
A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

author:Fei Ge Curiosity
A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

Liu Xiaodong, a businessman from Shandong, stood in front of the bank counter with an anxious expression. His fingers slid quickly across the ATM screen, his eyes fixed on the constantly beating numbers. However, the expected huge deposits did not materialize.

"How is that possible?" Liu Xiaodong muttered to himself, staring at the screen in disbelief.

Just a few years ago, he deposited all his hard-earned 3 million yuan into his mother, Liu Yufu's account. This money was supposed to back his career, but now it is gone.

Liu Xiaodong's heart was surging with doubts and worries. My mother is usually frugal, how could she squander such a huge amount of money? Where exactly did this money go? With a lot of questions, he decided to find out.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

As everyone knows, behind this seemingly ordinary family dispute, there is a touching story, a legend about selfless dedication and the brilliance of human nature.

In an ordinary community in Shandong, there is a 65-year-old lady Liu Yufu, whose name is not well known, but the name "Mother Liu" is widely known in the local area.

This seemingly ordinary old man is affectionately called "Mom" by countless people because he has insisted on doing good deeds for decades.

Liu Yufu's path to good deeds began with a heartbreaking promise. Her husband, a veteran who had experienced many vicissitudes, held his wife's hand and said in a weak but firm voice: "My dear, even though I have left, the party and the country still care about us.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

Promise me that you will spend the rest of your life repaying this kindness and helping those in need. This sentence is like a seed, deeply implanted in Liu Yufu's heart.

At the age of 35, Liu Yufu lost her beloved husband. In the face of the sudden change, she wiped away her tears, straightened her back, and shouldered the burden of the family alone.

However, even in the most difficult times, she did not forget her husband's last wishes. She began to pay attention to the children in need around her and took them into her home to take care of them.

Nourished by her love, these children have regained the warmth of home.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

As time passed, Liu Yufu's good deeds gradually spread in the local area. A special hotline was set up for her called the "Yoo Mama Hotline". Whenever someone is stuck, they think of calling this number.

On the other end of the phone, Liu Yufu's warm and firm voice always came: "Don't be afraid, there is a mother." These simple words have brought hope and strength to countless people who are in trouble.

Liu Yufu's good deeds do not only stop at material help, she pays more attention to spiritual support. She often said, "Giving love is more important than giving money." She interprets the meaning of this sentence with her own actions.

Whether it's accompanying a sick child or comforting a frustrated young person, she can always use her wisdom and warmth to heal the wounds in the hearts of others.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

Under the influence of Liu Yufu, more and more people began to participate in public welfare. Her good deeds are like a warm current, quietly flowing in society, warming everyone's heart.

It is often said that a person's power is limited, but Liu Yufu proved with her actions that as long as there is love in the heart, infinite possibilities can be created.

Today's Liu Yufu, although she is over the age of six, she still insists on her good deeds. She often smiled and said, "As long as there is breath left, I will continue to help others."

This is not only a commitment to her husband, but also a love of life.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

In this challenging world, Liu Yufu interprets the brilliance of human nature with her good deeds and shows the greatness of ordinary people. Her story is inspiring more people to join this relay of love.

The winter of 2015 was an unforgettable moment for Liang Yequan, an auto mechanic. That day, his son was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

This bad news was like a hammer, instantly shattering this originally happy little family.

Liang Yequan still clearly remembers that it was his son's birthday of two years and six months. What was supposed to be a day full of laughter turned into a nightmare in the hospital's examination room.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

The doctor's words were like sharp knives, piercing Liang Yequan's heart word by word: "Your child has leukemia and needs immediate treatment.

Faced with high medical bills, Liang Yequan and his wife fell into despair. They have exhausted all their savings, even borrowed money from friends and family, but they are still unable to afford the ongoing cost of treatment.

Whenever they see their son in pain due to chemotherapy, Liang Yequan and his wife are heartbroken. They wept outside the hospital room countless times, but they had to force a smile in front of their son.

In desperation, Liang Yequan made a difficult decision: take his sick child to the streets to collect donations. On that cold winter day, the temperature plummeted to more than minus 20 degrees, and Liang Yequan sat quietly on the street in front of the hospital with his sick and weak child in his arms, holding various supporting documents.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

At this moment, the god of fate gave Liang Yequan a turning point. They were approached by an old lady in a blue trench coat and sunglasses. She carefully reviewed the child's medical records, then stood up and appealed to the passers-by around her: "This child's condition is real, we should help them!" This old lady is Liu Yufu, and she is also the key person who changed the fate of Liang Yequan's family.

With the help of Liu Yufu, Liang Yequan not only raised much-needed medical expenses, but also found a path to self-reliance. Liu Yufu encouraged Liang Yequan to bring high-quality rice from his hometown to sell locally.

She personally went out to communicate with the owners of major supermarkets, and won the opportunity for Liang Yequan to set up a stall in front of the supermarket.

At first, Liang Yequan was a little worried: Who would buy rice on the street? But with Liu Yufu's encouragement, he mustered up the courage to start his own small business. Surprisingly, many people came to buy his story after learning about it.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

Some kind-hearted people even leave quietly after leaving the money.

Over time, Liang Yequan's rice business gradually stabilized. Not only was he able to afford his son's medical expenses, but he also started to have some savings. From street fundraising to running a rice business, the lives of the Liang Yequan family have changed dramatically.

But for Liang Yequan, Liu Yufu gave them not only material help, but more importantly, the courage and hope to stand up again. He often recalled what Liu's mother said to him: "Son, as long as you are sincere, everyone will help each other."

This sentence became the strength that sustained him through the difficult time.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

Now, Liang Yequan's son has gradually recovered, and their lives are on track. Whenever he looks back on the past, Liang Yequan will be full of emotion. He knew very well that it was Liu Yufu's kindness that changed the fate of their family.

This experience not only allowed him to regain his confidence in life, but also taught him the importance of helping each other.

The story of Liang Yequan, like thousands of people who have been helped by Liu Yufu, shows the brilliance of human nature and the resilience of life. It tells us that even in the darkest of times, with love and hope, we can find the light that illuminates the way forward.

Liu Yufu's good deeds, like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, stirred up a circle of ripples, affecting more and more people. The most direct manifestation of this influence is in the people she has helped.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

Liang Yequan is the most prominent example of this. After experiencing Liu Yufu's selfless help, he deeply realized the importance of helping each other. One day, while selling rice, he met a family in a similar situation.

At that moment, Liang Yequan seemed to see his former self. Without hesitation, he took out 100 yuan from his pocket and handed it to the family. Although this money is not small for him, he knows that it could be the beginning of a turnaround for that family.

In this way, Liang Yequan became a part of the relay of love, passing on Liu Yufu's kindness.

Liu Yufu's good deeds have also touched many recipients. When she was hospitalized due to illness, the ward was filled with flowers and there was always someone waiting at her bedside. These people who have been helped by her have come to repay her efforts at this time.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

One girl from far away Canada even made a phone call to express her concern. This scene deeply touched Liu Yufu's son, Liu Xiaodong, who never imagined that his mother's good deeds would affect so many people.

The power of this relay of love is far beyond people's imagination. More and more people are paying attention to those around them who need help and reaching out to them. Some people organize charity sales to raise tuition fees for poor students, some regularly go to nursing homes to accompany the elderly who are lonely, and some use their professional knowledge to provide free consultation services to the disadvantaged.

The power of this good deed is quietly spreading in society. People are beginning to realize that everyone can be Liu Yufu and can help others in their own way.

This relay of love not only changes the lives of the recipients, but also enriches the lives of the ministers, making the whole society warmer and more harmonious.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

Liu Xiaodong stood in the corridor of the hospital, looking at the bustling visitors in the ward, with mixed feelings in his heart. He recalled the moment when he found out that the 3 million deposit had disappeared, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but show a wry smile.

The surprise and confusion of that time have now turned into deep admiration and pride.

Although Liu Yufu's behavior was unexpected, Liu Xiaodong never blamed his mother. On the contrary, he was immensely proud of his mother's good deeds. This understanding and support has become a silent tacit understanding between mother and son.

Even after running out of deposits, Liu Yufu did not stop her good deeds. She continues to use her meager pension to help others. And Liu Xiaodong silently supported his mother behind his back, injecting funds into his mother's account from time to time.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

He knows that the money will eventually go to those who really need it.

There is a wonderful resonance between the mother and son. They both understand that true wealth is not the accumulation of money, but the satisfaction of helping others.

Liu Xiaodong often lamented that what his mother gave him was far more precious than money - it was an attitude towards life and love for others.

The inheritance of such values is more precious than any material wealth. In the stories of Liu Yufu and Liu Xiaodong, we see how the power of love is transmitted from generation to generation, and how it affects a family and even the whole society.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

Liu Yufu's story is like a bright spark that falls on the vast grassland of society. With her actions, she has ignited the fire of goodwill in the hearts of countless people, and this power is quietly spreading in society, spreading like a spark.

More and more people are paying attention to those around them who need help and reaching out to them. Some have organized free community clinics to provide free medical care to their neighbors who are in financial difficulty; Some people have launched the "One Yuan Lunch" project to provide nutritious meals to children in poor areas; Others use weekends to provide free tutoring for left-behind children.

These seemingly small actions converge into a powerful warm current that warms the whole society.

People are beginning to realize that everyone can be Liu Yufu and can help others in their own way. This change in perception is quietly changing the face of this society.

A 65-year-old lady in China has been called a mother by countless people because she has insisted on doing one thing for decades

Relationships between people have become closer, and the social atmosphere has become warmer.

Liu Yufu's story brings us hope and strength. It makes us believe that if we are willing to give, we can work miracles. Every act of kindness is a light in the darkness, illuminating others and oneself.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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