
42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

author:A small space in Aoyama

In the entertainment industry, 42-year-old Jin Sha and 23-year-old Wu Yuhan, the lovers with an age difference of 19 years, have attracted widespread attention. Their relationship continues the traditional role of the suitor and the pursued, but with a surprising reversal.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

This reversal makes their love story even more charming.

Wu Yuhan has an unquenchable pursuit of Jinsha. In order to win Jinsha's heart, the young man showed perseverance and unwavering determination. Aware of his lack of life experience and social experience, Wu Yuhan has taken a series of jaw-dropping pursuits to make up for these shortcomings.

First of all, Wu Yuhan worked hard to learn makeup skills. This gesture shows his determination to impress Jinsha on the outside, while also emphasizing how serious he is about the relationship.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

Every morning, he will continue to send "good morning" messages to Jinsha, expressing his care and love in this simple but warm way, and this continuous attention undoubtedly makes Jinsha feel the warmth of being cherished.

What's even more shocking is that Wu Yuhan actually spent a lot of money to buy the same style of Jinsha clothing worth 1.5 million yuan. This not only shows his financial strength, but also reflects his intention to try to get close to Jinsha on a material level.

This almost crazy way of pursuing not only shows Wu Yuhan's persistence in this relationship, but also reflects his anxiety and anxiety caused by the age gap.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

In the face of Wu Yuhan's enthusiastic pursuit, Jin Sha experienced a process from surprise to hesitation and then gradually moved in her heart. In the show, Jin Sha said that she was moved by Wu Yuhan's sincerity and hard work, and felt the happiness of being cherished.

Although this relationship has caused many doubts from the outside world, Jinsha chooses to believe in her feelings and bravely accepts this hard-won love.

This relationship, which transcends age boundaries, not only challenges the traditional notion of love, but also shows us the diversity of love. This relationship tells us that sincere feelings should not be bound by age, and courage and sincerity are the keys to maintaining relationships.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

However, whether this relationship will stand the test of time and reality remains to be answered by time.

On November 7, 2023, the much-talked-about "sibling love" couple decided to officially open their relationship. 42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend Wu Yuhan to participate in the variety show "Who Knows Me Best". This decision can both increase exposure and invite more skepticism and criticism.

The emotional turmoil between Jinsha and her boyfriend, who are 19 years apart, has aroused a strong reaction from the public. When the footage was shown to the public, netizens were excited and eager to follow the couple, immersed in their every subtle expression and movement, trying to dig out more information.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

Jin Sha, who was already shining and full of confidence, boldly announced to the world in the show that she had found true love, she showed a smug look, and took the initiative to introduce her boyfriend's age, as if showing off to everyone, love knows no age, she found someone who really loves her.

However, Wu Yuhan's performance in front of the camera has caused a lot of controversy. He looked nervous and uneasy, his eyes revealing nervousness and uncertainty. When answering the host's questions, Jin Sha's reminder and guidance are often needed.

This performance embarrassed many viewers and made them question whether their relationship was as harmonious as Jinsha said.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

Social media exploded instantly, with comments and speculation mounting day by day. Some people have praised Jinsha for her brave pursuit of true love and fearless worldly vision, while others are worried that she will become an "ATM" for her young boyfriend, thinking that this relationship may be difficult to maintain for a long time.

Some even bluntly pointed out that it was a well-planned marketing strategy with the aim of earning more attention and eyeballs.

In the face of complicated comments, Jin Sha behaved calmly and unhurriedly in the show, showing her attitude towards cherishing feelings. She stressed that she doesn't care about the eyes of the outside world, and said: "Our relationship is very sincere, and I believe that true love can transcend ages. Although this remark expressed her determination, it also sparked more controversy and discussion.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

This storm of public opinion not only tested the solidity of Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan's love, but also made them the focus of public attention. In the face of a steady stream of doubts and provocations, the lovers need more courage and wisdom to deal with it.

Their every behavior is magnified and scrutinized, which undoubtedly brings additional pressure to their feelings, and how to maintain their true selves while gaining the understanding and support of the public has become an important issue for them.

In the program "Who Understands Me Best", the performance of Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan caused a lot of questions and discussions. Wu Yuhan behaved very jerky in front of the camera, like a teenager who had just entered a social situation, at a loss.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

His every action and every word seems to need Jinsha's reminder and guidance, which makes the audience feel embarrassed and makes people question whether their relationship is really as harmonious as it seems.

When describing their relationship, Jinsha's emphasis on the sincerity of the relationship is very obvious, and her eyes are full of cherishing the relationship. However, when she said the sentence "Our feelings are very sincere", Wu Yuhan's performance was a little confused, and he didn't even know how to respond.

This reaction makes the audience wonder if there is really a deep emotional foundation between them, or if it is just a superficial attraction.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

In the show, some details of the host's questions made netizens hotly discussed. When the host asked about the details of the relationship between the two, Jin Sha talked to her heart's content, while Wu Yuhan needed her many reminders to reply.

This situation makes people feel that their relationship is more like that of a brother and sister or a mother and son than a lover.

What's even more embarrassing is that when asked what the other party's advantages are, Wu Yuhan's answer seems a little far-fetched and blunt. He said he liked Jinsha's "tall, cheerful smile" look, an answer that, while simple, felt lacking in depth and sincerity.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

In contrast, Jin Sha's evaluation of Wu Yuhan is more detailed and emotional, she mentioned Wu Yuhan's thoughtfulness and hard work, and this difference also caused the audience to question the authenticity of the relationship between the two.

These controversial performances made many viewers "unbearable" and expressed their discomfort and doubts on social media. Some believe that this is a well-designed marketing strategy, while others worry that Jinsha may be carried away by feelings.

Someone even pointed out directly that the relationship looked more like Jinsha was taking care of an immature brother than an equal relationship.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

In short, this controversy has undoubtedly brought more pressure and challenges to the lovers who have crossed the age gap. Not only do they have to face the doubts of the outside world, but they also need to show the authenticity of their feelings in front of the camera.

In this case, how to balance real feelings and public image has become a difficult problem that Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan need to face together.

In response to the controversy between Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan on the show, some relationship experts expressed their personal views and suggestions. They point out that although there is no age limit for love, such a large age gap does present some unique challenges and problems for relationships.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

The experts stressed that there is a need for more mutual understanding and tolerance between the two sides in this relationship. As an older party, Jin Sha may need more patience to guide and support Wu Yuhan.

Wu Yuhan, on the other hand, needs to accelerate the pace of growth and strive to close the gap in life experience and social experience, experts suggest that the two should focus on whether each other's values and living habits are compatible, and the age difference may lead to different views and habits in many aspects, which requires the joint efforts of both parties to adjust and adapt.

Experts on the show said that the relationship between Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan is at a relatively sensitive stage. They believe that there are some problems between the two and more communication and run-in are needed.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

Experts suggest that they should communicate more deeply and express their thoughts and feelings sincerely, rather than just staying in the sweetness of the surface.

At the same time, experts reminded the two that they need to face together when facing external doubts and pressures. They suggested that Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan should establish a stable foundation of trust, support each other, and jointly cope with the pressure from society and public opinion.

Only in this way can their feelings stand the test of time and reality.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

In particular, experts pointed out that Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan need to reach a consensus on values and future planning. They believe that if they can be consistent on these key issues, then the other problems posed by the age gap will become relatively easy to solve.

Finally, experts point out that romances with public figures usually receive more attention and judgment. Therefore, Jin Sha and Wu need to learn how to respond appropriately to public concerns while protecting their private lives.

They suggested that the two could ease the suspicion by showing the authenticity and stability of their relationship through some positive public interactions.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

These professional suggestions point out the direction for the relationship between Jinsha and Wu Yuhan, and at the same time, they also provide the public with a more rational and objective perspective on this love that spans ages.

The relationship between Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan has sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and public opinion has shown a polarized trend. Proponents and skeptics have their own opinions, and there is a big discussion about age-gap romances.

However, there are some netizens who are skeptical about the relationship. They believe that Jinsha may be being taken advantage of by her young boyfriend, which is a well-planned hype act. It was pointed out that with such a large age gap, there may be disagreements in areas such as life experiences, values, and future plans.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

There are also concerns about whether the relationship will stand the test of reality over time.

Some netizens felt that this relationship was very embarrassing and even bluntly said "no eyes", they felt that Jin Sha's performance in the show was very unnatural, and even needed Wu Yuhan to constantly remind him, which made many viewers feel uncomfortable.

Someone commented: "It feels like watching an older sister take care of a younger brother, rather than an interaction between lovers".

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

Interestingly, some netizens also noticed Wu Yuhan's efforts to pursue Jinsha. They mentioned Wu Yuhan's behavior of learning makeup skills, sending good morning messages every day, and even spending 1.5 million yuan to buy the same clothing from Jinsha.

In this regard, some people think that this kind of behavior reflects sincere feelings and is very touching; But there are also those who feel that these behaviors are too deliberate and appear immature.

In the face of mixed comments on social media, Jinsha responded on it: "Our relationship is very sincere, and I believe that true love can transcend ages. Her remarks sparked heated discussions again, with some expressing support and others believing that she may have been blinded by her feelings.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

This public opinion turmoil has brought tremendous pressure to Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan, and has also triggered deep thinking among the public about how to deal with public scrutiny in the private lives of public figures. Critics also pointed out that the public should respect the couple's choice and give them more private space, whether for support or questioning.

Let the couple verify the authenticity and durability of the relationship for themselves.

The relationship between Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan is not only their personal experience, but also triggers the public's in-depth thinking about the emotional life of older actresses. In the special environment of the entertainment industry, female artists often face greater emotional pressure and choice dilemmas than ordinary people.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

First of all, the public's attention and public opinion pressure pose a great challenge to the love life of older actresses. The scandal between Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan is an example. Their every action is magnified and scrutinized, and the slightest carelessness can cause an uproar.

In this case, many actresses may choose to hide their true feelings or simply give up looking for love.

Secondly, the balance between career and relationship is also a tricky issue. In the show, Jin Sha mentioned that she and her boyfriend Wu Yuhan often get together less and leave more because of work. In the highly competitive entertainment industry, female artists often need to devote more time and energy to develop their careers, which may affect their love lives.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

And when they choose to focus on their relationships, they may face the risk of having their careers thwarted.

Finally, although society is gradually becoming more open and inclusive, there are still many prejudices and doubts in the society of age gap romance. For older actresses, such as Jinsha, choosing a partner much younger than themselves will still attract criticism, and this social pressure undoubtedly adds additional obstacles to their love life.

Jin Sha confessed on the show that she doesn't care too much about other people's eyes, and just wants to chase sincere emotions. This courage in the face of difficulties deserves our commendation. However, it also highlights the dilemma faced by older actresses in the pursuit of love.

42-year-old Jin Sha took her 23-year-old boyfriend to the show, and her boyfriend needed to be reminded throughout the whole process, netizens: I didn't see it

They need more courage and determination to face the doubts and pressures of society.

The story of Jin Sha and Wu Yuhan shows us the various challenges and dilemmas that everyone may face on the road to true love. Their stories provide us with a window into how to look at the behavior of others in the emotional world more inclusively and understandingly.

We want people to give them the space and freedom to pursue their happiness.

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