
It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

author:Collect the sights and hears
It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

What is it like to meet an ignorant and controlling parent?

In life, many parents have a particularly strong desire to control their children, and they have to intervene in all aspects of their children's study, life and work.

The elderly in the family did not know the danger of mercury and thought that it would be clean after a few sweeps.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

The old man stubbornly thinks that what he wants to eat is the child, and the child he likes must also like what he wants to eat.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

Applying chili pepper water to areas with chilblains made me suffer from nasty again, is it so difficult to go to the hospital to see it?

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

Fortunately, grandma is a sensible person and knows that this will not help the recovery of chilblains.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

This is really shocking, seeing that their daughter is doing well, the parents' hearts are unbalanced, and they try their best to destroy their daughter's family life.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

Once the frugal behavior of the elderly is wrecked, the consequences are unimaginable.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

Parents always dictate their children's lives with their own thinking, and once their children do not do what he envisions, they get angry at home.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

Children should sleep more when they are young, so that it is conducive to the growth of the body.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

When you meet such a strong parent, life really makes people feel powerless.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

There are strange things every year, and there are many of them this year, which is really an eye-opener than the other.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

Wasting more electricity in order to save a little water is really saving.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

My mother-in-law was going to feed chicken soup to her four-day-old baby, so she asked me to talk about it once. Some old people like to do it for you, and you say no, he prefers to do it.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

There is only one explanation, and that is that your mother can't see you living a good life and wants to make your child worse.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

Hahahaha, who says that parents will be good for their children?

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

In real life, there are still people who don't know the importance of portfolios, and there are people who take them home without permission.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

When the three views do not agree, you will find that it is very difficult to say anything.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

All of this is my own choice, and what is the connection with the old man's nagging.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

Hahaha, the importance of having a good wife is revealed at this moment.

It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant

Write at the end

Many people don't understand the matter of file bag, and many parents will think, isn't it just a bag? If it's demolished, it's demolished, what's the big deal.

Actually, it's not, buying a bag, making a bag, is a particularly simple thing.

But if you want to restore those red seals on the portfolio, it's almost impossible.

But parents must not be parents who are bored with their children, and they must not ruin their children's lives because of their ignorance and desire for control.

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It turns out what it's like to meet ignorant + controlling parents! The comment section is both real and poignant