
Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

author:Qingqing chats about the world
Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today
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Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

In the starry world of the Chinese entertainment industry, there is a star that always shines - Su Youpeng. His story is legendary: he debuted at the age of 15 and quickly conquered Asia with a dazzling attitude; But when his career fell into a trough, he went to the UK alone to find his direction, and almost lost his life; At the turning point of fate, Qiong Yao's drama "Huanzhu Gege" brought him back to the top.

Over the past 30 years, from singer to actor to director, Su Youpeng has always maintained his popularity in this rapidly changing industry, which is amazing. How did he regenerate from the trough? And what has allowed him to remain popular for thirty years? Let's unravel the mystery of the success of this evergreen in the entertainment industry.

In 1973, Taiwan ushered in a life destined to be extraordinary - Su Youpeng. However, Su Youpeng in childhood did not grow up in laughter. Every day, he has to face constant quarrels and conflicts between his parents.

This kind of continuous family conflict is like a haze, shrouded in Xiao Su Youpeng's heart.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

Faced with this dilemma of being powerless to change, the young Su Youpeng found his own safe haven - cram school. In that particular era, cram school became a refuge for him to escape from reality.

As if grasping at a life-saving straw, he frantically signed up for various cram courses. In the intensive study, he can finally forget about his family's troubles for a while and find a trace of peace.

When his mother tried to stop him from over-tutoring, the stubborn Xiao Su Youpeng even threatened to go on a hunger strike. In his young mind, he would rather endure the hardships of learning than return to that home full of quarrels.

This stubborn choice may be the germ of his character that will persevere in the entertainment industry in the future.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

However, fate often likes to joke. Just when Su Youpeng was immersed in hard study, an unexpected opportunity quietly came. His mother, in order to give her son a chance to relax, quietly signed up for a talent show for 15-year-old Su Youpeng.

This decision, like a butterfly effect, completely changed the trajectory of Su Youpeng's life.

In the show, Su Youpeng stood out with his outstanding appearance and talent, and was recognized by the record company. Soon, he joined the popular boy group "Little Tigers".

In this way, an ordinary Taiwanese teenager turned into a much-anticipated idol star.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

Since then, Su Youpeng's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. The bright lights on the stage replaced the gloom in the home, and the cheers of the fans drowned out the troubles of the past.

However, who would have thought that this was only the prologue of his legendary life, and even greater ups and downs awaited him.

15-year-old Su Youpeng, with a vision of a better future, embarked on the road of acting without hesitation. He probably didn't expect that the road would be so tortuous and challenging.

But it is these ups and downs that have shaped the Su Youpeng we know today - a legendary figure who has stood tall in the entertainment industry for 30 years.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

Su Youpeng's acting career is like a roller coaster, full of dramatic ups and downs. With the popularity of the "Little Tigers", 15-year-old Su Youpeng became a popular idol overnight.

His sunny and handsome image, beautiful singing voice and energetic dancing posture captured the hearts of countless boys and girls in that era. However, this glorious time is like a shooting star, fleeting.

Only three years later, the "Little Tigers" had to announce their disbandment for various reasons. For the young Su Youpeng, this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. He not only lost the partner who fought side by side, but also lost the stage on which he depended.

The glory of the past was like a dream, and Su Youpeng suddenly found himself standing at the crossroads of his life.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

After the disbandment, Su Youpeng tried to fly solo, but found that things were far more difficult than he imagined. The "good tiger" label that once attracted him attention has become a shackle for him to break through himself.

The audience seems to be only willing to remember that young and lovely teenager, and is unwilling to accept an artist who wants to grow up. Su Youpeng's acting career has fallen into a trough, and the former glory seems to be just yesterday's yellow flower.

Just when Su Youpeng was distressed by his career, bigger blows followed. His father invested all of his family's savings in a business venture, and as a result, he lost all his money.

This change made Su Youpeng, who was already at a low point, even worse, he not only had to face the difficulties of his career, but also had to bear the burden of his family.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

Faced with a series of blows, the young Su Youpeng fell into a deep confusion. He began to question his choice and doubt whether he was still suitable for this rapidly changing entertainment industry.

With full of questions and unwillingness, Su Youpeng made a bold decision - to go to the UK alone, hoping to find a new direction in life in a foreign country.

However, fate always seems to like to joke with Su Youpeng. Just when he thought his life had hit rock bottom, an even bigger crisis crept in. While walking on the streets of England, Su Youpeng suddenly had a high fever, and his condition was menacing and almost life-threatening.

In a foreign country, far away from relatives and friends, the once glorious idol star is now lonely and passing by death.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

The experience of this life-and-death moment made Su Youpeng deeply appreciate the preciousness of life. He began to re-examine his life and think about what he really wanted.

The experience of hovering on the edge of life and death made Su Youpeng's heart change dramatically. He realized that both success and failure are an integral part of life's journey.

Just when Su Youpeng was about to start again, the god of fate reached out to him again. An opportunity that is enough to change his life quietly comes, which will become another important turning point in Su Youpeng's career.

From the peak to the bottom, and then to the line of life and death, this experience brought Su Youpeng not only hardships, but also opportunities for growth. It laid a solid foundation for Su Youpeng's glorious rebirth in the future.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

1997 was a turning point in fate for Su Youpeng. Just as he struggled back from the brink of death and re-examined his life, an opportunity crept in.

At the beginning of the casting of Qiong Yao's classic work "Huanzhu Gege", Su Youpeng successfully won the role of the actor "Fifth Elder Brother" with his own strength.

This role seems to be tailor-made for Su Youpeng. He poured his love of life and passion for acting into it. The "fifth elder brother" played by Su Youpeng is gentle and affectionate, which perfectly interprets the ideal male image of Qiong Yao's pen.

As soon as "Huanzhu Gege" was broadcast, it immediately caused a sensation, the ratings continued to rise, and Su Youpeng's name once again became a hot topic on the streets.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

The success of "Huanzhu Gege" not only brought Su Youpeng back to the public eye, but also regained his confidence in his acting career. He knows that this opportunity to become popular is not easy to come by, so he cherishes every opportunity in front of him even more.

In the following days, Su Youpeng devoted himself to acting, constantly honing his acting skills, and creating one role after another that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Among them, the two roles of "Du Fei" and "Zhang Wuji" particularly impressed the audience. In "Deep Love and Rain", "Du Fei" played by Su Youpeng is gentle and considerate, affectionate, and has made countless audiences fall for it.

In "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", the "Zhang Wuji" he portrayed is handsome and chic, righteous and awe-inspiring, showing a completely different charm. These roles not only made Su Youpeng a household name idol again, but also proved his strength as an excellent actor.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

From the trough to the peak, Su Youpeng's rebirth is legendary. He used his strength to prove that he is not only a vase idol, but also a potential and powerful actor.

This experience also made Su Youpeng understand that if you want to gain a long-term foothold in the entertainment industry, constantly improving yourself and breaking through yourself is the only way out.

However, Su Youpeng was not satisfied with the status quo. He knows that in this fast-changing industry, only continuous innovation can maintain long-term prosperity. As he grew older, he began to think about his future direction.

A career as an actor has given him a wealth of experience, but he feels he can do more.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

At this moment, a bold idea sprouted in Su Youpeng's mind - why not try to become a director? As soon as the idea came to him, he was deeply attracted to it.

He realized that as a director, he could bring his experience and creative ideas accumulated over the years in the entertainment industry to a completely new way.

This decision is undoubtedly challenging, but Su Youpeng is never afraid of challenges. He began to prepare for this new role, learning the skills required of directing.

This transformation will become another important milestone in Su Youpeng's career, and it will also lay a more solid foundation for his evergreen road in the entertainment industry.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

With the passage of time, Su Youpeng, who has entered the age of establishment, began to realize that it was difficult for him to continue to gallop on the stage of idol dramas. However, years of acting experience have made him interested in film and television production.

After much deliberation, he made a bold and surprising decision: to transform into a director.

This decision is undoubtedly fraught with challenges. From standing in front of the camera to sitting in the director's chair, Su Youpeng still has a lot to learn. But he was not afraid and threw himself into this new field with enthusiasm.

He began to systematically learn directing knowledge, participated in various behind-the-scenes work, and fully prepared for his directorial debut.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

In 2015, Su Youpeng's directorial debut "Left Ear" officially met the audience. This youth-themed movie embodies all his experiences in the entertainment industry over the years.

On the set, Su Youpeng taught his rich acting experience to the young actors, carefully analyzed every shot, and carefully polished every detail. His professional attitude and innovative ideas have brought new vitality to the entire crew.

Su Youpeng's efforts paid off. "Left Ear" not only achieved good results at the box office, but also won recognition in the industry. With this debut film, he was nominated for the Best New Director award, which is undoubtedly the best affirmation of his transformation.

From an idol to an actor to a director, Su Youpeng has proved his versatility with practical actions. This gorgeous turn not only opened up a new path for his career, but also gave him a higher voice in the entertainment industry.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

And this has also laid a more solid foundation for his evergreen road in the entertainment industry.

Throughout Su Youpeng's 30-year acting career, we can clearly see the key to his success: never-ending self-breakthrough and the spirit of continuous learning. Whether at the low point or the peak of his career, he maintained his thirst for knowledge and the refinement of his skills.

In addition to dedicating himself to his work, Su Youpeng also actively participates in various charity activities and gives back to the society in his own way. He generously donated money to support the poor, showing the social responsibility of the star.

It is this spirit of continuous learning, courage to try, and willingness to dedicate that allows Su Youpeng to remain evergreen in the ever-changing entertainment industry for 30 years without too much hype and scandals.

Su Youpeng: When he was confused, he almost lost his life in Huangquan, and then met Qiong Yao and became famous, why is it so popular today

His story has undoubtedly given us a lot of inspiration and food for thought.

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