
In summer, there should be 4 "lazy" and 4 "diligent"

author:Single-minded kitten yl
In summer, there should be 4 "lazy" and 4 "diligent"
In summer, there should be 4 "lazy" and 4 "diligent"
In summer, there should be 4 "lazy" and 4 "diligent"
In summer, there should be 4 "lazy" and 4 "diligent"
In summer, there should be 4 "lazy" and 4 "diligent"
In summer, there should be 4 "lazy" and 4 "diligent"
In summer, there should be 4 "lazy" and 4 "diligent"
In summer, there should be 4 "lazy" and 4 "diligent"

On a hot summer afternoon, the sun sprinkled like a naughty child on every street in the old town, baking the stone pavement so hot that even the air seemed to be a little lazy and hot. In the midst of this heat wave, Hao Chuan, a middle-aged man known for his unique philosophy of life, is leisurely strolling through the streets, his figure is like a fresh breeze, bringing an unusual coolness to this hot season.

Hao Chuan, a person who has a unique view on the "rules of summer survival", believes that in this season, it is necessary to achieve four "lazy" and four "diligent" in order to enjoy the comfort of summer without losing the quality of life.

Four "lazy" philosophies

Lazy to run around

"Oh, this big sun, what's the hurry!" Hao Chuan stood in front of an old teahouse and smiled at Uncle Wang, who was about to hurry away. Uncle Wang looked puzzled: "Hao Chuan, aren't you in a hurry to go home for the summer?" Hao Chuan shook his fan and said slowly: "Although there is air conditioning at home, there is no fireworks on the street." In the hot summer, you should learn my wisdom of 'being lazy to run around', find a shady place, make a pot of tea, and taste it slowly, which is called life! When Uncle Wang heard this, he couldn't help but stop and joined the ranks of tea tasting.

Lazy to argue

On the street corner, two children are red in the face because of the ownership of a popsicle, and they are about to do it. Hao Chuan walked over with a smile, took out two popsicles from his pocket like magic, and handed them to the children: "Look, isn't there all of them?" Summer is hot, we have to learn to be 'lazy to argue', and use wisdom and love to resolve small conflicts. The children took the popsicles and smiled at each other, and the summer irritability vanished in an instant.

Lazy to think

In the evening, Hao Chuan sat on a rocking chair in his small courtyard, holding an idle book, letting the breeze blow his cheeks and take away the fatigue of the day. Neighbor Aunt Li passed by, and when she saw him so leisurely, she couldn't help but ridicule: "Hao Chuan, you are more comfortable than a fairy these days, aren't you afraid of having more things at home?" Hao Chuan closed the book and said with a smile: "Aunt Li, you don't understand this, the summer is hot, and it is a good time to be 'lazy to think'." The heart is calm and naturally cool, and some things, let go, and there will naturally be an answer. ”

Lazy to be cold

At night, the windows of Hao Chuan's house are half-hidden, revealing warm lights. He refused his son's request to turn on the air conditioner and insisted on fanning the air. "Son, although the air conditioning is good, it hurts the cold. We should be 'lazy and greedy' and feel the coolness of summer in a natural way, so that the body can be healthier. Hao Chuan shook his fan as he spoke, and the laughter of father and son echoed in the night sky.

Four "diligent" practices

Be diligent in hydration

Every morning, Hao Chuan would carry a large kettle and shuttle through the streets and alleys, delivering homemade herbal tea to his neighbors. "In the summer heat, hydration is key." He handed over the tea and told everyone. This small gesture not only alleviates everyone's summer heat, but also shortens the distance between neighbors.

Be diligent in cleaning

In the afternoon, Hao Chuan picked up a broom and began to sweep the street in front of the door. Sweat ran down his cheeks, but he enjoyed it. "A clean and tidy environment makes people feel happy, and it is also a sign of responsibility for themselves and others." Hao Chuan thought while sweeping, his actions infected many people, and they joined the cleaning team one after another.

Be diligent in exercising

In the evening, when most people choose to stay at home to escape the heat, Hao Chuan takes his family for a jog in the park. "Although it is hot in summer, proper exercise is indispensable." While running, he encouraged his family, "Sweat and detoxify, and be healthier." Driven by him, the family enjoyed the joy of sports.

Be diligent in learning

In the dead of night, Hao Chuan's study was still lit. He sat at his desk, flipping through all kinds of books, from astronomy and geography to life encyclopedias. "Live and learn." Hao Chuan often said, "Although the summer is long, it is a good time for us to enrich ourselves and improve ourselves." ”

In this way, Hao Chuan lived his wonderful life in the hot summer with his philosophy of "four laziness and four diligence". His story, like a clear stream, has become a good story in the streets and alleys, inspiring everyone to find their own summer lifestyle. In Hao Chuan's body, people see the wisdom and fun of life, and also feel the unique tranquility and beauty in summer.

At the end of the story, when the last rays of summer sunshine disappeared on the horizon, Hao Chuan stood on the threshold of his small courtyard, looking at the starry sky, his heart full of gratitude and satisfaction. He knows that no matter how the seasons change, as long as there is love in his heart and the love and pursuit of life, he can live his own wonderful life in every season. And the "four lazy and four diligent" he advocated is the best interpretation of this love, which makes people understand that in the fast-paced modern life, maintaining a calm and indifferent, diligent pursuit of inner fulfillment and beauty, is the real way to happiness.