
There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

author:Book Society
There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?
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There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

Surrounded by mountains in the western part of Beijing, there is an ancient and mysterious temple - Tanzhe Temple. This inconspicuous ancient temple has a puzzling scene: armed police officers and soldiers take turns standing guard day and night, closely guarding this seemingly ordinary religious holy place.

Why does an ordinary temple need to be so heavily guarded? What secrets does it hide? With the curious eyes of tourists, we can't help but want to uncover the mystery of this thousand-year-old temple and explore its mysteries.

What is so special about Tanzhe Temple? Let's follow in the footsteps of history and uncover the answer to this puzzle together.

The story of Tanzhe Temple can be traced back to the last years of the Western Jin Dynasty, a turbulent era of war. At that time, a governor named Wangjun was supposed to enjoy the joy of victory after quelling the rebellion of the Eight Kings.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

However, as fate would have it, at this moment that should have been celebrated, his beloved wife unfortunately passed away.

Faced with the sudden pain of losing his wife, Wang Jun's heart was like a knife. He looked at his wife's remains, tears in his eyes, determined to commemorate their love in a special way.

So, in the first year of Yongjia (307 AD), Wang Jun devoted his efforts to build a temple called Jiafu Temple, which was the predecessor of the later Tanzhe Temple.

This temple is not only a memorial to Wang Jun's deceased wife, but also a testimony of the interweaving of love and faith. With the passage of time, Jiafu Temple has changed its name several times, and has been called "Longquan Temple", "Dawan Temple" and so on.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

In the end, because of the unique natural scenery in the temple - Longtan and Zheshu complement each other, constituting a beautiful picture, and get the name Tan Zhe Temple.

This poignant love story casts a veil of mystery over Tanzhe Temple. The establishment of the monastery is not only a memorial to the deceased loved one, but also a sacred place for monks to pray for the deceased.

Over time, Tanzhe Temple gradually developed into an important religious site, attracting more and more believers and tourists.

This affectionate history of creation laid the groundwork for the future development of Tanzhe Temple, and also became its unique feature that distinguishes it from other temples. A temple born of love will continue to witness more moving stories in the years to come.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

The journey of Tanzhe Temple has not been smooth sailing. In the early days of Buddhism, China repeatedly launched large-scale campaigns to "exterminate Buddhism". The three "Buddha extermination" incidents in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty Wuzong brought a devastating blow to many temples.

As a sacred place for Buddhism, Tanzhe Temple is also in danger of being destroyed.

However, the god of fate seems to favor this ancient temple extraordinarily. In the turbulent years, several highly respected monks came forward, and they were not afraid of hardships and dangers to carry out a comprehensive renovation of Tanzhe Temple.

These monks not only restored the material form of the monastery, but more importantly, they organized and carried out various Buddhist activities, so that the preaching and preaching were back on track.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

Their efforts have made Tanzhe Temple stand tall in the wind and rain.

The fame of the monks gradually spread far and wide, attracting the attention of the rulers. Among them, the visit of Emperor Jin Xizong became a turning point in the history of Tanzhe Temple. When Jin Xizong came to Tanzhe Temple, he was deeply moved by the solemnity of the temple.

In the melodious sound of the morning bell and dusk drum, the emperor felt the sacredness of Buddhism. With a pious heart, Jin Xizong generously donated a huge amount of money to promote the prosperity and development of Tanzhe Temple.

Kim Hee-jong's move created a tradition that successive emperors since then have regarded religious ceremonies at Tanzheji Temple as a blessing for the country. Whenever a new emperor ascends the throne, he will donate financial resources to repair the temple.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

Under the protection of imperial power, the scale and influence of Tanzhe Temple increased day by day.

This royal favor reached its peak during the Qing Dynasty. At that time, Tanzhe Temple expanded to 999 and a half rooms, a number with far-reaching meaning, symbolizing the "Ninth Five-Year Supreme".

Such a scale not only highlights the grandeur of Tanzhe Temple, but also highlights its lofty status in the eyes of the official.

However, behind the prosperity lies a potential crisis. Although the protection of imperial power saved Tanzhe Temple from extinction, it also made it a target for pretenders.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

The treasures of the temple and the treasures bestowed by the royal family have become potential targets of threat.

This may be one of the reasons why today's Tanzhe Temple needs to be guarded 24 hours a day by the armed police. What was once a royal patron has been transformed into a national priority in modern society.

The story of Tanzhe Temple is not only the history of the rise and fall of a temple, but also a microcosm of the relationship between Chinese Buddhism and imperial power, witnessing the special status of religion in Chinese society.

The reason why Tanzhe Temple needs to be guarded by armed police day and night is largely because it treasures many rare treasures. Among these treasures, the most striking are a large cauldron made of green brass and a stone-carved fish.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

These two treasures not only carry a long history, but also have been endowed with magical legends.

That brass pot has an incredible legend. It is said that this pot has the magical characteristics of leaking sand without leaking rice, and increasing water without increasing rice. In ancient times, such properties could be described as a revolutionary invention in the culinary world.

Imagine that the monks simply poured rice and water into the pot without the hassle of washing. When the water boils, the rice grains automatically float and the sand sinks to the bottom, achieving perfect separation.

And the stone carved fish is regarded as the treasure of Tanzhe Temple. Legend has it that it is auspicious from the sky and has a magical ability to ask for rain. What's even more peculiar is that the 13 parts of the fish represent the 13 provinces at that time.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

Legend has it that when there is no rain for a long time, as long as you knock on the corresponding part of the sacred fish, the province will immediately usher in Ganlin and relieve the drought. This legend not only reflects the reverence of the ancients for nature, but also their desire to control it.

However, it is the magical power of these legends that has brought these artifacts into the spotlight and faced the challenge of conservation. After thousands of years of caressing and praying of countless people, the stone carved fish has become smooth and flawless, and the scales and wrinkles have been smoothed.

In order to protect these precious cultural relics, Tanzhe Temple had to take strict protection measures, and even hung a warning sign on the edge of the pond that "it is strictly forbidden to touch fish".

These precious cultural relics are not only a witness to history, but also an important reason for attracting countless tourists to visit. Their existence has also become one of the important reasons for the strict guarding of the armed police.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

Each cultural relic carries a rich historical and cultural connotation, and their safety is not only related to the reputation of Tanzhe Temple, but also to the protection of national cultural heritage.

Therefore, when we see the armed police waiting in front of the gate of Tanzhe Temple, we should understand that they are not only guarding an ancient temple, but also a treasure of Chinese culture and a witness of history.

With the passage of time, Tanzhe Temple is not only an ancient temple with a long history, but also a resort for asking for signs and blessings. Many people believe that the wishes made here are particularly fulfilling, and this belief breathes new life into the ancient monastery.

Among the stories passed down by tourists, some people say that after praying for marriage in Tanzhe Temple, they soon met the other half of their lives. Their encounter seems to have an arrangement in the dark, which makes people sigh at the magic of Tanzhe Temple.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

Some people also said that they prayed for academic success here, and later they were really named on the gold list and realized their dream of studying for many years. What's more, they shared the experience of praying for prosperity in Tanzhe Temple, and their careers are thriving, as if there are gods in the dark to help each other.

These legends further add to the mystique of Tanzhe Temple, which attracts more and more tourists. Every holiday, Tanzhe Temple is always crowded, and the incense is prosperous.

Devout believers hold incense and candles in their hands and pray sincerely, hoping to be blessed by the Buddha.

However, there may be a deeper meaning behind these miraculous legends. They reflect people's yearning for a better life and the power of faith.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

Whether or not these wishes are actually fulfilled because of the magical power of Tanzhe Temple, at least it gives people hope and courage and motivates them to work hard for their dreams.

The power of this belief has also become one of the important reasons why Tanzhe Temple is "outstanding". It is not only an ancient temple, but also a spiritual home that carries the hopes and dreams of countless people.

Here, people find inner solace and gain the motivation to move forward.

The legend of Tanzhe Temple has made this ancient temple still maintain a strong attraction in modern society and has become an important place for people to find spiritual sustenance.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

Today's Tanzhe Temple is not only an ancient temple, but also a national key cultural relics protection unit. The strict protection of the armed police reflects the country's emphasis on the protection of cultural heritage, and also highlights the special status of Tanzhe Temple.

Every uniformed armed police officer has an important mission. They patrol in shifts day and night, scanning the surroundings vigilantly to ensure the personal safety of tourists and maintain order at the scene.

Under their protection, every visitor can visit in an orderly manner and feel the charm of this thousand-year-old temple. At the same time, these conscientious armed police officers also shoulder the heavy responsibility of preventing lawbreakers from coveting cultural relics and ensuring the safety of the country's precious assets.

This special scene - in front of the solemn ancient temple, the armed police patrol and defend in a uniform manner, has become one of the unique symbols of Tanzhe Temple.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

It not only demonstrates the country's commitment to the preservation of cultural heritage, but also adds a modern touch to this ancient monastery.

However, the protection of Tanzhe Temple and the historical and cultural heritage it carries is not only the responsibility of the armed police soldiers. At the same time, it is also the social responsibility of every tourist who comes to visit, and even every Chinese citizen.

Each of us should treat these cultural heritage with reverence and work together to preserve their safety and integrity.

The story of Tanzhe Temple reminds us that although the cultural relics are silent, each one tells an ancient history. They are not only the wealth of the country, but also a precious heritage that each of us should cherish and protect.

There is an ancient temple in China, the temple is not big, but there are armed police standing guard all day, what is the "outstanding"?

Only in this way can we let this ancient temple with a thousand-year-old history continue to tell its story, so that more people can feel the power of faith and experience the charm of history.

The modern mission of Tanzhe Temple is to inherit and develop in the protection of this ancient temple in the new era.

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