
Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

author:Eddie Literary Society

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old doctor who works in a modest clinic at the foot of Wudang Mountain. He focused on taking his patient's pulse, his weathered but strong hands resting lightly on his wrists.

His eyes are full of focus and kindness, and there is a calligraphy painting on the wall of the clinic with the words "Hanging a pot to help the world", which symbolizes his decades-long medical career.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

Zhu Huaying is not an ordinary doctor, but a prestigious Taoist doctor on Wudang Mountain, proficient in Wudang Taoist medicine. These masteries are the crystallization of the wisdom of the Taoist priests of Wudang Mountain for thousands of years, and are known as the treasures of the Chinese medicine world.

However, in Zhu Huaying's view, these skills are not tools for profit, but a way to carry out the sacred mission of saving lives and helping the wounded.

Every morning, Zhu Huaying would show up at this small clinic on time to provide free medical care to the poor people who came to seek medical treatment. He is a highly skilled doctor, and he never charges a high fee for treating patients, but only a symbolic fee for medicine.

When he encountered particularly poor patients, he would not even take a penny, and would pay out of his own pocket to buy medicinal herbs for them.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

I wish the old man excellent medical skills and noble medical ethics, and the villagers say that he sincerely thinks about the patients. No matter the wind or rain, day or night, as long as someone knocks on the door, he always gets up to greet him as soon as possible.

He often said: "It is my greatest happiness to be able to relieve the pain of patients regardless of whether they are high or low."

In such a utilitarian society, Zhu Huaying's words and deeds are particularly precious. He is not only healing the bodies of the villagers, but also warming their hearts. Whenever I see the smiles of the patients after recovery, Zhu Huaying's wrinkled face will always bloom with a smile of relief.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

However, as time passed, Zhu Huaying began to lament her age, and her heart was also full of a lingering worry: who should the peerless learning containing thousands of years of wisdom pass on? This question has become the biggest knot in the heart of this elderly man in his later years.

If we want to trace Zhu Huaying's medical path, we have to go back to his childhood. Zhu Huaying was born in a poor peasant family, and despite the difficult family circumstances, the love of her parents has never been missing.

His mother, in particular, did not have much formal education, but she knew a lot about collecting medicine and curing diseases.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

In that era of scarcity of materials, Zhu Huaying was often sick, and his mother would always take care of him and cook all kinds of herbs for him. Although the medicinal soup is bitter and difficult to swallow, it is full of mother's love and wisdom.

Zhu Huaying was curious and often asked her mother: "Mother, how do you recognize these herbs?" Then, his mother would patiently teach him to identify the characteristics of the various herbs and explain their effects.

Zhu Huaying was gradually attracted by these magical herbs, and he began to take the initiative to follow his mother up the mountain to collect herbs and learn to identify them. His dexterous little hands were able to quickly and accurately distinguish various medicinal herbs.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

Whenever he saw his mother curing his neighbor's illness with simple herbs, his bright eyes always sparkled with wonder and yearning.

However, fate always likes to play tricks on people. When Zhu Huaying was 12 years old, a sudden change changed his fate. The death of his father caused his family's situation to deteriorate even further, adding to the already poor family's woes.

Zhu Huaying had to drop out of school and stay at home to help her mother make ends meet.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

Although life was difficult, Zhu Huaying did not give up the opportunity to study. During the day, he followed his mother to do farm work and collect medicine; At night, he used the dim oil lamp to flip through the few medical books he had at home.

Despite their obscurity, they became a ray of hope for his future.

Zhu Huaying's diligence and hard work soon attracted the attention of the people in the village. Neighbors often sigh: "This child is not simple, and he will definitely make great achievements in the future." These words of encouragement strengthened Zhu Huaying's determination to study medicine.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

During those difficult years, medical skills became Zhu Huaying's hope to change his fate, and also became a tool for him to repay his mother and help others. He secretly vowed in his heart that he must become a good doctor, not only to heal the patient's body, but also to warm their hearts.

In the midst of poverty and hardship, Zhu Huaying started his medical path. As a young man with dreams, he still has no idea about the opportunities in the future, but he firmly believes that as long as he works hard, all dreams can come true.

Zhu Huaying's diligence and dedication soon attracted the attention of the villagers. One day, a passing Wudang Mountain Taoist priest saw Zhu Huaying, who was seriously studying medical books, and couldn't help but stop and ask.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

When he learned that the teenager was so fascinated by Chinese medicine, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Young man, are you willing to come to Wudang Mountain to learn more profound medical skills?" The Taoist priest's words were like a thunderbolt, exploding in Zhu Huaying's heart. This is undoubtedly a great opportunity for a poor teenager who has never left his hometown.

Zhu Huaying's eyes flashed with excitement, but they quickly dimmed again.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

Reality is always cruel. With an elderly mother to take care of at home, Zhu Huaying fell into deep hesitation. He looked at his mother's old face, and his heart was full of contradictions and struggles.

On the one hand, it is a rare opportunity to realize her dreams, and on the other hand, she is concerned and responsible for her mother, this choice is undoubtedly a huge test for the young Zhu Huaying.

The mother seemed to see through her son's thoughts, she took Zhu Huaying's hand, and said with tears in her eyes: "Child, my mother can't delay your future." You can go with confidence, my mother can still take care of herself.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

Mother's words made Zhu Huaying both moved and guilty.

With guilt for her mother and longing for the future, Zhu Huaying embarked on the road to study in Wudang Mountain. The road is full of unknowns and challenges, but there is a determined fire burning in his eyes.

Zhu Huaying was hungry and thirsty to learn on Wudang Mountain, he not only had to master esoteric medical skills, but also needed to learn Wudang's health regimen. Year after year, his medical skills improved day by day.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

In the morning, he followed his master to collect mountain herbs; During the day, he practiced his medical skills diligently; At night, he studied medical books by candlelight.

Zhu Huaying's diligence and talent were quickly recognized by the master. In the process of learning, he not only mastered the traditional Chinese medicine theories and skills, but also integrated the essence of Wudang's unique Taoist medicine.

After years of hard work, Zhu Huaying finally completed the manuscript of "Thirteen Acupuncture and Moxibustion", which is the crystallization of his years of study and the essence of Wudang Taoist medicine.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

This manuscript was carefully compiled by Zhu Huaying, and contains many unique treatments and experiences. It not only shows Zhu Huaying's medical attainments, but also becomes an important carrier of Wudang Taoist medical inheritance.

In this way, the boy who left his hometown with a dream before completed his studies on Wudang Mountain and grew into a doctor who was proficient in Wudang Taoist medicine. However, Zhu Huaying knows that the real test has just begun.

After returning from her studies, Zhu Huaying did not choose to seek a high salary in the big city, but returned to a small remote village at the foot of Wudang Mountain and opened a humble clinic. He used the stunts he learned to treat patients, and interpreted the true meaning of "hanging pots to help the world" with practical actions.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

Every morning, Zhu Huaying would get up early, prepare medicinal materials and instruments, and wait for patients who came to see her. His medical skills are excellent, but the consultation fee is very low, and he can charge as much medicine as he can, and even for the most poor patients, he will not take a penny.

Therefore, the villagers praised Dr. Zhu not only for his excellent medical skills, but also for his benevolent heart.

However, as she grew older, Zhu Huaying began to think about a question: who should she pass on her mastery to? So, he began to look for suitable successors among the patients he visited.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

There are some young people who have shown a short-term interest in Chinese medicine, and Zhu Huaying has expectations for them and teaches them. However, he soon discovered that these people either had only a passing passion for Chinese medicine or were learning with a utilitarian mindset.

None of them can truly understand the essence of Chinese medicine, let alone inherit and carry forward this ancient medical skill.

As the days and years passed, Zhu Huaying's gray hair became more and more and his wrinkles deepened, but he never found a successor who satisfied him, and this situation made him feel both confused and anxious.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

He couldn't help but wonder, did what he had learned in his life have to be cut off in his own hands like this?

Whenever there was a dead of night, Zhu Huaying would sit in the small courtyard of her clinic, looking up at the starry sky, and fell into deep thought. He was waiting, he was waiting, he was waiting for the person who could understand and pass on Chinese medicine to appear.

Although her heart was full of confusion, Zhu Huaying never gave up looking for a successor. He firmly believes that one day he will meet someone who is like-minded with him and pass on what he has learned in his life.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

This perseverance and persistence have become the driving force that supports him to continue to move forward.

In this way, Zhu Huaying hung the pot to help the world and relieve the pain of the villagers, while struggling to find a successor who could inherit his mantle. In the process, his medical skills became more and more sophisticated, but his heart also became heavier and heavier.

When Zhu Huaying almost gave up looking for a successor, fate gave him an unexpected surprise.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

It was a sunny afternoon, and a young foreigner named Jack pushed open the door to the clinic. Jack is an international student who is curious about Chinese culture. He heard about Zhu Huaying's name, and came from afar to ask her for advice.

At first, Zhu Huaying didn't expect much from this foreigner, but as the conversation deepened, he was surprised to find that Jack's understanding of Chinese medicine was far better than that of ordinary people. Jack is fluent in Chinese to discuss TCM theories and has demonstrated a deep understanding of traditional Chinese culture.

Zhu Huaying was deeply moved by Jack's love and dedication to Chinese medicine. He found that Jack agreed: "Chinese medicine is not only a medical skill, but also a philosophy and a way of life. Jack's words made Zhu Huaying's eyes light up, and he seemed to see his shadow in this young man.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

From that day on, Jack began to visit the clinic frequently and studied with Zhu Huaying. His diligence, wisdom and deep understanding of Chinese medicine made Zhu Huaying appreciate him more and more. Jack not only delved into the theoretical knowledge, but also actively participated in the diagnosis and treatment process, giving full attention to every detail.

In the process of learning, Jack showed amazing understanding. He was not only able to quickly master Professor Zhu Huaying's skills, but also to integrate and put forward his own opinions. Sometimes, some of his unique views are refreshing even to Zhu Huaying.

Zhu Huaying gradually had a bold idea: perhaps, this is the successor she has been waiting for. Although Jack is a foreigner, his understanding and love for Chinese medicine is no less than that of any Chinese student.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

In this way, this young man from a foreign country and an old Chinese medicine doctor established a deep master-apprentice friendship because of his love for Chinese medicine. This cross-border medical fate has rekindled Zhu Huaying's hope for the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

After careful consideration, Zhu Huaying made a decision that shocked many people: he decided to pass on what he had learned in his life to Jack. This decision caused quite a stir in the local area.

Some people do not understand this decision, some people oppose it, they think that Chinese medicine should be passed on by Chinese In the face of these doubts, Zhu Huaying still responded indifferently: "Medical skills are borderless, the most important thing is to find someone who truly understands and loves Chinese medicine."

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

In the days that followed, Zhu Huaying gave Jack all the knowledge he had accumulated, including the precious manuscript of "Thirteen Acupuncture and Moxibustion". Seeing Jack studying hungrily, Zhu Huaying's eyes were full of relief.

He was convinced that he had made the right choice.

Jack lived up to his teacher's expectations, not only studying hard, but also applying what he had learned into practice. Under Zhu Huaying's careful guidance, Jack's medical skills quickly improved, and he was soon able to diagnose and treat some common conditions independently.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

The villagers gradually recognized this "foreign Chinese doctor", and some even expressed their willingness to take the initiative to come to Jack for treatment.

This kind of inheritance across borders has led to deep thinking about the spread of TCM culture. It teaches us that the inheritance of culture should not be confined to national borders, but should seek like-minded people.

Zhu Huaying often said: "Chinese medicine is not only Chinese, but also the world" This open and inclusive attitude has injected new vitality into the spread of Chinese medicine culture in modern society.

Zhu Huaying, an 84-year-old Wudang Taoist doctor, has been uneducated for thousands of years, why did he only pass it on to foreigners in the end?

At 84 years old, Zhu Huaying still sticks to his small clinic every day, while Jack begins to promote TCM culture around the world. Not only did he practice medicine in China, but he often returned to his home country to give lectures to introduce Westerners to the charm of Chinese medicine.

Such a picture of passing the torch from generation to generation makes people see the hope of the rejuvenation of Chinese medicine culture in the new era. The story of Zhu Huaying and Jack is not only a story about inheritance, but also a story about cultural exchange and mutual understanding.

It shows us that with sincerity and love, the power of culture can transcend all barriers and shine on the world stage.