
Wang Xiaofei intends to reunite with Big S? admits that he is in love with his brain, and flies to Taiwan once every two weeks in the future

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Wang Xiaofei intends to reunite with Big S? admits that he is in love with his brain, and flies to Taiwan once every two weeks in the future

Wang Xiaofei's surprise surprise on her birthday

Who would have thought that the story of Wang Xiaofei and Big S could be continued? Recently, Wang Xiaofei shared an unexpected news on social media, revealing that she specially went to Taiwan, China to celebrate her daughter Yue'er's birthday. In the video, he is in the same frame as his ex-mother-in-law Huang Chunmei, affectionately calling her "mother-in-law". This scene surprised many netizens, after all, the previous online scolding war is still vivid.

Wang Xiaofei intends to reunite with Big S? admits that he is in love with his brain, and flies to Taiwan once every two weeks in the future

The warmth of the mother-in-law and the ex-son-in-law

In the video, Wang Xiaofei and Huang Chunmei interacted intimately, and Huang Chunmei's address to Wang Xiaofei seemed very natural, and even showed a happy smile. Huang Chunmei did not resist the former son-in-law's name, but seemed to be happy. This scene makes people sigh at the complexity and delicacy of family relationships. Looking back on the past, the relationship between Wang Xiaofei and Big S has gone from sweet love to an open break. The two used to be a model couple in the entertainment industry, but as time went by, their relationship gradually changed. After the divorce, the two parties launched a sensational scolding war on the Internet. Wang Xiaofei frequently posted on Weibo to accuse Big S, accusing her of being irresponsible to her family and children, while Big S fought back and said that Wang Xiaofei had many problems in her marriage. Such a quarrel not only disappointed the fans of the two, but also sparked widespread public attention and heated discussions.

Wang Xiaofei intends to reunite with Big S? admits that he is in love with his brain, and flies to Taiwan once every two weeks in the future

The polar reaction of the public

In the midst of this war of name-calling, the public reaction has been markedly polarized. Some netizens support Wang Xiaofei, believing that he, as a father, has the right to fight for more custody and visitation opportunities for his children; Another part of netizens sided with Big S, believing that she was treated unfairly in her marriage as a mother. Supporters on both sides engaged in heated debates online, further amplifying the impact of the war of scolding. Various revelations and rumors on social media also make things more complicated and confusing. Just when the public thought that this scolding war would continue, Wang Xiaofei and Big S quickly reached a reconciliation. This change made many netizens feel ridiculous and outrageous, and they speculated about the reason. Some analysts believe that perhaps both parties realize that such quarrels are not conducive to the growth of children, and decide to value harmony; There is also a view that it may be legal and financial considerations that have prompted them to choose compromise. In any case, such a settlement is indeed a surprise.

Wang Xiaofei intends to reunite with Big S? admits that he is in love with his brain, and flies to Taiwan once every two weeks in the future

Wang Xiaofei's efforts

After the reconciliation, Wang Xiaofei showed deep affection for the child. He frequently travels to Taiwan, China, to visit and spend time with his children. In the news on April 25, Wang Xiaofei revealed that she was still in Taiwan, personally picking up and dropping off her children from school, and taking them to share food together. He shouted to the children on Weibo: "Dad will be with you as always." These actions undoubtedly showed his sense of responsibility and love as a father, and also moved many netizens. It is noteworthy that Wang Xiaofei's interaction with her ex-mother-in-law Huang Chunmei is also very harmonious. In the video, Wang Xiaofei called Huang Chunmei "mother-in-law", and Huang Chunmei behaved very naturally and happily. This kind of intimate interaction allows people to see the other side of the family relationship, and also allows people to have a better understanding of Wang Xiaofei's changes. Huang Chunmei's attitude obviously played a positive role in the easing of the relationship between the two.

Wang Xiaofei intends to reunite with Big S? admits that he is in love with his brain, and flies to Taiwan once every two weeks in the future

From questioning to ridicule

Although Wang Xiaofei's performance has won the appreciation of some netizens, many netizens have questioned and ridiculed his change of attitude. Some netizens directly asked Wang Xiaofei in the comment area why she called Da S's mother mother-in-law and whether she had any plans to get back together. Wang Xiaofei did not respond positively to this in the live broadcast, but only said that she had returned to her previous life and flew to Taiwan every two weeks to see her children. Such an answer did not dispel the doubts of netizens, but instead caused more speculation and ridicule. It doesn't end there. On April 25, Wang Xiaofei updated the news again, indicating that she was still in Taiwan, China, and personally picked up and dropped off her children from school, and also shared food with them. He shouted to the children on Weibo: "Dad will be with you as always." This move undoubtedly shows his deep affection for children.

Wang Xiaofei intends to reunite with Big S? admits that he is in love with his brain, and flies to Taiwan once every two weeks in the future

From questioning to ridicule

As the incident progressed, the reactions of netizens became more and more intense. Some netizens bluntly said in the comment area that Wang Xiaofei's behavior was confusing, and some even suggested that he go to the "psychiatric department". After all, Wang Xiaofei once complained about Big S on Weibo many times in a row, but now she frequently goes to Taiwan to accompany her children, which is incomprehensible. Regarding netizens' questions about whether he wanted to reunite with Big S, Wang Xiaofei did not deny it positively in the live broadcast. He said that he returned to his previous life and flew to Taiwan every two weeks to see his children. Such an answer made netizens wonder if Wang Xiaofei still had feelings for Big S.

Wang Xiaofei intends to reunite with Big S? admits that he is in love with his brain, and flies to Taiwan once every two weeks in the future

Wang Xiaofei's affectionate side

In the live broadcast, Wang Xiaofei showed a side full of fatherly love. He mentioned that the car he took back to Beijing was his son's favorite car, and every time his son got in the car, he would say, "This car smells of Dad." From these details, it can be seen that the two children are still very attached to their father, and blood kinship is indeed irreplaceable. Many netizens believe that behind Wang Xiaofei's choice to compromise, it is for the sake of the child. After all, it's not easy to see two children after a divorce. If Wang Xiaofei wants to get more opportunities to visit her children, it is the most effective way to please Big S's mother. Although Wang Xiaofei did not make it clear whether he had the intention to get back together, his various actions showed that he still had feelings for Big S. Even if he once fought against Big S through online public opinion, many details can also be seen that he still has old feelings for Big S.

Wang Xiaofei intends to reunite with Big S? admits that he is in love with his brain, and flies to Taiwan once every two weeks in the future

Focus on your career or ask for your own hardships?

Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Yingying's breakup may have made him finally realize his sincerity. However, no one will wait where they are all the time. Netizens have suggested that Wang Xiaofei should focus on her career and stop asking for hardships. After all, after a series of twists and turns, he needs to replan his life. Wang Xiaofei will travel frequently to and from Taiwan in the future, which means that his relationship with Big S has eased. However, is such a choice the right one? Should he try to get back together with Big S, or should he completely let go of the past and focus on his career and children? All this, perhaps only time will tell. Wang Xiaofei's future road is destined to be full of controversy and challenges.

Wang Xiaofei intends to reunite with Big S? admits that he is in love with his brain, and flies to Taiwan once every two weeks in the future

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