
Review: A man who has been tortured by mental pressure for ten years has led to a "bamboo forest burial case" after calling the police

author:Here comes the pipe


In 2007, Huang Kunyong's family looked at their son helplessly, he was only 19 years old, but he was tortured by mental pressure for ten years, since Huang Zhimin and Huang Kunjie disappeared ten years ago, Huang Kunyong became nervous, sometimes he couldn't hold back a word a day.

Review: A man who has been tortured by mental pressure for ten years has led to a "bamboo forest burial case" after calling the police

However, Huang Kunyong, who has always been silent, suddenly opened his mouth to his parents, and he told his parents the truth ten years ago with a frightened face, and his parents took their son to the police the next day, which led to a "bamboo forest burial case" that had been sealed for ten years.

This time, let's review the ins and outs of the "Bamboo Forest Burial Case".

Suddenly stupid son

Huang Kunyong has been a lively and active child since he was a child, although the conditions at home are not good, he just lives by farming and earns a meager income, but his parents love his son very much, but what they didn't expect is that Huang Kunyong suddenly became stupid, and it lasted for ten years.

On that day ten years ago, Huang Kunyong's father, Lao Huang, was working in the field with his wife, and he didn't know where his son went to play, but they were not worried, because Huang Kunyong was very familiar with the village, and basically knew every family.

However, when it was time to eat, Lao Huang and his wife did not usually see their hungry son, and no one answered after shouting several times at home, and went out to find a large circle, but returned in vain, just when the two were anxious like ants on a hot pot, they suddenly found the strangeness of the quilt at home, and it turned out that Huang Kunyong was hiding inside.

Review: A man who has been tortured by mental pressure for ten years has led to a "bamboo forest burial case" after calling the police

Looking at Huang Kunyong, who was trembling, he was still covering his ears with one hand, Lao Huang was very worried, and his wife was even more distressed, asking what happened to his son, but Huang Kunyong did not answer the two, his eyes were full of fear, and he seemed to have witnessed a very terrible scene, the more his parents asked, the more he trembled.

In order to find out what happened, Lao Huang and his wife were going to go outside to ask, but unfortunately it was in vain, everyone worked in the field during the day, and no one paid attention to where Huang Kunyong went, in this case, they could only go to Huang Zhimin and Huang Kunjie to ask, because they usually have a very good relationship with Huang Kunyong.

Whether it is Huang Zhimin, or Huang Kunjie, or Huang Kunyong, the three of them basically grew up together, among which Huang Kunyong is the oldest at 9 years old, and usually takes care of the other two very much, and the three always play together, and now Huang Kunyong has suddenly become stupid, these two children may know something, with questions, Lao Huang came to the home of the two.

However, after coming to the door, they ate a literal closed door, not only the two children were not at home, but even their families were not there, and the door was locked tightly. The more Lao Huang thought about it, the more wrong it became, and he began to look for these two families all over the village, but finally found a few middle-aged people with anxious faces on the road.

Before Lao Huang could speak, the other side asked him directly, had he seen Huang Zhimin and Huang Kunjie, the two children were gone, no matter how they looked for them, the two families were eager to turn the village upside down, their voices were about to shout, and no one responded.

Review: A man who has been tortured by mental pressure for ten years has led to a "bamboo forest burial case" after calling the police

Thinking that his children were also frightened, Lao Huang immediately explained the situation to them, and as soon as the three families were combined, they felt that there might be something boring, so they were ready to ask Huang Kunyong, did he see something?

Looking for a decade of pain

Although Lao Huang and his wife felt sorry for Huang Kunyong and didn't want their son to be forced to be questioned by so many people when they were in pain, in order to find out the missing Huang Zhimin and Huang Kunjie, the two still held back, but unfortunately they didn't ask any useful clues in the end.

The reason asked him, Huang Kunyong couldn't say a word, he was still like the scene when he was just found by his parents, the whole person was trembling, in the face of everyone's inquiry, Huang Kunyong was scared to dodge everywhere, although everyone had tried their best to suppress the anxiety in their hearts and ease their tone, but they still couldn't let Huang Kunyong speak.

After that, everyone could only return disappointed, Lao Huang and his wife also began to feel sorry for Huang Kunyong, he explained to everyone that the most important thing now is to find the two missing children as soon as possible, his son was indeed frightened by something, but not necessarily because of the disappearance of the two children, and there is no way to prove that they played together during the day.

The family of Huang Zhimin and Huang Kunjie on the side, after hearing it, felt very reasonable, how to forget the most critical point, the two children went out during the day, whether they were playing with Huang Kunyong or not, and now a group of people came to ask a frightened child, it really shouldn't be, and apologized to Lao Huang and his wife.

But where do you go to find your two children?

The anxious two families came up with all the means to find someone, mobilized all their relatives, posted notices everywhere, as long as someone can provide the whereabouts of the two children, there must be a heavy reward, and at the same time, they also reported to the police, hoping to use the power of the police to find the two children as soon as possible, but because there are no key clues, there has been no news.

Review: A man who has been tortured by mental pressure for ten years has led to a "bamboo forest burial case" after calling the police

The police also had a headache, and the known information was that Huang Zhimin and Huang Kunjie went out during the day, but where did the two children go to play, whether they played together as a team, or whether they met other people, such as human traffickers, etc., all of them are unknown, and they have no clue.

You know, in 1997, the Internet and mobile phones were not widely available, and it was impossible to install cameras in the village, so the pressure on the police was also very high.

On the other hand, the families of the two children not only searched the village, but also asked several neighboring villages, and the result was that no one had seen them, but what they did not expect was that no one had found the whereabouts of the two children in the past ten years, and many changes had occurred during this painful decade.

Huang Zhimin's grandfather and grandmother couldn't bear the pain of their grandson's disappearance, washed their faces with tears all day long, often looked for and found outside, and returned disappointed every time, the old man's health was not good, and he was too sad, and unfortunately passed away not long after, of course, compared to the two old people, it was Huang Zhimin's father who died earlier.

The pain of losing his grandson is not counted, but he also has to face the helplessness of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man, and the old man passed away with infinite regret.

Huang Kunjie's home was also broken because of the loss of the child, his parents had a huge conflict because they couldn't find the whereabouts of the child for a long time, and divorced directly, the once happy family disappeared in an instant, in order to find the child, the family wealth was scattered, but even so, Huang Kunjie's father did not give up looking for his son's whereabouts.

It wasn't until ten years later that Huang Kunyong suddenly told the truth of that year, which revealed the mystery that happened that year, which also led to a long-sealed "bamboo forest burial case".

An infinitely regrettable ending

On the day of the incident, Huang Zhimin and Huang Kun came out of the door, the two happened to meet, so they decided to play together, and later met Huang Kunyong, the relationship between the brothers and sisters was good, and they naturally wanted to play together, and then the three of them proposed to each other, it is better to go to a farther place to pick mushrooms, and compare who picks more.

Mushrooms basically grow in some moist and nutrient-rich places, whether it is under the roots of trees or grass, mushrooms can usually be picked, and the three of them came to a small forest and happily picked up mushrooms, but the number of mushrooms at that time was not much, and the youngest Huang Zhimin suddenly had a ghost idea.

Review: A man who has been tortured by mental pressure for ten years has led to a "bamboo forest burial case" after calling the police

Not far from the three of them, there was a mushroom room, Huang Zhimin felt that there must have been a lot of mushrooms growing in it, and there were definitely more than the other two after picking, so he walked in innocently, and then never came out.

After a long time, the two people outside the house didn't see Huang Zhimin come out, and even called his nickname, but no one answered, Huang Kunjie and Huang Kunyong, only then did they realize that something was wrong, could it be that there were some bad people hidden in the mushroom room? Huang Kunjie took the lead, and the first step was to enter the house, but before he could check the situation in the house, he fell to the ground.

Huang Kunyong, who was following behind him, was frightened by this scene, only to see Huang Kunjie convulsing all over his body, extremely painful, and Huang Zhimin, who was the first, had already been lying aside and no longer moving, and his death was extremely terrifying.

Review: A man who has been tortured by mental pressure for ten years has led to a "bamboo forest burial case" after calling the police

Huang Kunyong was frightened, the death of the two left a very deep shadow in his heart, so he ran out in a panic, but his ear was injured, and a sharp electric current came, which made Huang Kunyong tense his nerves, and then ran back home desperately, ignoring the pain, hiding in the quilt and shivering.

After that, there was the content mentioned earlier, Huang Kunyong, who was scared to the point of mental breakdown, couldn't say a word, the tragic death of two close friends tortured his nerves every day for ten years, but even so, Huang Kunyong didn't tell anyone, and it wasn't until ten years later that his mental pressure was on the verge of collapse before he told the truth.

After ten years of searching, it turned out to be such a sad ending, which is really infinitely regrettable, but it is necessary to find out where the bodies of the two children are, and to find out who it is, to set up such a terrifying power grid in the mushroom house.

Although ten years have passed, Huang Kunyong still remembers the place where the two died, and in his mind, he has never forgotten the tragic situation at that time, under his leadership, the police found the location of the mushroom house, consulted a large number of files, and then found the owner of the mushroom room, he is called Lin Haiping.

Review: A man who has been tortured by mental pressure for ten years has led to a "bamboo forest burial case" after calling the police

At first, Lin Haiping was very surprised by the arrival of the police, and he never mentioned the death of the two children, and he didn't know about it, but in the end, he couldn't bear the pressure in his heart and confessed the truth about the crime of burying the two children in the bamboo forest.

In 1997, in order to prevent rats from destroying the mushrooms planted near the mushroom house, Lin Haiping pulled the power grid without explaining it to anyone, resulting in two children being electrocuted.

If the matter of pulling the power grid without permission is known, the consequences will be terrible, not to mention that the two children were electrocuted, and the corpses must be destroyed, so Lin Haiping took advantage of the fact that others did not find out, and loaded the corpses of the two children in a basket, and desperately dug a pit in his own bamboo forest, threw the two corpses into it, and buried them tightly.

I thought that ten years had passed, and the child's parents would give up, but I didn't expect the truth to be told by a child, Lin Haiping was speechless and confessed his crime, but because it was not subjectively intentional, it only constituted the crime of negligence causing death, and the first-instance sentence was 7 years, and the victim's family was unwilling to accept it and decided to appeal.

Review: A man who has been tortured by mental pressure for ten years has led to a "bamboo forest burial case" after calling the police

At this point, this case is temporarily over, but the families of the two children, but can not let go, in order to find the children, not only the family is broken, but many people have died because of this, scattered the family wealth, and the pain is unbearable, in exchange for the result of the death of ten years ago, how can this be easily accepted?


It's really an embarrassing case, maybe Lin Haiping's subjective consciousness didn't want to kill others, but after the tragedy, it was too late, if he hadn't pulled the power grid privately, if it was just some simple protective measures, the two children would not have suffered such an ending, even if the two children were really naughty, but they would not have died.

Therefore, no matter when, we must act cautiously, not a little negligent, not only responsible for ourselves, but also responsible for others, once the tragedy happens, it will be irreparable.