
Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

40-year-old Zhu Zhu has been very busy recently, graduated from HEC Paris graduate school, and also starred in the hit drama "The Story of Rose", playing Liu Yifei's boss Jiang Xueqiong.

She has a bright style, does things neatly, and naturally exudes sobriety and charm inside.

As everyone knows, in reality, the actor Zhu Zhu has the life setting of Huang Rose, and she completes the staggered transposition in her real life direction to form a contrast.

Zhu Zhu has been selected as one of the "100 Most Beautiful Faces in the World" for ten consecutive years.

In the current social context, actresses seem to be very mindful of being delayed by beauty and being given the title of "vase", so they are defined as beautiful and beautiful, with no acting skills.

Zhu Zhu, who was labeled as charming and glamorous by the public, never shy away from talking about her face.

There is never a sad and melancholy part of her undertone, which has to do with past experiences.

As early as ten years ago, when she was alone in Hollywood, in the face of the outside world's praise for her Chinese actress, Zhu Zhu said: "I deserve everyone's attention." ”

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

"The Story of Rose" has ushered in the finale, but the discussion of the plot, characters, and actors in it has not ended.

Film and television dramas adapted from Yishu's novels are always so popular in the mainland, and the story of Mrs. Shi, coupled with first-line female stars, there is always no shortage of traffic and popularity.

The beauties have their own eyes, in addition to the protagonist Liu Yifei, there are also Wan Qian and Zhu Zhu, even if there are not many scenes, they also shape the characters into three-dimensional and plump.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

TV series "The Story of Rose" Liu Yifei, Wan Qian, Zhu Zhu

As the boss of the heroine Huang Yimei, Jiang Xueqiong, played by Zhu Zhu, is the owner of an art exhibition company, and every time she appears, people can't take their eyes off it. She has good taste and strong strength, and she shows the charm of an elite strong woman everywhere.

In the workplace, she guides the newcomer Huang Yimei, and also has some weird hobbies, dressing up according to lucky colors every day.

Netizens joked: "My grumpy and cute beautiful boss who also likes to study constellations." ”

Zhu Zhu under the lens gets rid of her childish aesthetics and is very beautiful, and she does not fall behind in the rivalry with Liu Yifei.

Jiang Xueqiong played by her is in stark contrast to the simple rose, whether it is in the workplace or in love, she is an experienced veteran.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Stills from the TV series "The Story of Rose" Zhu Zhu

Jiang Xueqiong asked Huang Yimei to borrow Zhuang Guodong to connect with Mr. Teng, Huang Yimei refused, she said that she just wanted to talk about simple love with her boyfriend, Jiang Xueqiong smiled, she felt that the girl in front of her was very stupid and naïve.

The former Jiang Xueqiong was also Huang Yimei.

There is a scene where Jiang Xueqiong said to Huang Yimei, which can be described as a pearl of words.

"I talk a lot about love, and the vast majority of men bring side effects to themselves, and they rarely bring you benefits."

There is also the sentence "If there is desire, there is motivation" spoken by sitting on the hospital bed.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Stills from the TV series "The Story of Rose" Zhu Zhu

Yishu and her Yishu girls often regard career and money as their biggest goals in life. Fierce, indifferent to feelings, and protective of themselves, fully represent the group of professional women born in the seventies and eighties, vigorous and resolute.

In the play, when Huang Yimei, played by Liu Yifei, asked her boss for leave in order to go to France to find a boyfriend, and if she didn't approve the leave, she would resign, Zhu Zhu asked puzzledly:

"You're so unproductive, you don't have any career plan at all, is your ideal love?"

In real life, a few years ago, in the face of a reporter's question, "What if someone robs you of a man?" ”

Zhu Zhu replied with a smile: "Let it be given to her, there are many men." ”

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

She had the confidence to say such things.

That was brought to her by the family, Zhu Zhu is an authentic Beijing girl, her grandfather Zhu Xuzhi is a major general, and her father is the founder of New World Ice Cream, a wealthy businessman, so Zhu Zhu has similar labels as "Beijing Circle Celebrity" and "Beijing Circle Princess".

As the only girl in two generations, Zhu Zhu has been regarded as the pearl of the palm by her family since she was a child. She was raised, and her childhood was spent in endless love, which to some extent nourished her temperament.

Grandpa prepared a piano before the birth of his granddaughter, and Zhu Zhu began to learn piano at the age of 3 under the tutelage of jazz pianist Kong Hongwei.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhu Zhu and her grandfather when she was a child

She is gifted and intelligent, piano, Olympiad mathematics, foreign languages, aeronautical modeling...... All learned well. Influenced by her mother, who was studying abroad, she also fell in love with the Beatles and visited museums and galleries.

Zhu Zhu, who drew a good hand, also had his own ideas.

Since she was a teenager, she has been traveling abroad on her own, so she speaks fluent English, often participates in the creation and performance of school English stage plays, and loves rock and jazz.

While studying at Beijing Technology and Business University, in addition to completing her professional courses, Zhu Zhu also worked part-time as a graphic model in the magazine "Ruili" and wrote for fashion magazines.

Later, she traveled to the United States, where she attended Parsons School of Design.

In 2005, 21-year-old Zhu Zhu participated in the MTV VJ competition of the global music television station, and his oriental face had a bright temperament in the West, plus outstanding talents, and finally won the championship in Beijing.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Early Zhu Zhu

Since then, she began to host the "MTV Tian Lai Village" program, as the host Zhu Zhu, fluent in English, outstanding image, and gradually gained a firm foothold in MTV music station.

At that time, top singers such as Jay Chou and Hu Yanbin were all her guests. As soon as Jay Chou arrived in Beijing, he asked Zhu Zhu to drink tea and eat, but there was a scandal, she didn't care, and continued to work hard in the hosting career.

After that, Zhu Zhu hosted heavyweight evenings such as the MTV-CCTV Music Festival one after another, and her partners were CCTV hosts Li Sisi and Ren Luyu.

It is not difficult to see that Zhu Zhu's life direction is destined to enter the entertainment industry.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

From left to right: Li Sisi, Ren Luyu, Zhu Zhu

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Seeing that his hosting career is booming, Zhu Zhu also released a solo album "Zhu Zhu", which was created by musicians Zhang Yadong and Li Quan.

The courage of the newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers is not only for music.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhang Yadong and Zhu Zhu

In terms of performance, Zhu Zhu also dared to try boldly.

The starting point of her first work is not low, and her partners are Andy Lau and Gong Li. In 2011, in the movie "I Know a Woman's Heart", Zhu Zhu played Andy Lau's secretary.

There are not many scenes, but when he appeared on the big screen for the first time, he cooperated with top actors, and Zhu Zhu was undoubtedly lucky.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhu Zhu, Andy Lau (second from right), Gong Li

The first time filming, Zhu Zhu didn't know how to stand, during the filming, she blocked Andy Lau's shot, Andy kept waving at her, she pretended not to care, but after the director shouted the card, Andy Lau said: "Little girl, you just kept blocking my shot." ”

The path of an actor is not easy, Zhu Zhu, who is not from a professional class, knows that he is a monk halfway through, and he has to work harder to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry.

In the year of partnering with Andy Lau, the 27-year-old Zhu Zhu signed a contract with the American entertainment agency CAA, and then starred in a number of internationally produced films, from "Cloud Atlas", "Secret Sharer" to "Iron Fist".

Her characters are glamorous and moving, with a bit of thriller and complex danger, which is very in line with the oriental imagination of "both yearning and fearing", and also integrates the popular codes of the past.

In 2014, Zhu Zhu met the first important role in her life, Princess Kuokuozhen in the court American drama "Marco Polo".

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

"Marco Polo" Kuo Kuo Zhen Princess (played by Zhu Zhu) stills

The filming process of "Marco Polo" can be called an important process of performance for Zhu Zhu.

She went through layers of screening and auditions to get the role. Zhu Zhu joined the crew a few months in advance to learn horseback archery and Mongolian culture, lived on the grassland, and created a character that completely belonged to her.

In the play, it is Chen Chong, a Chinese actress and female director who plays opposite her.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

"Marco Polo" Chen Chong and Zhu Zhu stills

In an English interview with Netflix, Zhu Zhu was on an equal footing with her predecessor Chen Chong.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Chen Chong and Zhu Zhu

This drama made Zhu Zhu famous internationally. When it comes to her, people will say that she is the princess of Kuokuozhen, the heroine of "Marco Polo", she is beautiful and difficult to domesticate.

This year, Zhu Zhu was 30 years old.

She finally has her own masterpiece and the confidence to be an actor.

When many domestic artists want to develop in Hollywood, Zhu Zhu's starting point is already in the position that many people desire.

In the past, Hollywood was a utopian existence for Chinese actors, which stemmed from its star-making ability and commercial value.

Chinese female stars dreamed of Hollywood as early as the 80s, and Chen Chong was one of them.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Chen Chong during the Hollywood period

In 1986, Chen Chong, who was studying in the United States, was accidentally discovered by a Hollywood producer and was invited to star in the movie "Taipan", and since then he has officially stepped into Hollywood.

Chen Chong starred in her first heroine in a Hollywood movie, Meimei in "Taipan". But because of a large number of nude shots, after the film was broadcast, various accusations were endless, which doubled the pressure on Chen Chong and his family in Shanghai.

Chen Chong didn't have an easy time trying to prove herself in the cracks that Hollywood has left for Chinese actors, although she later made the famous movie "The Last Emperor", she also felt that those days were dark.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

During the filming of "The Last Emperor", Chen Chong and Ryuichi Sakamoto

After that, Chen Chong began to transform into a director, directing Hollywood films such as "Autumn in New York", and "Inglis" is a kind of retrospective of her own generation's memories. In the era when traffic is king, she rose to the challenge and restored the style of the times.

Unlike Chen Chong, who single-handedly broke into Hollywood, the rise of China's fifth-generation directors in the 90s made them internationally famous, and some female stars were noticed by Western films, thus entering Hollywood, Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi are representatives.

The rise of the Chinese film market has fundamentally changed the Hollywood journey of Chinese actresses.

Although Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi's female images on the Hollywood screen still have erotic parts, their status has changed from passive objects of desire to subjects that provoke desire.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

During the filming of "Memoirs of a Geisha", Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi were in Hollywood

Michelle Yeoh, who was born in Malaysia and was influenced by the Hong Kong film industry, is different, she has established her status in Hollywood with her beautiful skills.

Last year, 61-year-old Michelle Yeoh won the Best Actress award for the movie "Instant Universe".

This is the first time that a Chinese or even Asian actress has won this award, which is enough to go down in history.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Michelle Yeoh

Michelle Yeoh opened up a new path for Chinese actresses to enter Hollywood in the 90s with "stardom".

However, whether it is an erotic drama or a trick play, Chinese actresses still show symbols of oriental background in the Hollywood market.

Their fate, most of the time, is out of their control.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Chasing dreams of Hollywood, as a junior, Zhu Zhu never felt that this was a great thing, when recalling the time when she was an actor in Hollywood, she said:

"The experience of working in foreign crews has made me realize that the more I find my roots and adhere to Eastern culture and philosophy, the more I will get international curiosity and affirmation, and I am very glad that they saw an unexpected Chinese girl."

In 2018, Zhu Zhu began to return to China to develop her acting career.

She called the picture fresh, which has destined Zhu Zhu not to take a path of peace and self-control.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

In the past few years, the domestic film and television industry has developed rapidly, and even Zhu Zhu, who has a masterpiece in Hollywood abroad, is still a newcomer after returning to China.

She has played small supporting roles in many dramas, without causing any waves, until she played the role of Li Na in the TV series "Elite Lawyer", starring Jin Dong, Lan Yingying, Wu Junmei, Liu Mintao......

Li Na is the secretary of the main character Luo Bin, with big wavy hair, wearing a slim-fitting dress, walking around the lawyer's office.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Clip of the TV series "Elite Lawyer" Li Na (played by Zhu Zhu).

She is confident, sexy, capable, and walks in the workplace with high emotional intelligence, so much so that she overwhelms the heroine and becomes a high-profile female character in the play, so Zhu Zhu won the Best Supporting Actress at the 7th Hengdian Film and Television Wenrong Awards.

Zhu Zhu is swaying and quite feminine, because her acting is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that everyone thinks that she is acting in her true colors.

Zhu Zhu said: "My life is really different from Li Na. ”

After that, Zhu Zhu's supporting actresses were very heavy, and she successively starred in Zhao Ji in "Da Qin Fu", Lan Xinjie in "Rebel", and the mysterious woman in "Uninvited Guest......

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Stills from the TV series "Da Qin Fu" Zhao Ji (played by Zhu Zhu).

Zhu Zhu almost fills the gap of domestic entertainment actresses, many actresses pursue white and thin, and they are worried about being scolded when they play a slightly sexier role, so they lock themselves in the pure jade girl and Mary Sue heroine.

For a long time, Zhu Zhu, the "rich flower of the world", has been synonymous with sexy style, and has also played many similar roles. She tried her best to make changes and breakthroughs, so she had Ma Suqin in "Children of the Qiao Family".

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Clip of the TV series "Children of the Qiao Family" Ma Suqin (played by Zhu Zhu).

Ma Suqin is like a woman who struggles to break free from her shackles, but she has too many contradictions, but she is always sincere.

She has lost her fine clothes, does not apply powder on her face, and dresses plainly.

The role of Ma Suqin is rich in characters, she is a tough and capable working woman, and Zhu Zhu's subtle performance is eye-catching.

As an actor, she has always tried to learn and shape the ability of characters through different performance forms.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Stills from the TV series "Children of the Qiao Family" Ma Suqin (played by Zhu Zhu).

In this year when many people want to speed up, Zhu Zhu wants to go slower instead.

Throughout the spring of 2023, Zhu Zhu will be rehearsing the drama "Spring Breeze Ten Miles is Not as Good as You" in Beijing, and the script is adapted from Feng Tang's original novel "Beijing, Beijing".

Feng Tang's works have always had the hormonal atmosphere of adolescent men and women, and before that, this novel has been adapted into a movie and TV series, and the popularity has continued, and the phrase "the spring breeze is not as good as you" has been repeatedly mentioned.

The background of the story is the 90s that Feng Tang is familiar with, and it tells the story of Qiushui, a literary young man, who has been entangled with two girls for eight years in medical school, with youthful impulses and inevitable regrets.

Feng Tang said to Zhu Zhu: "This is about our growth process, about our mistakes that seem to be avoidable but cannot be avoided. ”

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Feng Tang connected with Zhu Zhu

Liu Qing, played by Zhu Zhu, is arrogant and fragile, and she is a big woman with taste.

She feels that Liu Qing is a woman who has no right to choose, and her dramatic experience will condense some emotions very extremely, making this character complex, full of power, and full of feminine charm.

Playing against professional drama actors, Zhu Zhu was not nervous, but more excited, like the feeling when he was filming with Andy Lau back then.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

The drama "Spring Breeze Ten Miles is Not as Good as You" Zhu Zhu was at the rehearsal site

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

The love history of beautiful women is always talked about by the public, and Zhu Zhu is no exception.

There is no shortage of topics and gossip on her body, such as the musical genius Li Quan and the noble son of the Agnelli family, Rapo Elkan......

In 2007, Zhu Zhu signed a contract with MBOX Music Company and became the same student as his brother Li Quan.

The two have similar hobbies, have a lot of common topics, and their relationship is getting closer and closer, and they gradually come together.

Li Quan became the producer of Zhu Zhu, and he called himself "a treasure" in public and praised her.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Li Quan and Zhu Zhu

Zhu Zhu and Li Quan also staged a romantic scene of four hands at the album press conference, and then they were photographed by the media visiting the mother and baby store together.

Zhu Zhu also gradually integrated into her boyfriend's circle, and often got together with Wang Zhonglei, Wang Xiaofei, Zhao Wei and others.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

When many people thought that Zhu Zhu and Li Quan were going to get married, they broke up.

The interaction between the two stopped in May 2012, when Li Quan suddenly posted on Weibo:

"Reckless means are actually part of your ideal life, and as a result, you become your own tool, a tool of life, and then you will soon become a tool of others."

Two days ago, Zhu Zhu and her boyfriend Rapo Erkanin kissed publicly when they were watching the Serie A match at the stadium, and their relationship was exposed.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhu Zhu and Rapo Elkann kiss passionately on the court

Rapo Elkann is one of Italy's richest people, spanning the world of business and fashion, the fifth-generation successor of the Agnelli family, Ferrari and Maserati are one of his family's properties, and he is also the owner of Juventus Football Club, which is valued at more than 23.7 billion euros.

At that time, the football game was broadcast live all over the world, and the relationship between the two became explosive news, and Zhu Zhu was once regarded as the boss lady of Juventus.

This oriental beauty has attracted the attention of the world, and world-renowned magazines such as "Vanity Fair" have reserved a full-page cover for her.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men
Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhu Zhu has been selected as one of the "100 Most Beautiful Faces in the World" for ten consecutive years

A few days later, when Zhu Zhu was in a meeting with the producers of "Cloud Atlas" in Cannes, she received a message from her boyfriend Rapo Elkan that she wanted to walk the red carpet together.

She didn't wear eye makeup, she wore sunglasses and went, everything was very casual.

Zhu Zhu wore a black and white sideways backless dress, which was evaluated by foreign media as "an oriental beauty showing a Western-style open personality", and she was called a special Chinese symbol on the Cannes red carpet.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhu Zhu and Rapo Elkann on the red carpet in Cannes

The rich boy Rapo Erkan is a notoriously prodigal, and not long after being with Zhu Zhu, he kissed a huge rich and famous woman on the street.

Zhu Zhu broke up decisively. Later, she downplayed the relationship, saying, "It was a beautiful story, a part of my life, and nothing more." ”

At that time, the media called Zhu Zhu "climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix", and she ridiculed her to the fullest, and used Rapo Elkan's status to enter Hollywood, and in the face of these remarks, she was neither humble nor arrogant.

"First of all, saying 'climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix' is a little bit flattened by us Chinese. All people are equal, it's just a matter of one heart and another. None of these movies I took on in Hollywood were because of him, and I fought for the role step by step. ”

Zhu Zhu never felt a trace of remorse for the love-related fanaticism that had happened to her in the past.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men
Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

In 2021, without anyone's expectations, Zhu Zhu and Wang Yunjia held a low-key wedding in Beijing.

"This crisis brought everything to a halt, so I also stopped and developed a deep relationship with someone in one place," Zhu said. ”

Wang Yunjia is an outsider, the founder of the Italian men's clothing store Sartorial, and she is a perfect match for Zhu Zhu.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Wang Yunjia and Zhu Zhu wedding scene

After getting married, the two had a daughter, and after becoming a mother, Zhu Zhu became more resilient, she did not stop her steps, and went abroad to study art at HEC Paris for more than a year.

While studying in Paris, Zhu Zhu experienced the filming of "Sister Lang", made three TV series and two movies, and did not miss a class.

In 2023, 39-year-old Zhu Zhu will appear on the stage of "Sister Lang", sassy and charming, and she has received more praise than expected.

Her eyes are sharp, her red lips and black hair are so powerful, her aura is so powerful that she has dominated the hot search on the C position of the screen many times, and she can be called the queen of Paramount dance. Her hair and eyes were dancing with joy.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhu Zhu on the stage of "Sister Lang 4".

Zhu Zhu can complete the singing and dancing stage well, and the singer A-Lin chorus is tacitly matched and does not lag behind.

"When I was younger, there were fewer and fewer hormones, and art made me feel like I was alive."

Zhu Zhu's home decoration is simple, but the artistic taste is everywhere, there are many artworks in her home, and almost every object tells her attitude and aesthetics.

她最喜欢艺术家Tracey Emin(翠西·艾敏)的一幅作品,It’s a crime to live with the person you don’t love.(与不爱的人在一起生活,是一种犯罪)。

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhu Zhu's home, on the background wall is the work of artist Tracey Emin

When he was very young, Zhu Zhu often followed his father to Panjiayuan to enjoy porcelain and antiques.

To some extent, this influenced her later aesthetics.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhu Zhu's fate trajectory seems to have some similarity with the name her grandfather gave her at the beginning.

When she was born, her grandfather gave her granddaughter a rather masculine name: Zhu Jizheng, who was opposed by the whole family, thinking that girls should stay in a shell-like home and sink quietly to the bottom of the sea, so they got the name: Zhu Zhu.

But it turns out that Zhu Zhu's grandfather was prescient, and she has come a long way before she knows it.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhu Zhu is a Beijing girl, her family lived near Jingshan when she was a child, and the elementary school she studied was at the foot of the Imperial City, and the smell of the wind carried her healing aura.

She can have dinner at Vanity Fair, eat skewers and drink beer in the hutongs of Beijing. She is completely in charge of herself and doesn't need to prove anything to anyone.

What Zhu Zhu got in his hands was not a script for domestic entertainment actresses in the traditional sense.

She was never a pearl that sank quietly at the bottom of the sea, nor was she kidnapped by any one identity.

Facing the world, Zhu Zhu chose to follow the trend.

Zhu Zhu: Rich and capricious, there is no shortage of men

Zhu Zhu with her daughter

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