
Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

author:The blue sea chats about the world
Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years
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Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

In the glitzy and noisy showbiz, newcomers twinkle like stars, but they are fleeting like meteors. Yang Xueying's story is the epitome of this cruel reality.

This graduate of Shanghai Theater Academy from Xinxiang, Henan Province, with a love for acting and a vision for the future, stepped into this world full of opportunities and challenges with hope.

However, fate seems to have played a cruel joke on her. In just a few years, she has gone from a highly anticipated star to a virtually unknown existence.

What caused her star to fall? One character, one drama, completely changed the trajectory of her life. Let's uncover the little-known story behind this former "Xiaoyu Qingqing".

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

In 2021, "A Smile is Alluring" will once again become the focus of the topic. This once popular idol drama fell into a rebroadcast dilemma because the heroine was involved in a bad artist incident.

However, in this drama, there is another character whose fate is even more thought-provoking - "Xiaoyu Qingqing", her existence not only left a deep impression in the play, but also became a turning point in the career of the actor Yang Xueying.

For Yang Xueying, who has just graduated from Shanghai Theater Academy, it is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to play an important role in such a high-profile big IP drama.

With a beautiful vision for the future, she devoted herself to the creation of the role. Every look, every action, she strives for perfection, hoping to present a three-dimensional and plump "Xiaoyu Qingqing" to the audience through her performance.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

However, the reality of the development is very different from Yang Xueying's expectations. As the plot progresses, the bad behavior of "Xiaoyu Qingqing" in the play has aroused strong disgust from the audience.

Especially when she said that line to sow discord, the audience's anger instantly reached its peak.

Ironically, Yang Xueying's superb acting skills have instead become her "sin". She interpreted the meanness and scheming of "Xiaoyu Qingqing" so well that the audience's disgust for the role began to inevitably spread to the actor himself.

Every time she stood on the set and watched her performance on the monitor, Yang Xueying's eyes flashed with excitement and anticipation. She firmly believes that this role will be an important milestone in her acting career.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

However, she never imagined that this role, which should have become her famous work, ended up being the Waterloo of her career.

The broadcast of "A Smile is Alluring" was indeed as Yang Xueying wished, which made her gain widespread attention. But the attention wasn't what she was expecting. The audience remembered the disgusting role of "Xiaoyu Qingqing", but ignored the efforts and acting skills of Yang Xueying behind the role.

This experience has become an insurmountable hurdle in Yang Xueying's career. Not only did it not become her famous work as expected, but it became a label that she would be difficult to get rid of in the future.

An opportunity to show off her acting skills and win praise ended up being a stumbling block in her career path.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

With the popularity of "A Smile is Alluring", the role of "Xiaoyu Qingqing" has aroused unprecedented disgust among the audience. However, even more distressingly, some viewers seemed unable to separate the characters from the actors, and Yang soon found herself caught in an unexpected cyberstorm.

The comment section was filled with invective of "Xiaoyu Qingqing", but what was even more disturbing was that these remarks began to be directed at Yang Xueying herself. Some people criticized her appearance mercilessly, claiming that her "appearance seriously lowered the taste of the entire series".

These sharp remarks were like invisible blades that deeply pierced the young actor's heart.

Every day, Yang Xueying has to summon a lot of courage to face social media. She swiped the screen with trembling fingers, afraid to see new offensive remarks. What was once a hopeful look in his eyes has now been replaced by a deep sense of exhaustion and uneasiness.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

She began to question her acting skills and even doubted whether she was suitable to continue to develop in the entertainment industry.

One night, Yang Xueying sat alone in front of the computer, looking at the overwhelming bad comments, and her eyes couldn't help but moisten. She couldn't understand why the character she had worked so hard to create had caused so much controversy.

She tried to tell herself that the comments were only for the character, not herself. But when she saw those mean remarks about her appearance again, the defense in her heart finally collapsed.

This continuous online violence has brought tremendous psychological pressure to Yang Xueying. She began to grow cringe, afraid to appear in public. Every time she receives a new job offer, she hesitates again and again, for fear of becoming the target of public criticism again.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

However, Yang Xueying is not alone. In the entertainment industry, there are not a few actors who have been angered by the audience for their excellent interpretation of villain roles. Li Mingqi, the "Rong Mama" in "Huanzhu Gege", has suffered similar troubles, and the situation is so serious that the glass at home is frequently smashed.

In recent years, "Lin Youyou" in the hit drama "Thirty Only" also faced the same dilemma and had to close his comment privileges to protect himself.

This phenomenon raises deep questions: should audiences look at the characters in film and television works more rationally? Should an actor's worth be based solely on appearances? How much does online violence affect actors' careers? These issues are not only related to the fate of Yang Xueying alone, but also to the ecology of the entire entertainment industry.

In the face of such a predicament, Yang Xueying strives to maintain a professional attitude. She told herself that a true actor should be able to handle a variety of roles, including those that are not likable.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

She hopes that through her persistence and hard work, she can change the audience's perception of her and prove that her strength is not limited to her appearance.

However, the reality is harsh. Over time, the shadow of this online violence has always haunted Yang Xueying, becoming a nightmare that she will never get rid of in her career.

This is not only a personal challenge for her, but also a thorny issue facing the entire entertainment industry. How to protect the actors while creating the characters, and how to guide the audience to rationally look at the relationship between the characters and the actors, these are all problems that need to be solved urgently.

After the broadcast of "A Smile is Alluring", Yang Xueying's acting career was not as smooth sailing as she expected. Despite her efforts to break through, fate always seems to work against her.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

In the years that followed, Yang Xueying actively looked for new opportunities, hoping to get rid of the shadow of "light rain and green green". She has participated in many film and television works such as "Dear Translator", "Born in the 90s" and "Nanjing Eye".

Every time she walked into the set, she was apprehensive and expectant, and silently told herself in her heart: "I must perform well this time, and I can't disappoint the audience anymore."

However, these works did not bring her the expected turnaround. As time went on, the invitations became fewer and fewer, and her name seemed to be gradually forgotten by the industry.

The wait after each audition became extremely painful, and every ringing of the phone tugged at her nerves.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

After 2015, Yang Xueying's screen career seems to have pressed the pause button. No new works came out, and everything seemed to freeze on that year. Her social media accounts have also faded into silence, with a measly few thousand followers left and no updates in a long time.

She was once full of hope, but now almost no one knows about her in the entertainment industry. In the dead of night, Yang Xueying will recall her acting career. She lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering if she should still hold on to her seemingly unattainable dream.

Sometimes, she would turn on the TV and watch her former classmates shine on the screen, and she couldn't help but feel a trace of bitterness in her heart. She began to question her choice of whether she should give up her career as an actress and find a new path in life.

However, even in such a difficult situation, Yang Xueying still did not completely give up her love for acting. She knows that in this competitive industry, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

Maybe tomorrow, there will be a new character waiting for her to interpret.

With such hope, she continued to silently hone her acting skills. She took various acting trainings, read a lot of scripts, and even tried her hand at creating short films on her own.

In the process, she rediscovered her love for acting, no longer just seeking fame, but truly enjoying the joy of acting itself.

Although it is still at a low point, Yang Xueying has not given up. She believes that as long as she sticks to her dreams, she will one day wait for that opportunity that belongs to her.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

Perhaps, this quiet time is the best time for her to precipitate herself and improve her strength. The road ahead is full of unknowns, but she is ready for the next challenge.

Yang Xueying's experience is not unique in the entertainment industry. Many actors suffer from the irrational anger of the audience for their excellent interpretation of the villain's role, a phenomenon that is like a double-edged sword, showing the strength of the actor and potentially bringing unexpected negative consequences to their careers.

Looking back at the history of film and television dramas, it is not difficult for us to find similar cases. In the era when "Huanzhu Gege" swept the country, Mr. Li Mingqi, who played "Rong Mama", encountered extreme behaviors from the audience.

Some viewers completely transferred their disgust for the characters to the actors, and even made excesses by attacking the glass in Lee Myung-kai's home. This situation not only brings huge psychological pressure to the actors, but also seriously threatens their personal safety.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

In recent years, the role of "Lin Youyou" in "Thirty Only" has also caused huge controversy. The actor who played the role had to take self-protection measures to turn off social media comments in the face of widespread online violence.

Although this approach avoids constant attacks to some extent, it also cuts off the channels of benign interaction with rational audiences, which is undoubtedly a pity.

These cases illustrate a common problem: some viewers find it difficult to separate the character from the actor, and it is easy to transfer negative emotions about the character directly onto the actor.

This is not only a denial of the actors' professional ability, but also a kind of damage to their personality.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

However, we must also see that it is the excellent performances of these actors who play the villain roles that make the whole work more fleshed out and attractive. They have put a lot of effort into creating an impressive character, and that professionalism and dedication should have been respected and recognized.

The presence of villains adds tension and depth to the story, and good actors are able to bring these characters to life with superb acting. The audience should learn to appreciate the performance art of the actors, rather than bringing the emotions in the play to real life.

Only in this way can we truly create a healthy film and television ecological environment, so that more outstanding actors can confidently and boldly challenge various roles and present more exciting works to the audience.

Yang Xueying's story provokes us to think deeply about the profession of an actor.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

The essence of an actor's job is to create a variety of different characters, both positive and negative. A good actor is able to convince the audience of the authenticity of the character, but that doesn't mean that the actor himself is that character.

We need to learn to appreciate the acting skills of the actors, rather than blindly bringing the emotions in the play into real life.

At the same time, this story also warns us to be wary of the dangers of online violence. In today's highly developed information, everyone has a voice, but we should be more cautious in using this power.

An inadvertent remark can cause irreparable harm to others.

Do you still recognize "Xiaoyu Qingqing"? was scolded for being ugly because of his low appearance, and he had no drama to shoot for several years

For actors, how to protect themselves while performing their roles is also a question worth pondering. Perhaps, we need to establish a better mechanism to protect the rights and interests of actors, so that they can devote themselves to the performing arts without worries.

Finally, let us appreciate every work with a more open and inclusive mind, and respect everyone who makes efforts for art. It is the wonderful performances of these actors that bring us a rich and colorful film and television world.

Only by establishing a relationship of mutual understanding and respect between the audience and the creators can our cultural industry truly develop healthily and create more excellent works.

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