
After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

author:The story chatters
After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

On China's vast music stage, the story of the Rising Sun Masculine Group is like a heart-wrenching ballad. Liu Gang and Wang Xu, two ordinary people from the bottom, were pushed to the peak of their careers because of the song "In the Spring", and fell into the trough of copyright disputes because of this song.

Their rise symbolizes the dreams of countless migrant workers; Their parting of ways reflects the cruelty of reality. When the ban fell like a hammer, the two were forced to re-examine their life paths.

Eventually, one was reborn in the music industry, earning millions a year; The other chose to return to the countryside and be content with it. Their story is exactly as the lyrics say: fate is like that spring, full of infinite possibilities.

Beijing, a city that carries the dreams of countless people, has witnessed the encounter and transformation of Liu Gang and Wang Xu. Liu Gang, a retired soldier, with a love for music, resolutely embarked on the road to the north.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

When he first arrived in Beijing, his life was not as smooth as he had imagined. In order to make ends meet, he can only sing in the underground passages, relying on the sporadic handouts of passers-by to make ends meet.

However, even in the most difficult times, Liu Gang's eyes still flashed with his dedication to music, which was the driving force that supported him to continue to move forward.

At the same time, Wang Xu's life trajectory is completely different. This simple farmer, for the sake of his family's livelihood, had to leave his hometown and work hard in a foreign land. He worked his way from porter to storekeeper to boiler burner.

Although his hands are calloused due to labor, Wang Xu's heart has always maintained a yearning for a better life.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

The gears of fate quietly turned, pushing these two seemingly unrelated souls towards each other. In a humble shed in Beijing, Liu Gang and Wang Xu met.

Maybe because of similar circumstances, maybe because of a common dream, the two soon became friends who talked about everything.

On an ordinary night, the slightly drunk two men were shirtless and began to sing loudly. They sang one touching song after another, among which "In the Spring" became the most emotional interpretation.

At this moment, they forget the hardships of life and immerse themselves in the world of music.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

No one could have imagined that this ordinary night would become a turning point that would change their fate. A blurry video of them singing unexpectedly went viral.

In the video, two sturdy men interpret their love for life and their dedication to their dreams in the most unpretentious way, which instantly touched the heartstrings of countless netizens.

In this way, the Rising Sun Masculine Combination came into being. Their stories have become the epitome of countless migrant workers and migrant workers, arousing people's attention and empathy for low-level workers.

Liu Gang and Wang Xu, two ordinary people from different backgrounds, opened a new chapter in their lives because of a chance encounter and a sincere song.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

The popularity of "In Spring" is like a spring breeze, pushing the Rising Sun Masculine Group to the pinnacle of its career. This song has not only become their masterpiece, but also the voice of countless grassroots people.

Liu Gang and Wang Xu seem to have gone from unknown migrant workers to high-profile stars overnight. Their footprints are all over the major stages, from the Spring Festival Gala to all kinds of galas, they can be seen everywhere.

The media rushed to cover their stories, and brands invited them to endorse them. This sudden success made the two feel excited, but they couldn't hide their inner apprehension.

However, the joy of fame did not last. Since "In the Spring" was originally a work created by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group frequently used this song in commercial performances, which caused dissatisfaction among the copyright owners.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

Although they did not intend to infringe, after many fruitless communications, Wang Feng's agency finally made a decision to prohibit them from continuing to sing "In the Spring".

This decision was like a bolt from the blue, and it put the Rising Sun Masculine Combination into an unprecedented predicament. Having lost their fame, they seem to have lost their foothold. What is even more difficult for them to accept is that Wang Feng himself has publicly criticized them, questioning their talent and strength.

These remarks were undoubtedly a heavy blow to their artistic pursuits, and they also felt frustrated.

Faced with such a dilemma, Liu Gang and Wang Xu began to realize that it was not enough to just rely on singing other people's works. They need to create their own songs and create their own unique style.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

However, the creative path was not all easy. The two gradually disagreed on musical concepts, and their relationship became increasingly strained by practical issues such as the distribution of interests.

After a difficult adjustment period, Liu Gang and Wang Xu had to face a cruel reality: they may no longer be able to cooperate as tacitly as before. After careful consideration, the two finally made a heart-wrenching but acceptable decision: to disband the Rising Sun masculine group and find a new direction in their lives.

This decision made them feel both relieved and melancholy. The glory of the past seems to be a thing of the past, but the road ahead is full of unknowns. Standing at the crossroads of life, Liu Gang and Wang Xu, the former golden partners, are about to usher in completely different life trajectories.

Looking back on this journey from the peak to the trough, the story of the rising sun and masculine seems to be a microcosm of the entertainment industry. It tells us that the road to fame is full of thorns, and that temporary success does not mean eternal glory.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

In the face of setbacks, some people choose to persevere, some people choose to change, but no matter what, life will always move on. The story of Liu Gang and Wang Xu may be a portrayal of countless dreamers, whose experiences allow us to see the joy of success and the cruelty of reality.

The dissolution of the Rising Sun Masculine Group is like a silent earthquake, which shook the entertainment industry and changed the life trajectory of Liu Gang and Wang Xu. Faced with a sudden turn of events, the two made very different choices.

Liu Gang chose to continue chasing his musical dreams. Wang Feng's evaluation of "unable to be compared with others" not only did not defeat him, but became the driving force that inspired him to move forward.

With the determination to prove himself, Liu Gang devoted himself to the creation of original music. He writes songs, revises, and recordings day and night, hoping to create something that truly touches people's hearts.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

In the process, Liu Gang met Gao Jin, a well-known music producer. The two hit it off and co-created the song "Nostalgia for Youth". "Nostalgia, our youth! Yesterday was deeply rooted in the memory and quietly sprouted... With its sincere emotions and touching melody, this song quickly attracted widespread attention on the Douyin platform.

Liu Gang stood in the spotlight again, as if he had been reborn.

Unlike Liu Gang, who chose to continue to work hard in the entertainment industry, Wang Xu's decision surprised many people. He chose to return to his hometown and start farming again. Although he also tried to release his solo single "I'm Tired But I Have No Way Back" after flying solo, the song did not cause much response.

However, Wang Xu was not discouraged by this. Instead, he found new value in his farmland. He began to share his daily farming life on social platforms, recording the bits and pieces of the field.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

From sowing to harvesting, from sunrise to sunset, Wang Xu's life has been rejuvenated.

What is surprising is that Wang Xu's lifestyle has been unexpectedly loved by many netizens. His simple words and down-to-earth attitude towards life have attracted a group of loyal fans.

Although he is no longer a star in the spotlight, Wang Xu has found his own world in ordinary life.

The choice of Liu Gang and Wang Xu is like a mirror, reflecting the various possibilities of life. One chooses to continue chasing dreams, and the other chooses to return to the basics. Their stories tell us that no matter which path you choose, as long as you stick to your beliefs, you can find your own happiness.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

As the years go by, the former Rising Sun masculine combination has embarked on a very different life path. As if fate was playing a joke on them, pushing the two once-inseparable partners in diametrically opposite directions.

Liu Gang relied on the success of "Missing Youth" on the Douyin platform and regained the favor of the public. The song not only went viral on the internet, but also brought him a steady stream of business opportunities.

Invitations to perform followed, and advertising endorsements poured in. In a media interview, Liu Gang said frankly: "Internet songs are popular again, and it is not difficult to contact some commercial performances in your spare time, and your annual income will reach one million."

Between the words, there is a sense of satisfaction with the status quo and expectations for the future.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

Liu Gang's success is not accidental. He has always maintained his love and dedication to music, constantly learning, innovating, and striving to improve his creative ability. Even in the face of setbacks, he never gave up on his musical dreams.

Today, he has not only achieved success in his career, but also gained more recognition for his music creation.

In stark contrast to Liu Gang's glamorous life in the entertainment industry, Wang Xu's calm and fulfilling rural life. Although his solo single "I'm tired but I have no way back" did not achieve the expected success, it did not affect his love of life.

He chose to return to his hometown, picked up farm tools again, and began to work with the land.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

Surprisingly, after returning to his hometown, Wang Xu was elected as a member of the local CPPCC by virtue of his past popularity and enthusiasm for rural development. He actively participates in various charity and public welfare activities to contribute to the development of his hometown.

From the field to the conference room, Wang Xu interprets the responsibilities and responsibilities of farmers in the new era in his own way.

Although he is no longer a star in the spotlight, Wang Xu has found his own value and meaning in ordinary life. He shared the bits and pieces of rural life through social media and recorded the process of rural revitalization, which won wide praise from all walks of life.

The story of Liu Gang and Wang Xu seems to be a joke played by fate. Once a golden partner, now they have embarked on a completely different path in life. One is chasing music dreams in the bustling city, and the other is cultivating hope in the quiet countryside.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

However, whether it is an urban star with an annual income of one million or a rural CPPCC member who works silently, they have all found their own excitement on the road they have chosen.

This is perhaps the greatest charm of life: it can always surprise us in unexpected places.

The story of the rising sun is like a prism, reflecting the ups and downs on the road to chasing dreams. Liu Gang and Wang Xu, one insisted on the music dream and eventually earned one million a year, and the other returned to the countryside to enjoy life.

Their experiences teach us that there is no fixed pattern in life, and that everyone has the right to choose their own path.

After being banned from singing by Wang Feng, the Rising Sun Masculine Group: one with an annual income of more than one million, and the other went back to his hometown to farm

Chasing your dreams in a bustling city or finding peace in the countryside are all exciting chapters in life. Liu Gang interprets the prosperity of the city with music, and Wang Xu interprets the hope of the countryside with action.

Although their choices are different, they all find value and meaning in their respective fields.

This article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time

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