
Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

author:Roast a pig
Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

As he walked outside the Great Wall, he wanted to return the sword given to him by the former commander-in-chief, who said that he had lost the right to own the sword, looked at it, and returned it to Jora. I hope it can become a sword for Nuo and his descendants.

Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

Winterfell, the second floor where the wolf lord used to stand, said that the wolf lord's death was fueled by three fools, and took out the letter that Littlefinger deliberately let him see. The three fools defended that she was forced at that time! But Erya still remembers that Sansil and Emperor Qiao stood on the high platform together, and his father was sent to the guillotine, and she still remembers Sansil's beautiful skirt and gorgeous decorations on his head.

The third fool was angry, saying that Erya should have knelt in front of her to thank her, and now she can reappear in Winterfell because she is three fools! It wasn't Erya, it wasn't Anya who won back Winterfell, it wasn't Nick who lost the battle of the bastards, and it was the Valley Knights who won it. It's also because of the three fools that they rode north! She has experienced unimaginable torture, and it is impossible for Erya to survive in the circumstances of the third fool. Ask Erya what to do with this letter, it may be to the embarrassment, it may be to the vassal.

Littlefinger said that he didn't know where Erya got the letter, and Erya seemed to have great powers! The Three Fools felt that their current subordinates were just a bunch of wall grass, and if they found out about the letter from the Three Fools, plus the fact that she had married the enemies of the family twice, by the time Mi Nuo returned, I am afraid that there would be no soldiers to follow him. Littlefinger suggests getting Brienne for help.

Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

Tormund spotted the ghouls. The two sides were locked into a battle, killing only one ghoul and trying to tie it up, but there was a hissing sound. Immediately there was a storm sound, and an army of ghouls was coming! Let the little blacksmith run to the East China Sea to send a letter for help from Long Ma, and the rest of the people came to a lake. The ice is not very thick, and it can't even withstand the crowd. They ran to a rock in the middle of the lake, and there were too many ghouls and they fell to the bottom of the lake. It can only be surrounded by all sides. The little blacksmith has finally arrived at the East China Sea! Sent the news!

Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

The red-robed monk was too injured and didn't hold on, but he still died. Burned his body. The Lightning King sees the Night King and knows that the only way to solve the crisis is to kill it!

The Three Fools received an invitation to go to King's Landing. Let Brienne go to their party on behalf of the Three Fools. Brienne's concern is that the three fools are with Littlefinger, which is too dangerous. The three fools told her that she was safe in her own home! Brienne can only take orders.

The little devil told the dragon mother not to be impulsive, but she had already heard it once before and asked her to sit and wait, there was a dragon sitting, and three dragons came out together.

Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

The hound threw a stone at a ghoul and fell to the ground, and the lake was completely frozen! In the encirclement, the ghouls came out one after another, heading towards the center. The Guardian Battle has begun! Dense, endless, endless, and desperate! The ghoul has climbed the high platform, and he is embarrassed to raise his sword! Dragon Blaze descends from the sky! Start incinerating the ghouls!

Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

In the distance, the strange ghost took the ice spear from the corpse horse and respectfully handed it to the Night King, who hit a dragon in one fell swoop! Blood spilled, screamed and smashed on the surface of the lake, slowly sliding down the lake... Everyone was stunned, and Long Ma was distressed!

Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

Nuo glared at the Night King, but saw that he had taken another ice spear, and looked back and told the Dragon Mother to leave quickly! He was pounced into the lake by ghouls. The Night King's second throw misses. The dragon mother looked back and took a deep look at the lake, and everyone grabbed the dragon and left.

Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

The army of ghouls slowly retreated, and Nuo crawled out of the bottom of the lake! The ghoul turned around, one man and one horse meteor hammer, and Bunyan blocked the first wave of attacks with a fire meteor, allowing him to flee on horseback! Leave yourself to attract the ghouls, and soon the flaming meteor hammer is extinguished, and Bunyan is surrounded by clumps ...

Looking at the East China Sea, the hound put the captured ghoul on the boat, the dragon mediated over the Great Wall, and the dragon mother had to wait a little longer on the watchtower! In the end, it is necessary to leave, and with a sound of the horn, the cavalry returns! Open the gates!

Embarrassment is placed on the ship back to Dragonstone, the Onion Knight takes off his frozen clothes, and the Dragon Mother sees the scar from the knife he stabbed when he was betrayed by the Night's Watch!

Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

The third fool came to Erya's room, and she wanted to find the letter! I found a backpack under the bed, but I was shocked to find the dough! Erya appeared behind him: Not what you were looking for? Three fools get up, in this Winterfell, I have hundreds of loyal and brave men! Erya smiled, far water can't quench the thirst of the near. Asked her if she felt that she was more qualified to rule the north than he was when she became king. Er Ya picked up the dagger on the table and walked towards the third fool, continuing as she walked: She was a little curious about what it would be like to wear such a beautiful dress...... What would it be like to be a Duchess of Winterfell? To know this, the only thing I need is ...... It's the face of three fools! The three fools gasped, she was nervous! Er Ya spun the dagger, handed the hand to the third fool, and turned to leave.

Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

When she opened her eyes, she saw a sad dragon mother. He apologized to the dragon mother, regretted losing a dragon, and regretted the operation. Long Ma shook her head, she didn't regret it, if she hadn't gone, she wouldn't have seen those scenes! To see is to believe! Now she understands. The dragon is her child, and she will have no other children. They will wipe out the Night King and his army! They will fight side by side! Yu Nuo wants to bend his knees and surrender, but Yu Nuo believes in Long Ma, and his subjects will also see what kind of person Long Ma is! The dragon mother shook Mi Nuo's hand, hoping that she would not live up to her expectations.

Game of Thrones S7E6! Fingers lead the fight, catch ghosts outside the plug, the night king kills the dragon, and the embarrassed surrender

On the surface of the lake where they had fought, the ghouls lined up and pulled the dragon's corpse up from the bottom of the lake with huge chains. The Night King stepped forward and gently touched the dragon's head, and the dragon opened its eyes, and it was a deep blue!

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