
The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

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The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw
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The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

In 2019, an ordinary family in Changsha, Hunan Province, was suddenly shattered by a tragedy. Young Yao Peng, only 9 months after marrying his wife Chen Yao, chose to end his life.

This shocking decision not only left behind a grief-stricken wife and young children, but also opened the prelude to a complex family conflict.

On the surface, it appears to be an ordinary suicide. However, when we lifted the veil on the family, we found a disturbing detail: the balance of Yao Peng's three bank cards combined was less than 15 yuan.

This seemingly trivial fact has become a key clue to solving the mystery of this tragedy.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

Under the surface of Yao Peng and Chen Yao's marriage, there is a silent wrestling. Chen Yao's control of Yao Peng was almost harsh, like an invisible cage, imprisoning Yao Peng's freedom and dignity.

After getting married, Yao Peng's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. Chen Yao strictly restricted his social activities, forbidding him to smoke, drink, and even daily behaviors such as watching TV and using a mobile phone, all with her permission.

This almost suffocating control made Yao Peng feel depressed, as if he had lost his basic autonomy as an adult.

Yao Peng's resistance, although silent, is real. He can't directly express his dissatisfaction with his beloved wife, and can only vent his inner pain through some extreme ways.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

In just half a year of married life, he broke three mobile phones. Sometimes, he would be alone and pounding against the wall, as a way to vent his pent-up anger and helplessness.

Even more shocking is Yao Peng's financial situation. As a married man, his financial situation is extremely embarrassing. Yao Peng was only responsible for paying a very small amount of electricity bills at home, and the combined balance of the three bank cards was less than 15 yuan.

This economic dilemma undoubtedly brought huge pressure and a blow to Yao Peng's self-esteem.

Yao Peng's father, Yao Xianglin, recalled his son's situation with his eyes full of distress and helplessness. "When we saw our electricity bills, we couldn't believe our eyes," he said.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

Yao Peng only paid one or two yuan for electricity each time, and even if the balances of the three cards were combined, it was not enough to pay one-fifteenth of the bill. This situation made Yao Xianglin deeply feel that his son's status in marriage was worrisome.

Yao Peng's friends also noticed the changes after his marriage. He was once active, but after marriage, he almost disappeared from his social circle. Even if you occasionally attend a party, you need Chen Yao's consent.

This situation makes people wonder whether Yao Peng really enjoys the freedom he deserves.

Chen Yao's desire to control even extends to the distribution of housework. According to Yao Peng's mother, Shen Hongxia, Chen Yao asked Yao Peng to do most of the housework, even including washing her underwear.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

This kind of almost humiliating request made Yao Peng's father unbearable, and he came forward to stop it many times.

The control and resistance in this marriage, the economic embarrassment, the restrictions on social interaction, and the inequality in the distribution of housework all accumulated silently, and finally became a burden that crushed Yao Peng.

Marriage was supposed to be a hotbed for mutual support and common growth, but it became Yao Peng's shackles, which finally pushed him to a dead end.

This heart-wrenching truth reveals the serious consequences of power imbalance in marriage, and also serves as a wake-up call: equality, respect and freedom in marriage are indispensable for maintaining relationships.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

The events of the day of Yao Peng's suicide were shrouded in a lingering fog and full of unsettling suspicions. According to the surveillance video of the corridor, Chen Yao's behavior after discovering her husband's suicide caused many questions.

On that ill-fated afternoon, the time was frozen at around 3:30. Chen Yao returned home, but found that the door was locked and no one answered. Faced with this situation, she made a surprising decision - borrowed a neighbor's hammer and forcibly smashed the security door to enter the house.

This move seems to foreshadow the tragedy that is about to be revealed.

However, what is even more puzzling is Chen Yao's next behavior. After discovering that Yao Peng had committed suicide, she did not immediately call for help or notify relatives and friends, as most people expected.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

Instead, surveillance showed her unusually calm, going upstairs and downstairs six times. In the end, she gently carried Yao Peng's body downstairs, then packed up a bag of belongings and quietly left the scene.

This abnormal performance has aroused strong doubts from Yao Peng's family.

What is even more disturbing is that Chen Yao did not call the police or notify her family for several hours after she left the scene. When Yao's family finally arrived at the scene, they discovered more disturbing details.

Yao Peng's mobile phone was smashed beyond recognition, unable to turn on, and his legs were still visibly red and swollen. These anomalies add a bit of weirdness to the already sad family atmosphere.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

Chen Yao's response to these questions seems unconvincing. She explained that the bag she packed was just a child's necessities. However, in the eyes of the Yao family, this explanation pales in comparison.

These doubts are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, piecing together a disturbing picture. Is the cause of Yao Peng's death really as simple as it seems? What really happened in the last moments of his life? These questions, like a lingering fog, shrouded the sky over this family, waiting for the truth to come.

Yao Peng's death was like a bombshell, completely detonating the already surging family conflicts. In a fierce confrontation, the resentment between Chen Yao and her in-laws finally broke out, exposing all kinds of problems in the marriage to the sun.

Shen Hongxia, Yao Peng's mother, had tears in her eyes, and her voice trembled to start her accusation: "Since our son got married, our family has not had a day of peace.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

Chen Yao frequently creates conflicts at home, and the death of her son has an inseparable relationship with her. She described how Chen Yao strictly controlled Yao Peng's life, and even asked Yao Peng to take care of the trivial chores in the house.

Shen Hongxia continued: "Chen Yao's desire to control has reached an unbearable level. Whether it is Yao Peng playing mobile games, or he wants to resist with dignity, it will bring Chen Yao's endless tears.

We watched our son go from a cheerful young man to a trembling, selfless person.

However, Chen Yao does not agree with this statement. Her eyes revealed anger and grievance, and her voice retorted firmly: "Yao Peng often had disputes with his parents before his death.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

After every argument, it was I who was there for him to comfort him. His suicide is definitely related to his in-laws. Chen Yao insisted that since the two got married, it was Shen Hongxia and Yao Xianglin who frequently stirred up disputes in front of their husbands, complained every day that their son could not earn money, and even expressed disdain for Yao Peng's inconsequential achievements.

This confrontation not only reveals the contradictions in the marriage, but also exposes deeper family problems. Yao Peng seems to have fallen victim to being caught between his wife and his parents, under pressure from both sides.

Yao's friends also provided some insights. They said that since Yao Peng got married, he has almost disappeared from his social circle. A friend recalled: "Yao Peng used to be sunny and cheerful, and he was the pistachio in our circle.

But after we got married, we rarely got to see him anymore. Even if you occasionally attend a party, you need Chen Yao's consent. We all felt like he was a different person.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

Yao Xianglin, Yao Peng's father, also joined the fierce confrontation. He complained bitterly: "Since his son married Chen Yao, Chen Yao has strictly restricted his son's opportunities to go out to work.

I am responsible for all the household expenses, and all Yao Peng can do is pay his monthly electricity bill.

This fierce confrontation, although it did not reach a clear conclusion, gave us a glimpse of the deep-seated problems that exist in this family. The contradiction between control and control, family responsibility and individual freedom, became the root of this tragedy.

Everyone stands their ground and ignores the importance of mutual understanding and communication. This confrontation not only did not solve the mystery of Yao Peng's suicide, but made the rift in the family even deeper.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

Yao Peng's death not only brought emotional trauma, but also raised a series of practical questions. While the grief has not subsided, the issue of inheritance and child support has become a new focus of conflict between Chen Yao and the Yao family.

Chen Yao, with worries about the future, put forward a request to obtain alimony and inheritance rights. There was a tremor in her voice, but her tone was firm: "Although pre-marital property is not included in child support, I, as the mother of the child, also have the right to inheritance.

She explained that she was worried that her in-laws would let her "clean up the house", so she had to think about her children's future.

However, Yao's parents were adamantly opposed to this request. Yao Xianglin, with exhaustion and helplessness written on his face, explained: "In order to support our son's marriage, we have done everything we can, and we have even taken on a foreign debt of 200,000 yuan.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

Now, we just can't afford to pay any more. He listed in detail the price paid for his son's marriage: more than 300,000 yuan to buy a house in Changsha, 180,000 yuan to buy a car, 100,000 yuan as a bride price, and even held a grand wedding.

The inheritance of real estate has become the focus of controversy. Although the house was purchased by Yao Peng's parents, the property rights were registered in Yao Peng's name. This legal fact further complicates the situation.

Chen Yao's lawyer pointed out that from a legal point of view, Chen Yao did have the right to inherit.

At the mediation meeting of the village committee, the contradictions between the two sides became more prominent. Chen Yao proposes to sell the Yao family's idle car to solve the problem, but the Yao family insists that they are already in debt and cannot afford more.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

This dispute over inheritance and alimony has pushed the originally sad atmosphere into a more complex and tense situation. It not only reflects family conflicts, but also reflects real-life economic pressures.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, the family faced a difficult challenge to balance legal rights and moral responsibilities, and how to maximize the interests of their children with limited resources.

Yao Peng's tragedy is like a mirror, reflecting the hidden crisis in modern marriage. Excessive control and lack of communication, like an invisible poison, eroded this young marriage.

If Chen Yao could properly relax the control of her husband and give Yao Peng more autonomy, the tragedy might have been avoided.

The man committed suicide in September after marriage, and the economic embarrassment became the last straw

At the same time, the lack of family support cannot be ignored. If Yao Peng's parents had been more understanding and supportive, rather than intervening and pressuring more frequently, perhaps the outcome would have been different.

This story reminds us that equality, respect, and freedom in marriage are crucial, as is communication and mutual understanding among family members.

It reminds us that marriage should not be a bondage, but a breeding ground for mutual growth. In the face of contradictions, we need to resolve them with understanding and empathy, rather than allowing them to accumulate into irreparable tragedies.

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