
The old woman worships the king of the stove every day and begs for wealth, and the king of the stove is impatient to listen

author:Serious train I8

In our northeast Gada, there is such a small town, and there is an old woman in the town, surnamed Li, and everyone calls her Grandma Li. Grandma Li, she has a habit of getting up earlier than the chicken every day, lighting the fire as soon as she gets up, respectfully placing three incense sticks in front of the statue of the king of the stove, and chanting in her mouth: "Lord of the stove, bring some fortune to our family, and the gold and silver treasures are piled up, so that we can live a good life like a fairy!" "Grandma Li is very sincere, so she worships every day, rain or shine, and even the prince of the stove is tired of listening to it. Don't underestimate it, the god of the stove prince, he saw that Grandma Li was so sincere, and his heart softened, and he wanted to give her some sweetness. But the Lord of the Stove also has principles, and he can't directly give gold and silver treasures, so he has to let Grandma Li work hard by herself.

So, the Lord of the Stove thought of a trick and conjured up a treasure - a golden key. This key is not ordinary, it can open the door to wealth and allow Grandma Li to find a shortcut to make a fortune. One night, Grandma Li was sleeping soundly, and the king of the stove quietly stuffed the golden key under her pillow. Early the next morning, Grandma Li touched the pillow, it was hard, and she took it out and looked, good guy, a golden key! She was so happy, I can't describe it in words.

Grandma Li took the golden key, looked left and right, and wondered what this thing could do. She remembered that she worshiped the Lord of the Stove every day to make a fortune, and thought that this golden key must have appeared to the Lord of the Stove. She hurriedly got up, burned incense and worshiped the Lord of the Stove, and muttered in her mouth: "Thank you for the golden key given by the Lord of the Stove, I will go to find the gate of wealth!" ”

The old woman worships the king of the stove every day and begs for wealth, and the king of the stove is impatient to listen

Grandma Li took the golden key and walked around the town all day, but she didn't find anything. She muttered to herself, where is the gate of this wealth? That's when she met a mysterious old man. This old man was wearing a green cloth robe, holding a cane in his hand, and with a smile on his face, it made people feel comfortable when they looked at it. Grandma Li felt that this old man was unusual, so she stepped forward to talk: "Old man, do you know where the gate of wealth is?" I have a golden key in my hand and I want to find the door. When the old man heard this, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Oh? Do you have a golden key? That's great! This gate of riches is at the foot of the hill at the east end of the town, and there is a cave there, and inside the cave is the gate of riches. However, this door cannot be opened casually, it requires sincerity and courage. ”

When Grandma Li heard this, she had a bottom in her heart. She said goodbye to the old man and walked excitedly to the east end of the town. Along the way, she felt the beauty in her heart, thinking that she was about to open the door to wealth and live that fairy-like life. But how can things in this world be so simple? When Grandma Li arrived at the foot of the mountain, she saw a cave. Ouch, that's a real nuisance. Grandma Li held the glittering key in her hand, and her heart went up and down, moving in step by step. There was a dark rumble in this cave, and I couldn't see anything. As she fumbled, she panicked in her heart. At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came into my ears, and it sounded like someone was muttering. She pricked up her ears and listened carefully, and it turned out to be the mysterious old man who was muttering there: "Grandma Li, the door to this wealth is not something that can be opened casually. You've got to be genuine, and you've got to have a bit of guts to impress it. Are you willing to give up for this pile of gold? ”

When Grandma Li heard this, she was so entangled in her heart. She wanted to get rich, but she didn't want anything. But after thinking about it, this golden key is not rewarded by the king of the stove, maybe it is really an opportunity. She gritted her teeth and said, "I do!" Get out! Before he could finish speaking, a golden light lit up in the cave. Grandma Li saw that the door in the depths of the cave slowly opened, and the golden light behind the door seemed to have countless gold and silver treasures waiting for her. The beauty in her heart is beyond words.

The old woman worships the king of the stove every day and begs for wealth, and the king of the stove is impatient to listen

She took the golden key and walked step by step towards the gate...... But just as she was about to touch the door, the door suddenly "boomed", as if warning something. Grandma Li's hands trembled, and she was apprehensive in her heart. But when she thought of the hard work she had worked for this day, she still gritted her teeth and stuffed the golden key into the keyhole. With a "click", the door slowly opened, and a smell came to my nose. Grandma Li squinted her eyes and looked inside, and a golden treasure land was in front of her. She was about to step in, when she suddenly felt a strong force pulling her back from behind. When she turned around, the old man was standing behind with a smile on his face.

Grandma Li was stunned for a moment and asked, "Old man, what's going on?" The old man waved his hand and said, "Grandma Li, the door to this wealth is not so easy to enter. You have the golden key in your hand, and you have to pass me. Grandma Li's heart tightened and asked, "What kind of test?" The old man smiled and said, "This test is that you have to use the golden key in your hand to help those in need." For each person, the golden key will be lit up. Wait until the light of the golden key illuminates the whole town before you can really walk through the door and get the wealth you want. ”

When Grandma Li heard this test, she felt so difficult in her heart. She wants to get rich, but she doesn't want to help others for no reason. But when she thought of the glittering golden treasure, she still gritted her teeth and agreed to the old man's test. From that day on, Grandma Li began to use the golden key in her hand to help the people in the town. She has reached out to orphans and widows, repaired homes for the elderly and infirm, and brought hope to families struggling due to illness. Every time she helps someone, the golden key in her hand will shine with a light, although the light is not dazzling, but it is full of warmth and firmness. As time passed, Grandma Li's good deeds spread throughout the town, and her fame grew. It is known that she has a magical golden key in her hand that can help people in times of need. As a result, more and more people are turning to her for help, and she always generously reaches out. Time passed like this, and the light of the golden key finally illuminated the whole town.

The old woman worships the king of the stove every day and begs for wealth, and the king of the stove is impatient to listen

Grandma Li stood in front of the magnificent gate, the golden key in her hand radiating a brilliant light, and her heart was full of pride and satisfaction. She knew she had passed the test and was qualified to walk through that door. However, at this moment, the mysterious old man reappeared, smiled and said to her, "Grandma Li, you are doing a good job. But there's one final level you need to pass. Grandma Li was stunned for a moment and asked, "What is the last level?" The old man pointed to the golden key in her hand and said, "Although this golden key can bring wealth, it can also cause greed and lust." Before you walk through this door, you have to let go of your inner greed and desires, or you will lose even more even if you gain wealth. ”

When Grandma Li heard these words, she couldn't help but feel a shock in her heart. She recalled her experience during this time, although she helped many people, she was also hesitant in the face of some small interests. She took a deep breath, nodded, and said, "I understand, old man, I will let go of the greed and desire in my heart. After saying that, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly, as if all the distracting thoughts in her heart were expelled from her body with this breath. When she opened her eyes again, her gaze had become clear and determined.

She walked over to the door, gently inserted the golden key into the lockhole, and slowly pushed it open. The door slowly opened, and a rich aroma came to her face, but this time she didn't feel any attraction, but felt a warm force envelop her. When she walked through the door, she saw a golden treasure in front of her, but unlike before, this time there was no greed and desire in her heart, only deep gratitude and satisfaction. She knew that she had passed all the trials and received a true treasure – peace of mind and contentment.

The old woman worships the king of the stove every day and begs for wealth, and the king of the stove is impatient to listen

Since then, Grandma Li has continued to use the golden key in her hand to help those in need, and she has become one of the most respected people in town. And that gate of wealth has also become a legend in the town, telling people that only by truly letting go of greed and lust can they achieve true wealth and happiness. Grandma Li stood in front of the glittering golden door, took a deep breath, and her heart was filled with unprecedented peace and firmness. She knew that this was not just a door to wealth, but a door to the depths of her heart. Oh, look at this Grandma Li, it's not easy to stumble along the way. I think that at the beginning, she kowtowed to the king of the stove every day, hoping to make a fortune. As a result, as soon as the golden key arrived, she began to wonder how to use this thing to help people. In the end, all her greed and desire were let go. Along the way, she understood what real wealth was.

That day, as soon as she gently pushed the door, a fresh breeze came to her face, with a faint fragrance, as if kissing nature. She looked into the distance, good fellow, there was a large field of land spread out there, and everything was planted on it, golden rice, green vegetables, and bulging fruits...... She'd never seen this before.

Grandma Li was stunned at the time, she originally thought, isn't wealth just gold and silver. But the scene in front of her made her understand at once, what is real wealth - isn't that the fertile land, the hard sweat, and the love of mutual help between people. The warm current in her heart is like drinking honey, sweet.

The old woman worships the king of the stove every day and begs for wealth, and the king of the stove is impatient to listen

At this moment, the mysterious old man appeared again, he looked at Grandma Li, his eyes were shining, and he seemed to be quite satisfied. The old man said, "Grandma Li, you have passed all this test and found your true wealth. This piece of land is handed over to you, and I hope you can use it to help more people. Grandma Li listened and nodded excitedly, she knew that she had found a treasure.

She decided that she had to use her own hands to cultivate the land and make it more fertile. I have to use that golden key to continue to help those in need, so that more people can feel this warmth and happiness. From that day on, Grandma Li started her new life.

She wakes up earlier than the chickens every day and goes to work in the fields, sowing, watering, and fertilizing...... Although she was tired like something, she was so satisfied in her heart, not to mention how beautiful. Watching those crops grow day by day, the joy in her heart was sweeter than eating honey.

The old woman worships the king of the stove every day and begs for wealth, and the king of the stove is impatient to listen

She didn't forget the golden key, and continued to use it to help people, whether it was an orphan or a widow, or an elderly person, she was willing to lend a hand. Her good deeds spread in the town, and everyone called her "Living Bodhisattva".

As time passed, Grandma Li's land became more and more fertile, the crops grew vigorously, and the yield was also high. She distributed the grain and vegetables she grew to the people of the town, so that they could also taste the good harvest. As for herself, she is never greedy for pleasure and always saves the best for others.

The people in the town are grateful and respectful to Grandma Li. One by one, they came to ask for advice on how to farm and manage the land...... Grandma Li always taught them patiently, and did not hide her experience at all. Under her leadership, the people of the town also began to work together to build a better home.

The old woman worships the king of the stove every day and begs for wealth, and the king of the stove is impatient to listen

And that golden key has been shining in Grandma Li's hand. Grandma Li's story, tsk, is really admirable. Her ups and downs along the way are changeable, just like the four seasons in our northeast, spring has the vitality of spring, and winter has the calmness of winter. Her kindness and generosity are just like us Northeast people, warm-hearted, and how can she help.

The legendary treasure, oh, is not simple, it is not only a symbol of wealth, but also the true meaning of happiness. Once, Grandma Li stood on that familiar land again, and her heart was comfortable, as if she had drunk the hot kang head in our northeast, warm. She knew that she had found the real treasure and the meaning of her life.

She looked at the field, grinned, and said, "Thank you, for giving me the opportunity to start over and find true happiness." Since then, Grandma Li's days have been a nourishing, happy and fulfilling. With her own hands and wisdom, she has worked hard to create her own piece of the sky, and has also won the respect and love of everyone with her kindness and generosity.

The old woman worships the king of the stove every day and begs for wealth, and the king of the stove is impatient to listen

Her story has become a good story in our town, telling everyone that only by letting go of those greed and desires can we find true wealth and happiness. The golden key, which has always followed Grandma Li, has become the most precious thing in her life. Every time she saw that golden key, she remembered her dreams and growth, as well as those who helped her. The gratitude and satisfaction in her heart, because she knew that she had found the true meaning of life and found happiness.

We Northeast people are so real, what do we say, don't beat around the bush. Grandma Li's story is a portrayal of our Northeast spirit, straightforward, simple and clear, but without losing its deep meaning.