
The First Emperor of the Ages - Qin Shi Huang (68)

author:Dongyue pine

Zhou Qin has the same ancestor, the same origin, and the same township

"Historical Records of the Qin Dynasty" records: Qin Zhixian, the grandson of the Miao descendant of the emperor is called a daughter. The female weaves, the eggs of the birds, the women swallow them, and give birth to children. The great cause takes the son of Shaodian, called Nuhua. Female Watson spends a lot of money, and Yuping water and soil. It has been completed, Emperor Seok Hyungui. Yu Shou said: "If you can't do it, you will also spend a lot of money to supplement." Di Shun said: "Consult Erfei, praise Yugong, and give Erwan a tour." Then the heir will be great. "It is a jade girl surnamed Yao of his wife. Paying a lot of attention, Zuo Shun tamed birds and beasts, and birds and beasts were tamed, which was for Bai Peng. Shun Ci's surname is Ying's.

The ancestor of Zhou, Houji, was named Abandoned. His mother was the daughter of the Youtai (tái, tai) clan named Jiang Yuan. Jiang Yuan was the concubine of Emperor Yu (kù, cool). Jiang Yuan went out to the countryside and saw the footprints of a giant, and he was happy to love it, and wanted to step on it, but when he stepped on it, he felt that his body vibrated as if he was pregnant. At the end of the tenth month, he gave birth to a son, and Jiang Yuan thought that the child was unlucky, so he threw him into a narrow alley, but whether the horse or the ox passed by him, they all avoided him and did not step on him, so he threw him in the woods again, and just as the woods were crowded, he moved another place; Cast him on the ice of the ditch, and birds flew over him with their wings, and laid them under him. Jiang Yuan felt that this was too strange, so he took him back and raised him as an adult. Because I wanted to throw him away at first, I named him Abandon.

Longnan is the birthplace of the Qin people. The Qiangshui and Qiang lands that originated in Longnan gave rise to ethnic minorities such as Diqiang. Danchang County, Longnan City, is the source of Qiangshui (Jiangshui, Danchang River, Minjiang River, Qianjiang River, Qiangshui (Jiangshui), Bailongjiang). The source is in the ditch of Awu Town, Danchang County, the Qiang people and the sect god of the Qiang people are Dayu, and Dayu's pseudonym is Yu Zhu. Dayu controls the water Minshan guide the river, Minshan is Minshan Mountain, strong (ginger) Taishan, Xiling, Shu Mountain, Bashan, Yushan, Maoyu Mountain, Chongshan. Dayu's father is called Kun, Kun is not effective in water control, was killed by Shun in Yushan (Tangchang Mao Yu Mountain), the body of Kun died for three years without decay, and Dayu was cut out of the abdomen Dayu, Dayu controlled the water, stone drums, turned into stones, turned into bears (bears less than one foot for energy), turned into a mole. Dayu was born in Xiqiang Shinew, the Qin Dynasty set up Longxi Qiang Road in Xiqiang in Nanhe Township, Danchang County, Tang is the meaning of Shinew. Kunyuan is the sect god of the Jiang clan in the Xia tribe, living in Chongshan (that is, Minshan, that is, Maoyu Mountain), and the fief is in Chongguo, also called Chongbo. "Lü's Spring and Autumn Period" said: The emperor was born like water, and the place was empty, and he ascended to the throne. According to the record of "Historical Records of Xia Benji": "The father of Yu is called Kun, the father of Kun is called Emperor Zhuan, the father of Zhuan is called Changyi, and the father of Changyi is called the Yellow Emperor." According to the "Classic of Mountains and Seas, the Book of the Sea", it is recorded: "The Yellow Emperor gave birth to Luo Ming, Luo Ming gave birth to a white horse, and the white horse is for the Kun (white horse is the white horse Diqiang)." "At the end of the Warring States Period, in the twenty-seventh year of King Qin Zhao (280 BC), Qin sent troops from Longxi to destroy Xiqiang and set Longxi County. In the twenty-eighth year (279 years ago), after the Longxi County, there was a Qiang Road. Longxi County (Zhimin County Didao) Qiang Road, the place of governance is in Lugu Village, Nanhe Town, Danchang County. In 307 A.D. (the first year of Yongjia in the Western Jin Dynasty), Liang Qin, the leader of the Qiang tribe, established the state of Tangchang to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, which lasted 259 years. In ancient times, Diqiang was a place name, not a clan name. "Bamboo Book Chronicle": "Nineteen years into the soup, Qiang guests. "Again" Wuding thirty-four years, Wang Ke ghost Fang, Diqiang guests. "Again" is the time (Yin), and the east of the land is not the river, Huang, the west is not Di, Qiang (in ancient times is the name of the place), the south is not Jingman, the north is not Shuofang. This shows that the boundaries of the Shang Dynasty were no more than Di and Qiang in the west. Qiangshui and Qiangdi are one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization.

The ancestor of Zhou, Houji, was named Abandoned. His mother was the daughter of the Youtai (tái, tai) clan named Jiang Yuan. Jiang Yuan was the concubine of Emperor Yu (kù, cool). "Historical Records: Five Emperors" records: "The Yellow Emperor gave birth to two sons, and then there was the world, one of which was called Xuanhuan, which was for Qingyang, and Qingyang descended to the river. The second is called Changyi, descending to Ruoshui (Baishui River), and Changyi marries the daughter of Shushan. The "Pedigree" in the "Historical Records: Three Generations of the World Table" records: "When the first cause of Shu was born in the human emperor, the Yellow Emperor and Zi Changyi married the daughter of the Shushan clan, gave birth to the emperor, and established. Seal its branch in Shu Li, Liyu, Xia, Shang. Zhou declined, first called the king of silkworms. According to the "Hanshu Geographical Chronicle": "Huanshui goes out of the southwest of Shu Mountain, travels to Qiangzhong, and enters the South China Sea." Huanshui is the Bailongjiang River, Qiangzhong is the Wudu District of Longnan City, and the northeast Shushan of Huanshui should be in the territory of Longnan City, Danchang County and Li County. According to Tang's "A Fang Gong Fu", "Six kings are bi, the four seas are one, Shushan Wu, and A Fang is out." "The wood of Afang is from Shushan, and Shushan should be between Huanshui and Weishui, and the wood of "covering more than 300 miles" can be transported to Xianyang. Minshan is Minshan Mountain, Qiang (Jiang) Taishan, Xiling, Shu Mountain, Bashan, Yushan, Maoyu Mountain, Chongshan.

The Qin and Zhou people were both after Gaoyang

Both the Qin and Zhou people were descendants of Jiang Yuan

Dayu's water control in Longnan, the Qin people and the Zhou people are all involved in Dayu's water control

The Qin and Zhou people lived together with Di, Zhai, Di, Qiang, and Jiang

Both the Qin and Zhou people arose in the Qi (Qi) Mountains

The Qin and Zhou people were both based on the dog hill

The Qin and Zhou people were both starting out. Qin Daluo's eldest son. Zhou is also called Cheng Zhou

The Qin and Zhou people were all Luo, Luo, Luo, and Baima

The Qin and Zhou people were both Xuanniao (swallow, Yixi, Zhai bird) and Zhai bird (phoenix, cormorant, vulture) as totems

"River Atlas and Earth Image" cloud: Qishan is in the southeast of Kunlun Mountain, which is the milk of the earth, and there is a lot of platinum. Zhou Zhixing also, the cormorant sang in Qishan. At that time, people also called Qishan a phoenix pile. (There is Qi Mountain in Li County, Longnan City, and Phoenix Terrace in Kunlun Mountain in Cheng County)

The water of Weiwei is the diving of the water of the Western Han Dynasty and the diving of the dive (Chengxian).

"The Four Libraries of the King James Dynasty: Lu Shi Volume 24" Song Luo Mi wrote: The name of the country, Taihao Fuxi was born in Chengji

Chengji Today, the water governs the Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty belongs to Hanyang, the Tang Dynasty belongs to Taizhou, the Yuan Zhi Shangqi Cheng Ji, the Benzhi Xiaohangchuan, the twenty-second year of the Kaiyuan earthquake, the state from the Shangqi migration, the Jingshichuan County also moved into the new city, Tianbao Yuannian Prefecture also ruled the Shangqi Tang Dynasty, Yun Baoxi, in this life

"The Unification Chronicles of the Ming Dynasty" records: "Jifeng Mountain, in the northeast of Xihe County for fifteen miles, and the shape of the cloud is like Gui, the ancient name is Guifeng. "The Unification Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty" also recorded: "Jifeng Mountain, in the northeast of Xihe County for fifteen miles, the mountain shape is like Gui, also known as Guifeng Mountain. The Qing Dynasty "Gansu Xintongzhi" "Xihe County" wrote: "Jifeng Mountain, in the northeast of the county fifteen miles, the mountain shape is like Gui, also known as Guifeng Mountain. "Tazi Mountain, twenty miles in the northeast of the county, lonely and steep, there is a water source in the south, which flows to the south, and there is a water source in the northeast, which flows to the north." From this, it can be seen that Jifeng Mountain (Jitou Mountain) is connected to the tower, but it is not a mountain. Tianshui was called Shangqi in ancient times, Baoji was called Xiaqi, Tianshui was called Xiyong in ancient times, and Baoji was called Dongyong. Tianshui is also known as Hanyang, the north of the mountain is yang, the south of the water is yang, and Tianshui should be the south bank of the West Han water.

and "Collection of Rhymes" Pu limited cut, sound version. Hanquan, place name. "Zuo Chuan: Twenty-five Years" met the Yellow Emperor in Hanquan.

Leaf flat again. "Wang Bao Guanshan Chapter" went out of Longhan from the army and drove the horse across Guanshan.

"Historical Records": Qin was brought by the mountains and Wei, the east is related to the river, the right Long, Shulong, that is, Longdi,

"Zhi" cloud: twenty miles north of Baoquanshan County. There is a pond on it. Jifeng Mountain again, fifteen miles northeast of the county. The shape of the mountain is like Gui, also known as Guifeng. Heigushan County is 100 miles south, bordering Qinzhou and Chengxian County.

"Chengxian Chronicles" cloud: Heigu Mountain, in the north of the county, and the border with Xihe County. Longxia is ten miles south of the county. There is a hole in the middle of the gorge in the middle of the mountain, and it is called the thunder hole. The black valley mountain tree, male across several counties, on the black valley pass. Jiulong Spring, in the west of the county. At four o'clock, the water and drought are the same, the summer is cool and the winter is warm, and the residents are attracted to irrigation. Later, the Tang Dynasty reverted to Chengzhou and Song Yinzhi. At the beginning of Baoqing, it was promoted to Tongqing Mansion with a taste. In the later Wei period, it was placed under the county, and then changed to Xiahan. Eighty miles west of Luogucheng County. Black Valley Mountain is 100 miles southwest of the county. The mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, connecting the west and between Cheng County. Those who protect Qin Long take the Black Valley as the key pass. The dog mound is in Wangyi, and the dive (汧) Di (氐) is in Cheng (Da Luo's eldest son Cheng) county

According to the "Historical Records of Yu Benji", it is recorded that Huayang Heishui is only Liangzhou: Wen, Ling, Tuo, Tuo, Shui, Cai, Meng, Luping, and Yiji. Its soil is green. On the field, the three mistakes in the middle are given. Tribute, iron, silver, carving, ring, chime, bear, reed, fox, pig, weaving skin. The westward inclination is because Huan is coming, floating in the dive, exceeding the water, entering the Wei, and chaotic in the river. "Yugong Jingzhou" mentions that "Minling is both art, Tuo, and Qiandao" and "Qian" is a county. Diving is the water of the Western Han Dynasty.

"The Biography of Wei Luo Xirong" records: Di people, another species of Xiyi, called the white horse. On the occasion of the three generations, the cover has its own monarch, and the world will see each other, so the poem is called "since the other is Qiang, don't dare not come to the king" also. Since the Qin and Han dynasties, the world has lived south of Qilong and west of Hanchuan, and has been self-reliant and handsome. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Zhonglang to destroy Guo Chang and Wei Guang, and took his place as Wudu County. In the left and right of the Weiwei is not one, this cover is Xi Xirong in the street Ji Daoist also. Since Huangwei arrived at Bashu, the variety is really numerous,

According to the "Historical Records of Qin Benji", it is recorded: "Qin Wugong destroyed Ji Rong in ten years and placed Ji County. "Jizhou is the earliest Ji County set up by the Qin State, and the seat of governance is in the south of Gangu County, Tianshui City, and it manages most of the places in Li County, Longnan City." Zhiliang and Qi. That is, Longnan City, Gansu Province, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province was Liangzhou in ancient times, and Qi: Fengxian County, Shaanxi Province was Nanqi Prefecture. Qi or Qi Mountain (Qi Mountain, Qin people Xi Chui Palace Dabaozi Mountain), where the "governance" is not governance, but setting, that is, "Jizhou" is between Liangshan and Qishan. "Liangshan, the ancients called the peak of the West Qinling Mountains Liang, or Liangshan, and the Great Liang." "Qishan is Zhuge Liang's six out of Qi Mountain, and the West Han River is the Lingzun Mountain on the girder of the West Qinling Mountains, and flows into Lixian County from Tianshui Qishou Mountain (Lingzun Mountain) after its origin." Ancient Jizhou is located between the West Qinling Mountains and the Qishan Mountains. Shun Mingcang's son Yu continued to control the water. He started from Jizhou, I think Jizhou is in the south of Gangu County, Tianshui City, north of Li County, Longnan City, Longnan is the birthplace of the Qin people, and Ji County is also the northernmost and highest place of Wuduhai (Lei Ze). According to the "Sanqin Chronicle", "Hukou" said: "Qiuchi County Boundary, there is a pond on the mountain, so it is called Qiuchi, the mountain is between the two valleys of Cangluo, it is often impacted by water, so it goes down the stone and goes to the soil, which resembles a compound pot." "The mouth of the pot is facing Jizhou.

Xirong is against the royal family and exterminates the clan of Dog Hill and Daluo. Indicate that Sijon is close to the royal family, or that the royal family is in Sijon. Xirong is against the royal family and exterminates the clan of Dog Hill and Daluo. One is Inuhill in the royal family. Dog Hill is historically recorded as the capital of Zhou. East Dog Hill is in Huaili County, Shaanxi, and will be called Waste Hill County in the future. The other is that the clan of Inuqiu Daluo is close to the Zhou royal family. Either it is the clan of Inuqiu Daluo and "After the death of King Yi, his son Li Wang Hu succeeded to the throne." King Li has been on the throne for 30 years, greedy for money and profit, and close to Rong Yigong. "Related.

Xirong is against the royal family and exterminates the clan of Dog Hill and Daluo. King Xuan of Zhou ascended the throne, and Qin Zhong was the doctor, and Xirong was punished. Xirong kills Qin Zhong. Qin Zhongli was twenty-three years old and died in Rong. There are five sons, and their elders are called Zhuang Gong. King Xuan of Zhou summoned five disciples of Zhuang Gong Kundi, and 7,000 soldiers, to make Xirong and break it. So after reverting to Qin Zhong, he and his first big Luodi dog mound were also there, and they were doctors in the west.

The clan of the Dog Hill Da Luo refers to the family of the Dog Hill Da Luo. The daughter of Shenhou is the wife of Da Luo, and it is suitable to give birth to a child

And the clan of Inuqiu Daluo. The people of Inuqiu said that King Xiao of Zhou, King Xiao summoned the main horse between Wangwei. The Qin of Yi made the resumption of the Ying family's ritual, called Qin Ying. The family is safe and sound. King Xuan of Zhou ascended the throne, and Qin Zhong was the doctor, and Xirong was punished. Xirong kills Qin Zhong. Qin Zhongli was twenty-three years old and died in Rong. There are five sons, and their elders are called Zhuang Gong. King Xuan of Zhou summoned five disciples of Zhuang Gong Kundi, and 7,000 soldiers, to make Xirong and break it. So after reverting to Qin Zhong, he and his first big Luodi dog mound were also there, and they were doctors in the west.

According to the Records of the Zhou Dynasty, in the forty-sixth year (782 BC), King Xuan died, and his son Youwang Gong 湦 (shēng, born). and "Nirvana") succeeded to the throne. In the second year of Youwang (780 BC), earthquakes occurred in the capital of the Western Zhou Dynasty and the areas of the nearby Jingshui, Weishui, and Luoshui rivers. Bo Yangfu said: "Zhou is about to perish. The yin and yang qi between heaven and earth should not be without order; If it disrupts the order, someone else makes it chaotic. The yang energy sinks down and cannot come out, and the yin energy oppresses it so that it cannot rise, so there will be earthquakes. Nowadays, there is an earthquake in the Sanchuan area because the yang energy has left its original position and is pressed down by the yin energy. If the yang energy is not above but is below the yin energy, the water source will be blocked, and if the water source is blocked, the country will perish. Only by aerating the soil and water can the people engage in production. If the land is not nourished, the people will be starved of money, and if it reaches this point, what awaits the country if it does not perish! Once upon a time, Yishui and Luoshui dried up and the Xia Dynasty perished; When the Yellow River dried up, the Shang Dynasty perished. Now the qi of Zhou is also the same as that of the last two dynasties of Shang and Zhou, and the flow of the river source is blocked again, the water source is blocked, and the river must be exhausted. The survival of a country must depend on mountains and rivers, and the collapse of mountains and the drying up of rivers are signs of the collapse of a country. When the rivers dry up, the mountains will collapse. In this way, it will not take ten years for the state to perish, because ten happens to be a cycle of numbers. What Heaven will abandon will not exceed ten years. "This year, sure enough, the three rivers dried up and Qishan collapsed.

King Xuan went to cultivate the land of Jiè (borrowing) less than 1,000 acres, which was a field for the Son of Heaven to take the lead in personally plowing to show his importance to farming. In the thirty-ninth year (789 BC), a battle was fought in Qianmu, and King Xuan's army was defeated by Jiang Rong.

King Xuan lost the troops in the southern Jiang and Huai areas, and counted the population in Taiyuan for conscription. Nakayama advised: "The population cannot be counted. King Xuan did not listen to the dissuasion, and finally counted it.

In the forty-sixth year (782 BC), King Xuan died

King Xuan had less than 1,000 acres to cultivate the Jiè (borrowed) field, which was a field for the Son of Heaven to take the lead in personally plowing to show his importance to farming. It shows that thousands of acres are the ancestral land of the Zhou people.

After a battle in Qianmu, King Xuan's army was defeated by Jiang Rong. It shows that thousands of acres are Jiang Rong's place. It should be in Sijon.

History shows that Jiang Rong is Shenhou. After a battle in Qianmu, King Xuan's army was defeated by Jiang Rong. Rong encircled the dog hill, and the father hit it and was captured by the Rong people. After the years, he returned to his father. All of this makes sense.

After a battle in Qianmu, King Xuan's army was defeated by Jiang Rong. King Xuan lost the troops in the southern Jiang and Huai areas, and counted the population in Taiyuan for conscription. It shows that Jiang Rong is Shenhou. The location of the activity is in the southern river and Huai area. The West Dog Hill is in the Bailongjiang River (river) and the West Han River.

Xirong was the local armed anti-royal family of King Wen of Zhou

"Rong", oracle bone inscription, in the golden inscription, is the shape of a human holding and a shield, or a combination of human Cheng Ge and a shield, which is used to express the meaning of weapons, military brigades, chariots, etc.; As a clan name, it refers to people who are good at fighting bravely and skillfully using the shield. In the ancient documents of the mainland, the prehistoric tribes in the east are generally called "Yi", and the prehistoric tribes in the west are called "Rong", so they are called "Dongyi" and "Xirong". It is generally believed that "Xirong" refers to a collective term for some animal husbandry and nomadic tribes of the same or similar ethnic origin that originated from the western part of Shaanxi Province to the Gansu and Qinghai regions. "In "Poetry", the transformation of King Wen is the domain of Jianghan; Qin Feng sings the same song, so there is a summer sound. Chang Xuan said in "Huayang National Chronicles: Shu Zhi": "Shu is the country, caused by the emperor (Fuxi), and is confined with Ba (Fang Forty Li). To the Yellow Emperor, his son Changyi married the daughter of the Shushan clan and gave birth to a son, Gao Yang, who was the emperor; Seal its branch in Shu, the world is Hou Bo. Lixia, Shang, Zhou, King Wu cut down, Shu and Yan. Its land is bordered by Ba (Bashan) in the east, Yue in the south, Qin in the north, and Dyan in the west. The place is called Tianfu, and it was originally called Huayang. Therefore, its elves are shining brightly, and Jiang Han obeys the stream. ”

According to the "Historical Records of the Qin Dynasty" and other records, the ancestors of the Qin people called their place of residence "West". "Shangshu Yaodian" records: "Divide the life and Zhong, the west of the house, and the valley." "Zhaixi" means to live in the "west" place. For example, there is a place name of "west" in the inscription of Qin Zhuang Gong's "Bu Qi Gui". The Qin Dynasty set up "West County" here, which was also taken from "West",

In the thirty-seventh year (623 BC), the Qin army went out to Xirong, surrounded Mianzhu with lightning speed, and captured the Mianzhu kings alive under the wine bottle. Qin Mugong took advantage of the victory to advance, and more than 20 small states of Rongdi successively subjugated the Qin state. The state of Qin opened up thousands of miles, and the national border reached the Qinling Mountains in the south, Dadidao in the west (now Lintao, Gansu), north to Quyanrong (now Yanchi, Ningxia), and east to the Yellow River. Qin Mugong's victory over the Rong people, the king of Zhou specially congratulated, and gave a golden drum, hoping that he would beat the drum to continue to attack the Rong people, this is what Qin Mugong said in the history books "dominate Xirong".

"The Bamboo Book Chronicle" contains: "In the thirty-fifth year of Wuyi, King Ji of Zhou fell to the west and captured twelve Zhai kings. In the Book of Songs, there are often epics of the war between the Zhou Dynasty and Xirong, such as "Hehe Nanzhong, Bofa Xirong." In the field of historiography, there is an academic view that "Qin is Xirong".

The "West" recorded in the "Historical Records of Zhou Benji" and "Historical Records of Qin Benji" does not refer to the West, but to the West County and the West. The west refers to the north of Longnan City, Tianshui and part of Longxi. Dayu was born in Xiqiang, and Qiangshui is Jiangshui, ginger water, and Bailongjiang. In ancient times, Diqiang was a place name, not a clan name. "Bamboo Book Chronicle": "Nineteen years into the soup, Qiang guests. "Again" Wuding thirty-four years, Wang Ke ghost Fang, Diqiang guests. "Again" is the time (Yin), and the east of the land is not the river, Huang, the west is not Di, Qiang (in ancient times is the name of the place), the south is not Jingman, the north is not Shuofang. This shows that the boundaries of the Shang Dynasty were no more than Di and Qiang in the west. Qiangshui and Qiangdi are one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. King Wen of Zhou, the founding king of the Zhou Dynasty, was Shang Xibo.

Shen's other branch maintained a close niece-uncle relationship with King Zhou. King Xuan of Zhou named his uncle Shen Boyu in Xie Yi (present-day Dongxiying, Nanyang City, Henan Province) to control the south. Queen Zhou You also came from the Shen Kingdom of Xie Yi, the King of You had no way, lost his trust in the princes, favored him, and abolished the Queen of Shen and the prince Yijiu born to him. In 771 B.C. (the thirty-first year of King You), Shenhou united to increase the country (also in the territory of present-day Nanyang City) and Dog Rong attacked Haojing, killed King You, and established Yijiu as the king of Zhou Ping. In order to avoid Xirong, the capital was moved to Luoyi, known as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in history; At present, the first year of King Ping, that is, 770 B.C., is the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhurong was widely distributed, and in the Central Plains, there was an intricate relationship with the King of Zhou and Zhuxia. It can be divided into Hojing and Qizhou regions, Yiluo region, Luxi and northern Henan regions, the surrounding areas of the Jin Kingdom, and the areas west of Longshan and Longxi.

King Ping moved eastward, made Qin Xianggong a prince, and ordered Xianggong to recover the Qizhou region from Xirong and give Qin the west of Qi. In 750 B.C. (the twenty-first year of King Ping of Zhou), Duke Wen of Qin defeated Xirong, "so he collected the remnants of Zhou, and the land was to Qi, and the east of Qi was dedicated to Zhou." In fact, the east of Qi is still occupied by Zhurong. After decades of struggle with Zhurong, Qin Wugong destroyed the Rong people Peng Xi and Xiaoyu, so he went east to Huashan. In 677 B.C. (the fifth year of King Xi of Zhou), Qin Degong moved to Yong, now Fengxiang City, Shaanxi Province,,, since then Qin developed into a powerful country west of Cuihan, and Qin's struggle with Xirong turned to Longshan and the area west of Longxi.

It is generally called Di, and there are various ethnic groups of Chidi, Baidi, and Changdi, which will be described in the section of Beidi. The Rong who lived together in the territory of the Jin Kingdom and the Rong in the south of the Jin Kingdom, there are famous people who can be examined, such as Tiao Rong and Ben Rong, which have been mentioned above. Jin Muhou "cut the strip for seven years, and gave birth to the prince's hatred", which is the aforementioned Zhou Xuanwang in the 36th year of the felling of the strip and Benrong, and the defeat, so the son of the Marquis of Jin was named "Qiu". On the one hand, Jin Xiangong annexed many small countries, and at the same time paid attention to forming a good alliance with Zhurong. He "married his second daughter Yu Rong, Da Rong Fox Ji gave birth to heavy ears, and Xiao Rongzi gave birth to Yiwu". Du pre-note: "Da Rong, Uncle Tang's descendants are not in Rongdi." "Xiao Rong, the children of Rong surnamed Yun." The big and small Errong are the second daughter of the Rong, relatively speaking, not the name of the tribe. According to the above quotation from the "Zuo Chuan" Du "Note" is obviously from different tribes, and the "Historical Records" says: "Heavy ear mother, Zhai Zhihu daughter also." Yiwu mother, heavy ear mother and daughter brother. "In the Spring and Autumn Period, Rong Di was often mixed, the Fox family came from Uncle Tang, and the same ancestor of the Jin Dynasty was in Rong Di, from the Hu family's exile in Chong'er and later seized the Jin Hou Throne was an outstanding contribution to the cause of Jin Wengong and became one of the five tyrants of the Spring and Autumn Period, the degree of Huahua of the Fox clan is quite deep.

Jin Xiangong cut Li Rong, got Li Ji, and Li Rong is also the surname Ji in Rong Di. Li Ji has a favor, gave birth to a son Xi Qi, Jin Xiangong killed the prince Shensheng in his later years, forced Chonger and Yiwu to die, Yiwu fled to Qin, after the death of Jin Xiangong, he was supported by Qin Mugong to return to Jin to seize the throne, that is, Jin Huigong. Mr. Gu Jiegang deduced that Lirong should live in the capital of the Jin Dynasty according to the situation of the eastern and western countries of the Jin Dynasty at that time, and built a new capital for the Jin Xiangong near Yicheng, and the "Rong in the grass" and "Litu Zhidi" in the east are in the area of Xicheng and Wangwu in the east of Yicheng County, Shanxi Province. It was only after the development of the bronze culture and the further improvement of the level of productivity that the local tribes broke through the limitations of nature and came to the vast grasslands to develop animal husbandry and become nomadic peoples. In the era of origin, Xirong Diqiang was developed from primitive agricultural tribes to nomadic tribes in the Bronze Age, and they became nomadic people in the period when the Xia and Shang dynasties had been established in the Central Plains. "Shuowen" said: "Qiang, Xirong shepherds also." From people to sheep, sheep to sound"; "Customs and Customs" also says: "Qiang, Ben Xirong is also a lowly person, and the Lord shepherds sheep." Therefore, 'Qiang' comes from sheep and people, because it is the number. This interpretation made by Xu Shen and Ying Shao refers to the Qiang people in western China since the Xia and Shang periods, and if we say that the origin era of the Qiang is mainly primitive agriculture, and various tribes and ethnic groups engaged in fishing and hunting.

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