
The father died, the daughter buried the father, and the mother dreamed and said: You are buried in the wrong place


The father died, the daughter buried the father, and the mother dreamed and said: You are buried in the wrong place

Far east, there is an ancient mountain range shrouded in mist, where people worship nature and believe in mystical powers. Deep in this mountain range, there is a small village called Cuiwei Village, where the people live a peaceful and simple life.

There is a girl named Qing'er in Cuiwei Village, she is naturally beautiful, smart and clever, and she is the pearl in the eyes of the villagers. However, Qing'er's fate was very bumpy. Her father, a hard-working and simple farmer, had recently passed away due to illness, leaving her and her mother to depend on each other.

Qing'er's father was a kind man, he worked hard and did many good things for the people in the village during his lifetime. His death made the villagers feel sorry, and Qing'er and her mother were saddened. According to village custom, the deceased should be buried on the hillside behind the village, which is considered the resting place of the ancestors.

Qing'er and her mother began to prepare for her father's funeral in grief. They carefully selected a cemetery where their father's body would be buried. However, the night before the funeral, Qing'er's mother had a strange dream.

In her dreams, she seemed to be in a mysterious world, surrounded by a faint mist. Suddenly, a vague figure appeared in front of her, none other than her deceased husband. Her husband said to her with a solemn expression, "You are buried in the wrong place, and I cannot rest there." With that, the figure gradually disappeared into the mist.

The mother woke up from her dream, full of doubts and uneasiness. She decided to tell Qing'er about this strange dream to see if she had the same premonition.

The next morning, after listening to her mother's narration, Qing'er also felt an inexplicable throbbing in her heart. She decided to revisit the cemetery she had chosen for her father. She took her mother to the hillside behind the village to take a closer look at her surroundings. Suddenly, she spotted something unusual - there was a verdant meadow with a few strange flowers blooming on the meadow, giving off a faint fragrance.

The father died, the daughter buried the father, and the mother dreamed and said: You are buried in the wrong place

Qing'er's heart moved, and she seemed to feel some mysterious power calling her. She took her mother's hand, walked over to the meadow, and bowed deeply. Then, she turned to her mother and said, "Mother, I think my father may want to be buried here." ”

The mother looked at Qing'er's determined eyes, and although she had some doubts in her heart, she still nodded. So, they decided to bury their father's body in this meadow.

On the day of the funeral, the villagers came to Cuiwei Village to see off Qing'er's father. They were surprised to find that Qing'er and her mother had chosen a different cemetery. However, when they saw the green meadow and the strange flowers, the doubts in their hearts suddenly disappeared. It was as if they could feel a mysterious and solemn aura in the air.

After the funeral, Qing'er and her mother stood in front of her father's grave and prayed silently. Suddenly, a breeze blew, and the flowers on the grass swayed gently, as if to tell something. Qing'er and her mother glanced at each other, and they both saw firmness and hope in each other's eyes.

Since then, the people of Cuiwei Village have found that Qing'er and her mother have become stronger and more optimistic. They still live a simple life, but their faces are more calm and calm. The villagers know that this is because they believe that their father's soul has found a resting place in this magical land.

However, the story of Qing'er and her mother does not end there. As time went on, that cemetery became more and more magical. When night falls, the flowers on the meadow glow with a mesmerizing glow, attracting many strange creatures to worship. Villagers began to spread that it was Qing'er's father's soul who was guarding the land and bringing good luck and blessings to the village.

And Qing'er and her mother often meet their father in their dreams. Their family of three was reunited in a dream, telling each other's thoughts and concerns. Whenever they wake up from a dream, Qing'er and her mother will feel an inexplicable warmth and strength, which makes them more determined to face the challenges of life.

The father died, the daughter buried the father, and the mother dreamed and said: You are buried in the wrong place

In this way, Qing'er and her mother used their wisdom and courage to find a real resting place for their father. And that magical cemetery has also become a beautiful scenery in Cuiwei Village, witnessing the immortal legend of this family.

In this fantasy folk tale, we see the strength and wisdom of Qing'er and her mother, and also feel the existence of mysterious power. The plot in the story is bizarre and twisty, the plot is compact, and the style is high-end, showing a grand worldview and in-depth character depiction. Each character has their own unique personality traits and inner worlds, which make the story more vivid and engaging.

As the days passed, Qing'er and her mother's lives gradually returned to peace. However, the magical cemetery has become a legend in the mouths of the villagers, attracting more and more people to visit.

One day, a well-traveled Taoist priest passed by Cuiwei Village and heard about the magic of this cemetery, so he decided to come and find out. He came to the cemetery, carefully observed his surroundings, then closed his eyes and began to meditate.

After a long time, the Taoist priest opened his eyes with a look of surprise on his face. He turned to Qing'er and his mother and said, "This cemetery is extraordinary, it contains powerful spiritual power. Your Father is a blessed man whose soul finds true rest here. ”

After Qing'er and her mother heard this, an inexplicable feeling surged in their hearts. They knew that it was their father who was guarding them and the land he loved so much.

The Taoist priest continued, "The spiritual power of this cemetery can also bring good luck and blessings to the village. However, it needs someone to guard and sustain it. Are you willing to take on this responsibility? ”

The father died, the daughter buried the father, and the mother dreamed and said: You are buried in the wrong place

Qing'er and her mother glanced at each other, and they understood that this was their father's expectation and entrustment to them. So, they nodded solemnly and expressed their willingness to protect the cemetery.

Since then, Qing'er and her mother have been the guardians of the cemetery. They would come to the cemetery every morning to lay flowers and pray for their father. They also regularly clean up the weeds and garbage around the cemetery to keep the cemetery clean and solemn.

Under their protection, the spiritual power of that cemetery became stronger and stronger, attracting more magical creatures to come and worship. The people in the village also felt the presence of this spiritual power, and their lives became happier and better.

However, guarding a cemetery is not an easy task. Sometimes, some greedy thieves will try to steal the treasures in the cemetery. Whenever this happens, Qing'er and her mother will bravely stand up and use their wisdom and courage to protect the cemetery from being violated.

Once, a group of thieves took advantage of the darkness to come to the cemetery and prepare to dig up treasures. When Qing'er and her mother found out, they immediately rushed forward to stop it. After a fierce fight, they finally drove the thieves away and secured the cemetery.

After this incident, the villagers admired and appreciated Qing'er and her mother even more. They knew that it was because of these two guardians that their village could have such a good life and future.

Year after year, Qing'er and her mother guarded the cemetery, as well as the peace and happiness of the village. Their story spread throughout the mountains and became a good story.

And Qing'er's father also got a real rest in that magical cemetery. His soul guards his daughter and wife, as well as the land he loves so much. His love and care turned into endless spiritual power, nourishing the people of this land and village.

The father died, the daughter buried the father, and the mother dreamed and said: You are buried in the wrong place

As the years passed, Qing'er grew from a young girl to a heroine in the village, while her mother grew old, but their determination to protect the cemetery never changed. Qing'er not only inherited her mother's tenacity and wisdom, but also learned to communicate with those magical creatures and use the spiritual power of the cemetery to help the villagers in the process of guarding the cemetery.

One day, the village was hit by an unprecedented drought. Rivers have dried up, fields have cracked, and villagers are facing unprecedented hardship. Qing'er stood at the entrance of the village, looking at those anxious and helpless faces, her heart full of worry. She knew that only with the help of the spiritual power of the cemetery could she help the village survive this difficult time.

So, Qing'er came to the cemetery alone, she closed her eyes, and breathed deeply in the familiar and sacred breath. She felt the spiritual power of the cemetery with her heart, trying to communicate with it. After a long time, she felt a powerful force pouring out of the depths of the cemetery, pouring into her body.

Qing'er opened her eyes, and her eyes flashed with determination. She walked to the square in the middle of the village, raised her hands in the air, and began to chant the ancient incantation. As the spell sounded, a cool aura emanated from her body and quickly spread throughout the village.

The villagers looked at Qing'er in amazement, and they felt a moist breath coming to their faces, as if the rain had not been coming for a long time. Immediately afterward, a strange sight appeared in the sky - dark clouds gathered and obscured the scorching sun. After a while, the raindrops the size of beans began to fall, moistening the parched earth.

The villagers cheered, and they thanked Qing'er and the magical cemetery. They knew that it was Qing'er who used her wisdom and courage to save the village with the help of the spiritual power of the cemetery.

The father died, the daughter buried the father, and the mother dreamed and said: You are buried in the wrong place

After this incident, Qing'er's status in the hearts of the villagers became even more lofty. She is not only the guardian of the cemetery, but also the patron saint of the village. Her story was told more widely and became a legend for the entire mountain range.

However, Qing'er was not complacent because of this. She still guards the cemetery every day, and still uses her wisdom and courage to help the villagers solve various problems. She knew that her responsibility was not over, and that she would continue to protect the land and its people.

Time flies, and Qing'er has also entered her old age. Her hair was gray, but her eyes were still firm and bright. She often sits in front of the cemetery, reminiscing about the past and looking forward to the future.

Under her protection, the cemetery still exudes a magical light, attracting countless living beings to come and pay their respects. And Cuiwei Village still maintains its tranquility and beauty, and has become a paradise that people yearn for.

When Qing'er passed away, the whole village was immersed in grief. The villagers spontaneously came to the cemetery to see off the great guardian. They know that although Qing'er has left this world, her spirit and soul will always guard this land.

In front of Qing'er's grave, the villagers planted a small tree. They hope that this little tree will thrive and become the new guardian that will continue to guard this magical and beautiful land.

And Qing'er's mother, before she died, also gave Qing'er a dream, telling her: "You are doing a good job, child." You have guarded this land, and you have guarded our home. Now, you can rest in peace. ”

Qing'er smiled in her dream, she knew that she had accomplished her mission. She can leave this world with peace of mind and be reunited with her father.

The father died, the daughter buried the father, and the mother dreamed and said: You are buried in the wrong place

In this fantasy folk tale, we see Qing'er's lifelong persistence and dedication. She used her actions to interpret the true meaning of protection and responsibility, and also made us believe that in this world, there is always something worth fighting for and protecting.