
Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

author:Indefinite pleasure reading
Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

At the Spring Festival Gala in 1999, the appearance of a young singer amazed the national audience. Dressed in a bright red gown and a small basket full of fresh vegetables hanging from her back, her simple and vibrant image immediately attracted everyone's attention.

When she opened her mouth to sing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", her graceful voice seemed to carry the freshness of the mountains, which instantly touched the hearts of countless audiences.

This singer is Li Qiong, and her name is a household name because of this song. However, the twist of fate came so suddenly. Only a year later, at the high-profile Young Singer Competition, Li Qiong's performance was a big surprise.

From the peak to the bottom, what ups and downs has her musical path experienced? Let's walk into Li Qiong's story and explore the ups and downs of her musical life.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

Li Qiong's musical journey began with her family background. Born in a family of Chu opera actors, she has been bathed in a strong artistic atmosphere since she was a child. Her father originally hoped that she would inherit the family business and become an excellent Chu opera actress, but Li Qiong didn't seem to have much interest in acting.

However, when the music played, little Li Qiong showed amazing talent.

Whenever a song is played on the radio, Li Qiong can always repeat it perfectly after listening to it a few times. Her crisp and melodious voice seems to have been born to sing.

The father soon realized his daughter's unique musical talent and decided to fully support her in this direction.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

When Li Qiong was 14 years old, her father sent her to the local art school and began formal musical training. Here, Li Qiong is like a fish in water, and her talent has been further honed and improved.

Subsequently, with her outstanding performance, she was successfully admitted to the performance college class of Wuhan University, laying a solid foundation for her future music path.

On the occasion of graduation, by chance, Li Qiong got her wish and joined the "Chutian Music Station" that she had always longed for. However, reality is not always as rosy as imagined.

During a live weather forecasting show, due to nervousness and negligence, she mistakenly reported 18°C to 68°C. To make matters worse, this mistake happened to be heard by the station director, which eventually led to her being fired by the TV station.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

This setback was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the young Li Qiong. But she didn't give up on her musical dreams. At the suggestion of her father, Li Qiong joined the Art Troupe of the Hubei Armed Police Corps and started a new musical journey.

In the art troupe, Li Qiong found her own stage. She traveled all over the armed police detachments in Hubei Province and won the love of many officers and soldiers with her sincere and moving singing.

This experience not only allowed Li Qiong to regain her confidence, but also allowed her to gradually find her own unique singing style. In the process of singing for the officers and soldiers, she learned how to touch people's hearts with her singing, which laid an important foundation for her future success.

1998 was a year full of opportunities and challenges for 22-year-old Li Qiong. This year, she mustered up the courage to sign up for the Young Singer Competition held by China Central Radio.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

It was the first time that Li Qiong had showcased her talent on a national scale, and the competition was broadcast live on television to a nationwide audience, with a lavish jury that included the highly respected music maestro Li Guyi.

In the face of such a major opportunity, Li Qiong was both excited and apprehensive.

During the competition, Li Qiong relied on her unique voice and affectionate interpretation to pass all the way and successfully advance to the finals. However, on the final stage, her performance sparked fierce controversy among the jury.

Li Qiong chose a pop song, but her singing style incorporated strong ethnic music elements. This unique style of interpretation put the jury in a dilemma: some admired her innovation, while others thought it deviated from the requirements of the competition.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

After intense discussions, the jury ultimately gave a lower score. They felt that although Li Qiong's singing style was unique, it did not meet their expectations of pop music.

However, when this decision was announced, it caused strong dissatisfaction among the audience. Many audience members were deeply moved by Li Qiong's performance, and they felt that the judges' scores were unfair.

In the face of the surging audience feedback, the program team fell into a dilemma. In an attempt to quell the controversy, they made an unprecedented decision: to invite Li Qiong back into the competition and compete against the top six contestants one by one, with the winner ultimately decided by a vote of the live audience.

For Li Qiong, this was an unexpected turning point and a huge pressure. She knew it could be the most pivotal opportunity in her music career. With apprehension and determination, Li Qiong stood on the stage again.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

This time, she threw away all her baggage and threw herself into singing each song. Her sincerity and talent were finally fully demonstrated and won warm applause from the audience.

In the end, with the support of the audience, Li Qiong won the championship of the competition. This hard-won victory not only made Li Qiong famous across the country, but also strengthened her determination to continue to pursue her music dream.

At the same time, this controversy also prompted the Young Singer Competition to add the "Most Loved by the Audience" award to evaluate the performance of the contestants more comprehensively.

For Li Qiong, this experience was both a setback and a turning point. It made her realize that her unique singing style, although not fully recognized by some professionals, can deeply touch the hearts of ordinary audiences.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

This victory not only brought fame, but also gave her a clearer idea of her musical path. Since then, Li Qiong has embarked more firmly on the path of music that integrates pop and ethnic styles, laying the foundation for her future success.

1999 was an important turning point for Li Qiong. With her outstanding performance in the Young Singer Competition, she got a rare opportunity to appear on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala.

This stage, which is regarded as a must-see show in the New Year by hundreds of millions of viewers, is a dream for every artist.

On the night of the Spring Festival Gala, Li Qiong's carefully prepared image left a deep impression on the audience. She was dressed in a bright red gown with a small basket full of fresh vegetables hanging from her back, and this down-to-earth look immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

When she opened her mouth to sing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", her clear and tactful voice seemed to carry the breath of the mountains, which instantly touched the heartstrings of the national audience.

"The mountain roads in this land are winding like eighteen bends; The water here is clear and murmuring, like ten rings... The unpretentious lyrics and Li Qiong's unique interpretation make people feel as if they are in the green mountains and green waters, and feel the charm of nature.

Her performance not only shows her personal talent, but also conveys her deep feelings for her hometown and life.

This Spring Festival Gala performance made Li Qiong famous overnight. After the show was broadcast, "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road" quickly spread across the country, and Li Qiong's name was also remembered by more people.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

However, after becoming famous, Li Qiong was not immersed in applause and praise. She knows that in order to gain a foothold in the highly competitive music scene, it is not enough to have a famous song.

With a love for music and expectations for the future, Li Qiong began to plan for the long-term development of her career. She hopes to create more excellent works and constantly improve her strength to continue to attract the attention of the audience.

However, the twist of fate often comes unexpectedly, and Li Qiong's musical path is about to usher in a huge challenge.

In 2000, the 9th "Youth Song Competition" kicked off. As the champion of the previous year, Li Qiong originally had no plans to participate. However, with the strong recommendation of the literary and artistic group to which she belongs, she had to represent the armed police force.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

Due to the hasty decision, Li Qiong did not have sufficient time to prepare, and it was inevitable that she was uneasy.

On the day of the race, accidents followed. When the host reported the screen, he mistakenly reported the "Armed Police Art Troupe" as the "Civilian Police Art Troupe". Li Qiong didn't know anything about this, and she didn't hurry on stage until someone around her reminded her.

However, it was too late, coupled with insufficient preparation, she seemed at a loss on stage, and her singing voice lost its former calmness and charm.

Li Qiong chose to sing the classic song "Boatman's Trumpet". It was originally planned to throw the hat on the head to the audience at the end of the song to make the performance more interactive and interesting.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

However, due to excessive nervousness, she accidentally threw her hat to the judges' bench, almost causing an accident. This series of mistakes left the audience dumbfounded, and many began to question whether she had become complacent because of her overnight success, and no longer took the stage seriously.

There was no suspense that Li Qiong's performance in this competition was disappointing, with extremely dismal scores, and even failed to reach the final. The champion of the last "Youth Song Competition" failed to even cross the threshold of the final this time.

Li Qiong instantly became the center of media attention, but not because of her talent, but because of this shocking failure.

This defeat was a huge blow to Li Qiong. She began to question her own abilities and whether she was still fit to continue on this musical path. Although she was still invited to sing "The Boatman's Trumpet" at the Spring Festival Gala that year, and her performance was successful, it still failed to restore her rapidly declining image in the public mind.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

In those days before the internet became widespread, the impact of negative news was particularly long-lasting. Li Qiong quickly fell from a hot star to a situation where no one cared about her, and her career fell into an unprecedented trough.

Former fans have left, and the media attention has gradually cooled.

Faced with such a huge gap, Li Qiong was tormented in her heart. She had to re-examine her musical path and think about the direction of the future. This setback is not only a test of her professional ability, but also a huge test of her willpower.

At the trough of her career, Li Qiong began a difficult self-adjustment and reflection to prepare for a possible restart in the future.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

Despite the heavy blows, Li Qiong did not give up her musical dreams. She chose to stay out of the spotlight for a while and returned to the armed police force to continue singing for the soldiers who loved her.

During this period, Li Qiong re-examined her musical path, worked hard to improve her professional skills, and also looked for ways to reposition herself.

In 2005, the opportunity struck again. Li Qiong once again appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and brought a pop song full of ethnic customs to the national audience "Singing Mountain Song".

Although this performance did not reproduce the glory of "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", it also proved her perseverance and growth on the road of music.

Because of the popularity of singing "Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road", Li Qiong, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala three times, has now disappeared

In the years that followed, Li Qiong chose to keep a low profile and rarely appeared in the public eye. However, she did not quit the showbiz, but silently stuck to her post in the army, singing for the soldiers who loved her.

This choice to stay away from the hustle and bustle and return to her original intention allowed Li Qiong to find inner peace.

In 2022, Li Qiong will appear again in the "Happy Camp" program, re-entering the public eye with a friendly smile and moving singing. This appearance shows a more mature and calm Li Qiong.

Although we can't witness the hard work and sweat she puts in behind the scenes, her persistence and love for the music career is clearly visible. Li Qiong's story tells us that a true artist will not be defeated by temporary setbacks, but will continue to grow in the face of adversity, and finally find his own stage.

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