
Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

author:Silk Academy
Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".
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Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

In 2024, the entertainment industry will once again set off a stormy wave. Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng, who were once known as the "fairy couple", suddenly announced their divorce after eight years of married life.

This news was like thunder on the ground, shocking countless fans who paid attention to the celebrity couple.

Wang Feng, a talented rock musician, was nicknamed "the man with four divorce certificates" by netizens because of his complicated emotional experience. And Zhang Ziyi, as an international movie star, should be a harbor for his stable and happy life.

But why did this seemingly perfect marriage come to an end? What kind of contradictions and struggles are hidden under this glamorous surface? Let's unveil the mystery of this high-profile marriage and explore the truth about the fall of the "fairy couple".

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

The love story of Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng began in 2013 and is like a fascinating romantic movie. That year, Wang Feng held a solo concert in Shanghai, and Zhang Ziyi, who was just his friend at the time, sat in the audience.

Towards the end of the concert, Wang Feng suddenly pushed the atmosphere of the audience to a climax. He sang a special song affectionately, and looked at Zhang Ziyi in the audience with bright eyes.

At that moment, it was as if the whole world was left with the two of them. Zhang Ziyi's eyes flashed with tears of surprise and emotion, and the applause of the audience was thunderous. This public confession became a beautiful beginning of their love story.

Two years later, in 2015, Wang Feng orchestrated an amazing marriage proposal for Zhang Ziyi. At Zhang Ziyi's birthday party, Wang Feng used modern technology to make this proposal look extraordinary.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

A drone slowly flew in, bringing a sparkling diamond ring weighing 9.15 carats. When Wang Feng knelt down on one knee and put the ring on Zhang Ziyi's finger, everyone present was deeply moved by this romantic scene.

Zhang Ziyi burst into tears and happily accepted this surprise from her lover.

Soon after their marriage, they ushered in the crystallization of their love - a lovely daughter. The arrival of this little life filled the family with laughter. In 2020, they added a son again and formed a happy family of four.

The sweet life of this "fairy couple" not only broke the doubts of those who were not optimistic about them, but also made more people envious.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

On social media, they frequently share warm family photos, showing a happy and happy life. Every time the other party has a birthday, they always release affectionate wishes, and the words are filled with strong love.

When they participate in various programs, they often mention each other, and their eyes shine with happiness. These bits and pieces are telling the world about their sweetness.

However, who would have thought that this seemingly perfect love story would eventually be tested by reality. The once romantic vows are not worth the firewood, rice, oil and salt of life after all.

But it is undeniable that at the height of their love, they did perform a desirable romantic saga.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

In the married life of Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng, some subtle cracks gradually appeared under the seemingly perfect appearance. The most striking thing was the grand wedding that never materialized.

Due to their busy schedules, they were unable to hold a formal wedding when they registered their marriage. Wang Feng once solemnly promised that after the birth of the child, he would definitely hold a grand wedding for Zhang Ziyi.

However, this promise has always been unresolved, and it has become a small regret in Zhang Ziyi's heart.

When participating in the recording of a variety show, attentive viewers can perceive the expectation in Zhang Ziyi's eyes. She has repeatedly expressed her desire to have a wedding, with a hint of imperceptible loss in her tone.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

Whenever the topic touches on this sensitive topic, Wang Feng always cleverly shifts the topic, leaving Zhang Ziyi alone and sad. This unfulfilled promise, like an invisible thorn, quietly pierced the heart of their marriage.

In addition to the regret of the wedding, the difference in the nature of their work has also become a major obstacle in the marriage. As a well-known singer, Wang Feng is busy with work and difficult to adjust; Zhang Ziyi is mainly engaged in film and television drama shooting, and often needs to leave home for a long time.

The high-intensity work makes it difficult for them to share the joy of family, and the sweet world of two people is becoming less and less. Because they get together less and leave more because of their work, it is difficult for them to get along day and night like ordinary couples and run family life together.

Over time, their interactions in public have also become increasingly cold. Keen netizens found that in public places such as airports and restaurants, the two people who were once in love were often strangers, with seats far apart and almost no communication.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

Those once sweet interactions seem to only exist in social media posts, but in reality, they are getting farther and farther away.

In August 2023, the media captured a set of thought-provoking images: Zhang Ziyi went out to eat alone with her two children, and then took the children out for an hour leisurely.

During this time, Wang Feng never appeared. This scene can't help but make people wonder if their marriage has been in name only.

Despite this, Zhang Ziyi still tried to maintain this marriage. When she talks about Wang Feng in public, she still has a gentle smile on her face, as if to prove to the world that their relationship is still strong.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

However, the unconcealable worry in the depths of her eyes could not escape the eyes of the keen audience.

In this way, they were once called "fairy couples", but they gradually drifted apart under the test of marriage. The pressure of work, unfulfilled promises, and a life of less and more separation, these seemingly insignificant little things, but like a drop of water, accumulate over time, and finally chisel a rift in their marriage that is difficult to bridge.

This once enviable marriage eventually broke down, leaving us with a lot to think about love and marriage.

Wang Feng's emotional life is as full of ups and downs as his music. After ending his eight-year marriage with Zhang Ziyi, he became a representative of the "four marriages" that attracted much attention in the entertainment industry.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

Looking back on Wang Feng's emotional journey, we seem to be watching a drama of life.

Wang Feng's first marriage began in his years of obscurity. His first wife was Qi Dan, a talented woman who worked in a television station. At that time, Wang Feng was still a nobody in the music industry, but his talent and persistence touched Qi Dan's heart.

In order to support Wang Feng's music dream, Qi Dan resolutely resigned from his stable job and wholeheartedly accompanied and supported this young man with dreams. With Qi Dan's encouragement and help, Wang Feng's music career gradually took off, creating a number of popular works, and finally emerging in the music world.

However, fame seems to have been a turning point in this marriage. As Wang Feng's popularity continued to rise, he had scandals with many women, and finally sparked a spark of love with the young and beautiful model Ge Huijie.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

Ge Huijie is young and beautiful, and has a strong attraction to Wang Feng, who has become famous. The two quickly fell in love and soon had a crystallization of love - daughter Little Apple.

This relationship became the fuse for the breakdown of Wang Feng and Qi Dan's marriage.

Although Wang Feng promised to give Ge Huijie a name after the birth of the child, this promise was ultimately not fulfilled. Over time, the relationship between the two gradually deteriorated.

Wang Feng proposed to break up on the grounds that Ge Huijie couldn't handle housework, which undoubtedly deeply hurt Ge Huijie's heart. Although this relationship was warm, it ended in regret.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

Shortly after breaking up with Ge Huijie, Wang Feng ushered in his third marriage. He and Kang Zuoru tied the knot, and their married life was once sweet and happy, and they also had a daughter.

However, when his daughter reached the age of eight, Wang Feng suddenly filed for divorce, which made Kang Zuoru feel extremely angry and confused. After the marriage broke down, Kang Zuoru publicly accused Wang Feng of all kinds of wrongdoings many times, and the relationship between the two fell into a tense situation.

The end of this marriage cast a shadow on Wang Feng's emotional life.

In the end, Wang Feng met Zhang Ziyi and started his fourth marriage. This high-profile "fairy couple" marriage has made countless people envious. However, even the combination with international movie star Zhang Ziyi failed to escape the fate of rupture in the end.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

Looking back on Wang Feng's four marriages, it is not difficult for us to find an embarrassing pattern: every marriage begins with vigorous love, but ends with disappointment and pain.

Wang Feng's emotional experience is like a rock song with ups and downs. It is passionate, but it is also accompanied by pain; It has highs and lows. Every relationship is like a musical note, composing Wang Feng's complex and colorful life music together.

However, this movement always seems to struggle to find a harmonious ending.

Wang Feng's emotional trajectory has not only sparked widespread public discussion, but also provided us with an opportunity to think about the nature of love and marriage. It reminds us that even glamorous celebrities cannot escape the tests of the emotional world.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

Perhaps, true happiness does not lie in a vigorous beginning, but in ordinary persistence.

As soon as the news of Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's divorce was announced, it immediately set off a huge storm of public opinion in the entertainment industry and the online world. The public's reaction can be described as mixed, including regret for the breakdown of the "fairy couple", as well as criticism and questioning of Wang Feng.

Netizens expressed their opinions one after another, and most of them were critical of Wang Feng. Some people accused him of "starting from chaos and abandoning from the beginning", thinking that he lived up to Zhang Ziyi's affection; Some people think that he "doesn't know how to cherish" and wasted the opportunity to start a family with an international movie star.

For a time, Wang Feng became the focus of public opinion and was under tremendous pressure.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

In this storm of public opinion, Wang Feng's ex-wife Ge Huijie unexpectedly became the object of public attention. However, her reaction was surprisingly calm and sanity.

In a live broadcast, Ge Huijie admitted frankly that she had let go of the past, and now she is most concerned about the healthy growth of her daughter Little Apple. Despite this, hundreds of thousands of netizens still poured into her live broadcast room that night, and some even ordered songs such as "Good Day", which seemed to imply that Ge Huijie had finally waited for "retribution" to come to Wang Feng.

At the same time, Zhang Ziyi, as one of the parties, chose to remain silent. She did not make any statements on social media and declined to be interviewed by the media. This silence sparked more speculation and won the sympathy and support of many netizens.

Some believe that she is using silence to protect herself and her children, while others speculate that she may be experiencing an emotional trough.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

This storm of public opinion not only reflects the public's attention to celebrity marriages, but also reflects the diverse views of society on marriage values. In any case, I hope that this turmoil can subside, and give the parties concerned a chance to re-examine their lives and find true happiness.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's marriage came to an end, and the myth of the former "fairy couple" was shattered. This is not only a test for the parties, but also brings us deep thinking: marriage is not a fairy tale, but a real life that needs to be maintained by both parties.

Although the ending is regrettable, we still wish Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng can find their true happiness in the future. This story may give us a deeper understanding of love and marriage: cherish the people around you and manage your feelings with your heart.

After all, the real "fairy couple" is not forged by praise from the outside world, but the result of growing together and supporting each other in ordinary life.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Feng's emotional path, what happened to them who were once called "fairy couples".

Let's continue to write our own stories with awe of love and anticipation of life.

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