
On the Korean battlefield, the little soldier couldn't sleep because he was too excited, and suddenly a large number of American troops quietly touched the position

author:The fast track to history

In 1952, on the Korean battlefield, the volunteers were sleeping, but a soldier couldn't sleep because he was too excited. At this moment, a large number of American troops took advantage of the night to quietly touch the position!

On the Korean battlefield, the little soldier couldn't sleep because he was too excited, and suddenly a large number of American troops quietly touched the position

One morning in July, a large dark cloud floated over North Korea's Old Bald Mountain, and the air was hot and humid, making people breathless. But the volunteer soldiers on the battlefield didn't care about this, and the US planes were still hovering in the sky, dropping a bomb from time to time.

At this time, Ni Xiangming, deputy squad leader of the fourth squad of the second platoon, and 12 volunteer soldiers were digging in the fortifications. They were sweating profusely and waving the dirt outward. As soon as the US planes stopped bombing, several people would come out to catch their breath.

At about 10 o'clock in the morning, the heavy rain poured down, and the US military plane had a bad view and left the sky above Lao Bald Mountain. ”

"Squad leader, when I was working in my hometown, I often heard the old man say that it is best to dig the soil when it rains, and the soil becomes mud blocks, which is the easiest to ship." Ni Xiangming said as he digged.

"Well, Xiangming has a point, the summer rain comes and goes quickly. Comrades, keep digging, the platoon commander will hand over the task to us, we must hurry up and complete it! As soon as Liu Zuocai heard that it made sense, he ordered the soldiers to build fortifications.

They dug from morning to noon, and from noon to evening, but the rain still had no intention of stopping. Seeing that the soldiers were exhausted and their vision was not good at night, Liu Zuo gave the order to eat and rest.

On the Korean battlefield, the little soldier couldn't sleep because he was too excited, and suddenly a large number of American troops quietly touched the position

Ni Xiangming squatted in the corner, took out the fried noodles in his pocket and ate them, choked on eating, and took out the kettle and poured a big mouthful of water.

"Xiangming, you organize the soldiers to sleep!" After Liu Zuocai finished speaking, he picked up his gun and left the fortifications and guarded the entrance of the cave.

Soon, there was a flurry of snoring in the fortifications. Ni Xiangming couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, and said to himself: "It's strange, in the past, I would fall asleep soon after finishing work, but today it seems that I have endless strength." ”

"Can the organization approve the application I wrote to join the party?" Ni Xiangming turned over and remembered that he had submitted an application to join the party a few days ago. At this time, he saw the squad leader Liu Zuocai dangling at the entrance of the cave.

Ni Xiangming came to the squad leader with his waist and said, "Squad leader, you are so sleepy that you can't stand, I'll stand for you for a while!" ”

"Less nonsense, go to bed, I squinted for a while just now, and I feel more energetic." Liu Zuocai said.

Ni Xiangming stuck out his tongue and walked towards the entrance of the second row of long Shilinhe, and sure enough, Shilinhe was also standing guard outside. Hearing Ni Xiangming's request to stand guard for himself, Shi Linhe rejected him.

There was no way, Ni Xiangming returned to the entrance of the fourth class, "Squad leader, I was a little excited after I handed in my application to join the party, I really couldn't sleep, let's not go to the front to stand guard." ”

On the Korean battlefield, the little soldier couldn't sleep because he was too excited, and suddenly a large number of American troops quietly touched the position

Hearing this, Liu Zuocai looked at the rain and said with a smile: "As long as you behave well, the organization will definitely consider your application seriously...... It's really time for the change of guard, so let's go ahead with me. ”

Late at night, the old bald mountain was silent, the drizzle fell, and Liu Zuocai and Ni Xiangming walked wordlessly. Suddenly, the sound of falling stones aroused Ni Xiangming's alarm, and he hurriedly ran to the edge of the cliff to check.

This look shocked Ni Xiangming's goosebumps. I saw rows of U.S. troops on the cliff quietly touching up along the rope, Ni Xiangming reacted quickly, and immediately ran to Liu Zuocai to explain the situation.

The two did not dare to delay, and then ran to the second platoon Changshi Linhe to report the enemy's situation.

Shi Linhe gave an order, and all the soldiers in the various fortifications jumped out, throwing thunder and shooting guns. The U.S. military did not expect the "raid" to be discovered so quickly, and it was blown up before it could react.

The U.S. troops quickly adjusted their strategy, and the troops attacked the second platoon in two directions, and fierce fighting broke out on the main position. Seeing his comrades-in-arms fall one by one, Ni Xiangming hated the root of his teeth, but the surging American troops made him have no time to think, he shuttled between the bullets and bullets, killing one enemy after another.

On the Korean battlefield, the little soldier couldn't sleep because he was too excited, and suddenly a large number of American troops quietly touched the position

"Xiangming, hold on...... Hold on...... Yes. Ni Xiangming only heard a faint moan from beside him. Following the prestige, Ni Xiangming saw that it was the platoon leader Shi Linhe who fell in a pool of blood.

"Platoon Commander-" Before Ni Xiangming could walk over, Shi Linhe was sacrificed. At this time, the situation in the fortifications was not optimistic, the squad leader Liu Zuocai was wounded in the head and lay unconscious in the pit, and the rest of the soldiers were also injured to varying degrees.

At this time, in addition to Ni Xiangming, there were still two fighters, Zhou Yuande and Song Chengjiu, who had combat effectiveness. The two said to Ni Xiangming: "Deputy squad leader, we listen to you!" ”

The bullets and grenades have bottomed out, but the US military has not seen a lot, and Ni Xiangming and the three of them first collected the grenades that could be used. Later, the three of them came to the entrance of the cave, only to see five American soldiers walking towards the fortifications.

Ni Xiangming pushed Zhou Yuande and Song Chengjiu away, and threw a few grenades at the American troops outside the cave. But the cunning American troops retreated and hidden.

Ni Xiangming didn't care about it, so he rushed forward directly and scuffled with five American soldiers. Seeing this, Zhou Yuande said to Song Chengjiu: "Chengjiu, you stay in the fortifications to take care of the squad leader and soldiers, and I will go out to help the deputy squad leader!" ”

On the Korean battlefield, the little soldier couldn't sleep because he was too excited, and suddenly a large number of American troops quietly touched the position

"But ......" Before Song Chengjiu could finish speaking, Zhou Yuande also rushed out. The sound of several people fighting and shouting woke up Liu Zuocai: "Cheng Jiu, what's going on outside?" ”

"Squad leader, Deputy Ni Ban and Yuan De are fighting with American devils!"

"What?" Liu Zuocai was shocked and tried his best to struggle to sit up, but his body didn't seem to be his own. Then, he heard Ni Xiangming's shout outside: "Long live the Communist Party!" Long live Chairman Mao!"

At the same time, there was a loud "boom" outside the entrance of the cave, Liu Zuocai's heart sank, and he hurriedly asked Song Chengjiu to carry him out to check.

I saw Ni Xiangming and Zhou Yuande lying peacefully on the edge of the ditch covered with rubble and shrapnel, and under them, each pressed a bloody corpse of American soldiers. Not far from them, there were three corpses of American soldiers lying horizontally, grinning and looking hideous and ugly.

It turned out that the two were seriously injured at this time, and it was difficult to solve the enemy for a while, so Ni Xiangming, the deputy squad leader, resolutely pulled the "glorious bullet" on his chest and died with the enemy.

On the Korean battlefield, the little soldier couldn't sleep because he was too excited, and suddenly a large number of American troops quietly touched the position

In this battle, the 4th squad fought fiercely with the American army, which was several times its size, for 4 days and nights, repelled 13 enemy attacks, and annihilated more than 500 enemies. After the war, Class 4 was awarded the honorary title of "First-Class Hero Class", Ni Xiangming was posthumously awarded the title of "Communist Party Member" and "First-Class Combat Hero", and Zhou Yuande was specially approved to join the party and posthumously recorded first-class merit.

Reference: Heroic Flag: Blazing Like a Torch, Follow Me Forward - China National Defense News - China Military Network, Ni Xiangming_360 Encyclopedia

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