Eighth Route Army." Early the next morning, Li Xianghao prepared some dry food for Wang Jiuhuan and told her to keep going north to find the Eighth Route Army.

Although little is known about what the Eighth Route Army is, the oppressed Wang Jiuhuan only wants to be able to control his own destiny and is no longer forced to be Botian's child daughter-in-law. With a longing for a new life, Wang Jiuhuan walked towards the north alone, on the road to the future.

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

Second, the courage to put on armor and go into battle

After a day and a night of trekking, Wang Jiuhuan finally came to the head of Guojiagou Village. happened to meet two soldiers of the Eighth Route Army transporting dried vegetables in a small flat cart, and Wang Jiuhuan took the initiative to help push the cart. Seeing this, the fighters took the poor child to the company headquarters.

The company commander saw that Wang Jiuhuan was alone in joining the revolutionary team and his physique was thin, so he warned her about the hardships of being a soldier and made her think twice. However, Wang Jiuhuan did not hesitate and was determined to join the ranks of the Eighth Route Army, vowing to fight to break free from the shackles of fate. The company commander saw that she was determined, so he took her in.

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

At that time, Wang Jiuhuan had nothing, not even a decent dress, only the old clothes of the foolish husband in the past. She had a haircut and spoke in a rough voice, mistaking her for a boy. But Wang Jiuhuan didn't explain the truth, for fear that he would not be able to join the army if he was a girl.

When the company commander asked her name, she borrowed the name of a young man from the same village and said that her name was Wang Ziqing. Since then, she has been in the army, living, training, and fighting with the soldiers.

Soon after, Wang Jiuhuan's company found a group of unreasonable Japanese devils burning and plundering in the village during a battle. The soldiers were furious when they saw this, and they were all eager to try. Wang Jiuhuan took the lead and rushed down the hill to annihilate all the Japanese devils. When her comrades-in-arms saw her so brave, they were all amazed.

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

Under the training and education of the party organization, Wang Jiuhuan gradually grew up and worked diligently. Once, when the instructor asked her if she would like to join the Communist Party, Wang Jiuhuan almost jumped for joy. After further education and study, on a sunny day, she honorably joined the Communist Party of China.

In 1939, the company commander handed Wang Jiuhuan a top-secret document and asked her to personally send it to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army. This road is full of twists and turns, and crises are lurking, and it can be described as difficult. Before leaving, the company commander told her that no matter what, she must ensure the safe delivery of the documents, even if it costs her life. Wang Jiuhuan categorically promised that he would not miss anything he said.

3. The struggle between confusion and persistence

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

In the Eighth Route Army, although Wang Jiuhuan was brave and fearless, he always had doubts about his identity. She understands that although she is treated as a boy, her body structure is different from that of a man after all. Once it was found out that she was a daughter, it would be bad.

Sometimes lying on the bunk, Wang Jiuhuan would secretly look at his comrades-in-arms around him, looking at the dense hair on the edge of their basins, but he was a slippery layer. I began to feel weak in my heart, for fear that one day someone would see through the disguise. As soon as he thought of this, Wang Jiuhuan frowned and couldn't sleep at night.

In order to cover up that he is a daughter, Wang Jiuhuan has to be extra cautious on weekdays. Wherever she was, she wore a hat that covered her face, for fear that others would see her immature face. Even on a hot summer day, you must not untie your clothes to breathe.

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

Even more troublesome is when the menstrual period comes. No matter how hard and tiring the combat training is, Wang Jiuhuan has to carry it hard, and he will never dare to show the slightest abnormality. She used the local method taught by her mother back then, stuffed the paper ball into the crotch of her pants, and barely coped with it. In those days, Wang Jiuhuan was scared, for fear that the slightest negligence would reveal her true identity.

Just when Wang Jiuhuan was worried about hiding her identity, something that bothered her even more came. When one of her relatives heard that she was well-known in the army, he came to the door to propose. For this proposal, the soldiers all agreed in unison, because in their opinion, Wang Ziqing was undoubtedly the best recruit at that time.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Wang Jiuhuan hurriedly excused himself and said that he was still young and did not want to marry a wife, but his comrades-in-arms smiled and said that they would marry after the battle. Originally, it was just a casual remark, but then it intensified, and Wang Jiuhuan was also coerced into it, and was forced to face the question of whether he should get married. For a moment, she fell into a deep predicament and entanglement.

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

Fourth, eventually become a hero

After living in the army for many years, Wang Jiuhuan has grown from a weak and helpless girl to a brave soldier who has experienced a hundred battles. She was tall and mighty, brave and brave, and soon became famous.

During a campaign in 1944, the company was surrounded by enemy snipers. When the situation was critical, Wang Jiuhuan was in danger, personally rushed to the front line, and commanded the whole company to destroy the enemy's firepower points. Then, she led everyone to fight bravely out of the encirclement, and finally the whole company returned safely. This feats were greatly appreciated by her superiors, and she was immediately appointed as the platoon commander.

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

Since then, Wang Jiuhuan has written one legend after another on the battlefield. In 1946, her unit was transferred to Shanxi and northern Shanxi to deal with the remnants of Yan Xishan's forces. Once, when the troops were suddenly attacked by the enemy, Wang Jiuhuan took the opportunity to respond and led his men to brave the rain of bullets and bullets to attack the enemy's base camp. In the rain of bullets, she personally killed Yan Xishan's cronies and turned the tide of the battle.

The highly decorated Wang Jiuhuan soon became a well-known hero. Later, whenever she returned to her hometown from the army, the villagers would welcome her. Seeing that Wang Jiuhuan, who had been humiliated in the past, has now become a heroic lord, they all admire it.

After years of fighting, Wang Jiuhuan gradually gained a new understanding of his identity. At first, she was just a weak girl, forced to disguise herself as a boy in order to escape her fate; Later, through the baptism of war, she gradually realized that she could not only become a heroic soldier, but also a heroic hero!

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

From then on, Wang Jiuhuan no longer had to deliberately hide his gender. She calmly accepted her identity as a woman and happily lived among her husbands. Everyone calls her "Miss Wang", and she is proud of it. Some guys teased her in private, saying that this girl is not easy to mess with, but she is a good hand at fighting. Wang Jiuhuan laughed when he heard it, and he seemed full of confidence.

Fifth, the glory is restored

In 1949, the Chinese People's Liberation War won the final victory. The Eighth Route Army was also reorganized, and Wang Jiuhuan had the opportunity to take off the man's costume that had been disguised on the road for many years, and show his original face again.

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

For this reason, she made a special trip to apply to the organization and asked to change back to her original name Wang Jiuhuan. After hearing this, the leaders spoke highly of her outstanding contributions to the cause of the party and the people over the years. Since then, Wang Jiuhuan has gloriously stepped onto the battlefield of the People's Liberation Army, and at the same time, she can finally share her twists and turns with the world.

In 1955, the first post-liberation party congress was held in Beijing. As a heroic figure with outstanding meritorious achievements, Wang Jiuhuan was ceremoniously received by the Party Central Committee. When she walked into the Great Hall of the People, countless pairs of eyes in the audience stared at her in amazement: this heroic soldier turned out to be a lesbian!

Seeing that everyone was full of doubts, Wang Jiuhuan talked about his legendary experience. She said that she was sold as a child bride since she was 12 years old, and was later rescued by underground party members and defected to the Eighth Route Army, disguising herself as a boy for fear of being driven away. Since then, she has been crawling in the rain of bullets, working hard all the way to the present.

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

Hearing these words, there were bursts of applause at the scene. Everyone admired this female tough guy from the deep mountains and old forests, and was impressed by her indomitable and never-say-die heroism. Wang Jiuhuan listened to this deafening applause, and he was also extremely proud in his heart, feeling that his 20-year revolutionary career had not gone in vain.

The following year, Wang Jiuhuan visited Western countries on behalf of the new Chinese government. At a reception in Europe, a foreign reporter asked her about what happened to her when she was young, and Wang Jiuhuan told the story of the revolution. After listening to this, the reporter burst into tears and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "You are so brave, you are the loveliest son and daughter of mankind!"

Since then, Wang Jiuhuan has been known as the "Iron Lady of China", and her heroic deeds have also spread all over the world. She devoted all her youth to the cause of the liberation of the country and the people throughout her life, and interpreted the noble character of the communists with her practical actions of "never letting go of the bow, working hard, and having a clean breeze on both sleeves". Until her death, people were in awe of this tough woman.

Lao Balu attended the party and saw a peasant woman familiar with her: Isn't this a brother who has slept together for two years?

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