
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams


The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams

The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams

On the road of learning Chinese, mastering certain answering formulas and skills will undoubtedly add a strong guarantee to our examination journey. These formulas are like keys to solving problems, which can help us open the treasure trove of knowledge and easily solve various types of problems.

The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams

First, let's talk about the reading comprehension section. When solving reading comprehension questions, we often need to understand the gist of the text. At this point, a simple and practical formula is: main idea = main content + author's emotion (or purpose of writing). First, summarize the main content by summarizing the main events, characters and plots of the article, and then analyze the emotional tendencies expressed by the author in the text, whether it is praise, criticism or appeal, etc., so as to derive the main idea of the article.

The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams

For example, when we encounter a narrative, we should pay attention to the cause, process, and outcome of the story, and grasp the key characters and events. For argumentative essays, it is necessary to clarify the argument, arguments, and methods of argumentation, and understand how the writer expounds his point through logical reasoning; For expository texts, the focus is on grasping the characteristics of the object of explanation, the order of explanation, and the method of explanation.

When answering questions about rhetorical devices, the formula can be: role of rhetorical device = characteristics of the rhetorical device itself + contextual analysis. Take parables, for example, "The role of parables = putting ...... It is compared to ......, and the ...... is vividly written. For example, "The moon hangs in the sky like a big disk", here the moon is compared to a large disk, which vividly describes the characteristics of the moon as large and round.

Let's talk about the appreciation of ancient poetry. To analyze the poet's emotion, the formula can be: poet's emotion = poetic background + key phrases + imagery. Understand the background of the poetry and the poet's experience, grasp the key words and phrases that express emotions in the poem, as well as the imagery with specific symbolic meanings, such as "moon" often represents homesickness, and "plum" often symbolizes noble quality.

And when it comes to composition, there are also some all-purpose formulas to follow. For example, the structure of an argumentative essay can be in the form of a "total score": the argument is presented at the beginning, multiple arguments are used in the middle, and the conclusion is summarized and sublimated. During the course of the argument, each argument paragraph can be organized according to the formula of "opinion + example + analysis" to make the argument clearer and stronger.

The formula for narrative writing can be: narrative = six elements (time, place, person, cause, process, result) + detailed description + theme sublimation. By describing the development process of the event in detail, adding details such as the language, action, and psychology of the characters, the story is more vivid and touching, and finally the theme is appropriately sublimated at the end to make the article more in-depth and connotative.

There are also corresponding rules and formulas for language use topics, such as sentence modification and sentence transformation. The formula for modifying a sick sentence is: first find out the cause (missing components, improper collocation, improper word order, etc.), and then modify it according to the cause. For sentence transformation, for example, to change a declarative sentence to a rhetorical question, the formula is: add rhetorical questions (can't, how, etc.) and negative words (no, no, etc.) to the declarative sentence, and add a question mark at the end of the sentence.

In short, mastering these universal language answer formulas will make us more comfortable in the exam. However, it should be noted that the formula is only an auxiliary tool, and real language learning still requires our usual accumulation and thinking. Read more excellent literary works to improve your sense of language and comprehension; Practice writing more to exercise your expression skills and thinking logic. Only by combining the formula with the actual knowledge reserve and ability can we ride the wind and waves in the ocean of language and achieve excellent results.

The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams
The universal answer formula for Chinese is ready to be memorized quickly, and it can be used in all kinds of exams

I hope that students can seriously understand and use these formulas, make Chinese learning easier and more enjoyable, and make every exam a stage to show their talents! Come on, students! I believe that in the world of language, you can all bloom your own brilliance!

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